Show a Smtm bnrla only uc cdo In dalln Ibe loek of a ore 0 Ihat Ih combl nallon wontwok I momln Ihe ank omen clt gt at heir own mony Thr alrf ind i on gting al II In a hlrry Ihy wond < ankrll hnplybcallhe combilalion wOIlwok A Ick lan lain very mleh the am fx about gettlnz a the IIrbnlell b need to keep him nlve There is plenty of ood food at hind but hit 1 ljftve out of order tlie nutritl of hi R > stem wont work He cn 101 bt get at the nourishment l contained in the food He tike it I Into bll toraach ICubl U doc hint no good It Isnt made Inui rood I llnh ol 1 < Jmt n badly off m J If the food locked up where he couldnt touch IL He sets no urenzth or health out of It All these mal nutritive conditions have s perfect mul nclentlfie remedy In Ur Tierces Golden Medical Uiscoverr It putt the mi triltve combination of tlie system Into perfect working order It gives the dlstes tive and blood rnaLlac organs power to make pure red healthy blood and pour it Ilto the ccllallolbuldantlynnt rlldl oul nld crof I drv al bliou 101 nlou Indllol com Irm cur Ivcr plalnl neulllla 0 ntOInc alt builds nn Core up solid flesh active power and Sirs Rttcccn VGardnerof nrsIoit Yorle Co Va writes I was so lck wllli dyspeivila that 1 1 11 couU not ent tt > thlng for over r nionllks I 1 had 0 r oo < hluld yn 0 stomach I wis so badly off I cotil 1 tiot rat evrn a only oOCh 60 tiotimlfl XtliounhtlwaseoinKlotlle I tried almost evrrytlifuir IwcfatiH and notMtii < 1U me n p l until I took Io bottles of the Ooluen Medirnl Discovery I am I I d Ih 1Houd rOSTETlERS b AS BHHHG ClBRAT IIne 1lho Iho ol hUIolrIO 7 rJ Tho Blors li 10 eleun t 1 LVING mPLE W J1 h 1brl tA STOMACH > o hrlr rd hol l tTER e j LIL Your tHroat is weak Any unusual exposure or quick change in temperature cause roughness and uneasiness Sometimes you have a fee ing of tightness as if some foreign hody were there You can treat it with troches and washes but you dont reach the scat of the trouble Throat Weakness is a symptom symp-tom of more general disturbance disturb-ance Scotts Emulsion of Codliver Oil docs cure weak throats by healing the inflammation in-flammation and nourishing and strengthening the system For lalo I by all drugirlsts at 50 cents and Lo SCTr w n > Yo Every I I I Binding I Conceivable I Every I I I Ruling 1 Desirable Uptodate Printing i In I all Branches Handsome Lithographic Effects t DeseretNews Office Telephone 389 STABLISHED 1m II JOSEPH E TAYLOR PIONEER UNDERTAKER OJ UTAH Mnufolnrr ant dealer In a klida et MeUUlo Wood and Cloth Corarad Coffins and Caskets Fall line of Coffin ranloklnf ko > i olaU on ba Telephon and toloirtfk cidtn prompt AId Open Day and N Ight Factory and Wreroocaa No I X b 1111H blo lu Mj NOTICE XJOIICE 1 HHlirM GIVES THAT THE 1 mU 01 n c holders ol Ihe uobaw uonsohdatej alining I blKlfoday Marchjth jn for 01 hoard 01 dol d Ih 1 00101 0 b ohr boe m legally com bdor to FLmr Ilh JOHN Ib t VAN PELT frost OTICE OF ASSESSMENT Hercules Ulnlng Company a corporation 1rlnclpal plo of business Hall Lako Lily Utah U XTOTICL > ameetlnrot II IlKliTuY Ibe Hoard OIVEV ol Direciorsof THAT AT o o l mI rlo d Jaou rl n 01 oun and on halt mo cal persharewaa dn tho plal 011 u opor a on or r h 000 da 0 Mrh 1 Ch U ruore 01 h omco to b nhch 0 I oulb Lak lalu ao 1 0 l m aek 1 11 n d m daf I d f