Show ica Children Must Be e Coaxed to Eat at Doctor Fi Finds ds CHICAGO I Feb eb 4 AP- AP Meal AP-Meal- real real- time is an hour of coaxing and cajoling iQ the majority of oC Chicago homes ot of t l do to do persons where mothers have llave ildren h-ildren k 1 rep approaching school age It is revealed In a survey survey sur- sur vey being b by Dr Lydia J. J Roberts of oC the University of Chi Chi- cago Dr Roberts said only 89 per cent centor or of children In these homes go to their meals without or of cat nourishing foods without being cajoled cajoled ca- ca bribed or threatened In one Case Dr Roberts Roberts- told of of- ofa a grandmother grandmother grand grand- mother who had to play the piano dance and sing before the child chUd would eat In in another case a childs child's nUrse had to male make believe the mouthfuls of 01 food were here comic characters charters char char- from the funny strips all go Ing to a party In the childs child's st m- m neb ach Often Orten Dr Roberts related the child who refuses to eat merel merely w was s splaying playing to the gallery to receive re eite attention but In most eases cases Under tinder her observation she believed he cause WaS a physiological or psychological deficiency physical sub normalcy or poor child management manage manage- ment In rural homes th the situation was reversed Dr Roberts said with a majority ot of the children going to their meals with a hearty appetite |