Show 1 ea Red Wade Dons Basketball Suit At Aggie Sch oI Dick Romney Praises His Brothers Brother s Team Practice Practice tice T Tilt lt Called Off Of F LOGAN Feb The 4 Utah Agricultural rl Agri- cultural college basketball team r turn d home afternoon ii S 'S i S tair O a 2 The game Into Bobcat Ages i the l fontanil t 51 n first JIlt I. I r t e r I to toI both games ames I Coa Coach h On Ott Romneys Romney's Rom Rom- f t oey's ney's tribe the i dropped to hird Place pe while he Utes ani tr 1 Bobcats went vent in into o tie for first lace fhe Ag par par- ROMNEY EY offset the double defeat at atthe atthe the hands of the Bobcat tribe by handing the Pocatello All Stars a 46 to 22 defeat in Pocatello Wednesday Wednes- Wednes day night The score stood 13 alt at the half haU but the Aggles braced and made Work worl of It Iii in- inthe the thelast last period Coach Homney of oC the A 13 wa high in his praise pf of the Mon Men lam team He rates them as one of the strongest teams in the tho conference conference con con- ference and a likely pennant win win- ner Tue started preparing for forthe the tho next games games with the University of Utah at Salt Lake Lak February 10 O and 11 The Tho chances for the pennant were in proved this afternoon when Red Wade Vade donned his suit again and reported to the varsity squad Red Injured his heel at the tle first ot th the season and ind has been heen out of time the game since His presence on the squad quad should bolster up the Aggie five The local college five was was ached ached- to meet the Utah Apex In a an n ue game Saturday evening In the Smart gymnasium but the game was vas called off Thursday eve eve- rung ling when two or of the Apex players ers were put on t the e crippled list |