o I uhlo 1 nd ul paoo d Ieor 1 I Oh rd d r ch 110 lb dhaqool wllb I ae n ond I 1IEMO HiKI > > Berietury I lyCE ILGE l nice Albany lloiel corner Kccond fcouth nd tilb 1 tl Lt C UI STOCKH3LDERS MEETING 1OTICK 18 b 1IE1IKUY a G I THAT o odr 0 tb rlran uuwo fri 3 P I o o i I oOr 11 01 ictoi atck block aligned L Ulr Uth ror b 11 01 modlog t 0 tho IcJ o < vor o r oln Cr h 0 nd h rln d o ad h r lb cn I d d 1 II I lb 0 Iho p enltd 1 p 1 mndno M ond rorh 10 0 or 101 h 11 lot Pr b Iho r lor 0111 hol Iu or ohw retI 0 oholdr doOuo AIo l 11 la ha b1 I naO 01 b Mi b la ch derd by tho nOon h1 d loO A 10 hnoo X 0 h noual IeI ho oomay hal t hld ono n Io o l I g r t W ovda b In u olnorlortln i igned JOiEllI OALIOIIKU rl Iiilod call Like city Clab Fahruarytib 11i NOTICE or TmjSTEtS SALE JT OTICE 11 UEIlTiiY nlVBSTHAT 1 J J y r1 and anlhorlit gSled1 by Ibat cerlsin trosl ed mad the 1 1th dat 01 Jul tO = 1 U IJ JfJJ < > 1W lVlrhnshndlr J dewlfeT anir < roriJed Jnlr lf ln llook li ct mortSfes n t in lit the records tI aliLk < uuntr Uish Iho udmd or I Ot wllae 10 h h bldd lo hal w 1 doo b Jol ou 1 ualoro t V I t filial a being H J1i lha 1 ih d y t Jannsry JJ A dy 1 r 1 heron daUedrets secured Yy sstd trnsl dved and cowpensslioa Ih noo irnitoi for his services Rd sale wlllba tnada nllha reqnesi ot Ihe b der ot ssid indautedneiis and liacausa of hm I W at maturity bald real eitala a partUtilaily I Ail r ot lots f oneWYi tli fi seven 1 and slh 0 block Vtlj ll M risll s li Lako City aurtey aaid II l u conlsJntn j < square rods each WILLIA f JAOO1Si irnstea Dated DsramterQ 1337 f Mtl > utllcslon bccomltre int inUSTEESSAU OTICE IETKIl W VOnilIKV AJI WlIfUEAS JE W otthen his wile did I 1T Iol rln dd 01 n datd 1 n a M oluu nd 00 0 1 AU I JIln bOO A 1 9n1 Uor 1 h rd 1 b on olh oC 01 Lun al couoll Ird no or VIoh on to et 0 Ih 10101 WIIm I lalU I dCrho1 t 1 loal In ad II lIoIeasthklf WI th norwes quarer o h u or 10 zlYlownshlpon oVioulhSl rsge onel J onb L 1dln Mnnlon woy 20J oJ v m J f dr 1Uoud hh Id on nan od n I or 10 h a r tho l urd Ivo mny Ihe aymenl ot Ibo Bald 1 eler VV and Leuoia U pomoy 00 or I oIn orlln vn d wllh dd or u I pnnclnalsam rl 0 bundre I dollere itflJO dne and payable eplrmber 1st low with tn tcrcst thereon from the date therecf until uI 0 pr oonrn o ltorlr lb I bl thereon alter maturity at tha rnto ot tirelve percent par annumpayable I ecmUannually t ULereis It Is 0 trotlded In I said deed ol d nI or Ir lb 1 or 1 tho 00 r 1 1 1 1 J i od 01 legal bolder of tbesald note sell anddlfpoeeof Ihe said preuiliai and ailll o rtgbitlile beno H f iI j Wandienorn O orthof heir hairs and Ibr po ln Ih Iar In I ad ro Ih 0 noc liaiil notlci artcui I m iotfdedlor n 1 d 1 t 1 t nb I hb d r er rolr and Wh ha bn 0 IhI f t o tan t-an mum 0 s1 hlh ma ollnu molotog II hcn adore b Ih I nld 0 J proo1 t and Id Iadp no nd nrnc 11 pm d oa 011 o 1 o r r tho request ol Ibo least hnlder fr said prln ihoj lb day otVebruaryllsj t at fba hour of teuorloik In Ibo forenoon ot said day sell ib above described B j property and all tbo ot ssid Peter w and Lonora U Vorihen their heirs and assigns therein I publio auction i for r 00 1 hlgro 1 t and best prlro Ihe Lako county Utah for Ihe purposes of rally I 1irr rmum Ibl a 1 ooa ed ontog WILLIAM H MALIC Trot First publication January ITlb 1894 Last publication I cbraary itb 1898 eUt RUaUS WIIHHEAS JOHN his IIOROAN wifa by ASD their MA1U car tsln deed ot trnsl bearing dale the flrsl day ot febnury > u 111 aad recorded in the Bo d 0 RI Lu cnny t bh of ° ebrr si ° r o t lt ° In 1 L l ok ° U ot MortT Ing on paia OB Jot astd rscord book and W blob record and said deed of Irnal as therein recorded 1 re-corded I hereby referred to aad lamadao part bereof did convey to the undersigned as f g h or I 0 me1 00 111 Ind among wmobla Jicerlaiii bondor promissorr 01 tho 1 d o rbnlr 1 1B9I and nayabla flra yaara after Ibo dato thereof to wif on tho mil day of rabruary A 11 ISO for lha sum of 00 d Ib olUh llh n 01 C pe cot por num h do paiopsiaoi smi annually asiair any part Ht gi I f f mstuntr to bear Inlerest thereafter at tho rato ol Jwalte per cent per aannm rayabl semi aannally both prlaoipal and laterssl payable at The American National Hank ralliakl quivslent that default I has been madolntha payment ol ssl I bond or promissory not with fhOI o h eud a Ih d h al maal wr ad h r I 0 lb 0 i as trusts as atoressll to proceed to adrar g fl r g thereunto beloaglaf as prattled for In said dued ot trnslfortna purpose of paying 1 asm b or y no o l c 01 111 lr 0 lowbro1b a J II ne on ° b V olb 0 ul nte by I da r aa I albly 0 h hr lh an owVir rid C aoO Iha rq llh legal a holder f sstd hond ar promiorr nnla WIIL on Thursday lha glr day of Kebrusrr A 1 > 1818 at lha weal front dor of tbe Joint City Co boud ad huldg bg l ad d cooy r ffleftlTOyS fr al doora Ihroll ta > th Illy ot Halt Lak In j th said County of Halt Like in Ik Hal late emtorr of Utah o Io IB clock fr ul a I of 1101 said then and there proee d to sail and oonty to the highest and best bidder for csah In hand Ib said prfn aee In said dead of imeldeseribeilto wilt I of the lollow Ing described land I and premises altnsta In tha o tl U Uaa Tth tr 1r COiunltol aitjLikai iol 1 0 > foVfonr tL biock slity M piaiH Pait J ° Ih ud wI soldln feV ogeIce withVll aPnda galar lb lanemenls heredltsnients rivl eges anu ap I i tb O any and al water righle owned by said Mor sd II el or Ihm r I Ip J Ior rJ JI 1 r olho rtbdrml co ory 11 hol 0 m In rtd sinethat llniej whiehsalawlll 1 tie made tnr ine purpose of psrlng and aallsfriog Isld o T Le thoreon an j jJJf0 jjicu Trustee listed tbisuh day of January A u llpj SHERIFF SALE In tho District Court ot Salt Lako Con Elsie of Uah Henry II llarrlei rlvlnlllt Thomas 0 fatten and Mary Ann Pal U b rp I laoo 10 LOer 8Unn rdetehd 01 1 E fOLl AT IIKnIKt8 KALE OV TO Thursday ibo 3rd rR of ataren HJV at II oclock noon ol sld dst al tha I = tnt 01 la CunI o 0 0 to 1 inBUI afo tisaliLako tjoustyliitateof 1 Utah cuirenclai at > point auir in teat eaeliooi Iba aoulbwesl corner ll lol tbrea ° ° ° I a bi i ake Clly o running thence o J CoO dhitrrJSJ1 fhJScooorih and t hb r C 1 aM i Ic ho ob n and 0 hr do I lro 0 Ino o rlh 01 rpnUa 0 h dl rl fH h o t trr ruo h aoulb 1 r h 10 oth Co i > en 7o luill lHl leel thonco wm thlrlfnine and on halt n teet thcnco 1lro M I haoO out oot lTO and Ihreofonrtba fitX loot thonrn north 00 pI 01 ohU n 1M I feel west from tho place ol beginning hen 01 In 1 0 0 I 01 Innl nba Ito 1 1101 onoyef tbo United t ° THOMAS I LEWIS Kheriu ot fnlt Lake Jouny etsle of Utah Mr Joiin MoMooucnr Ja uanuiy eherm rn pm J t g ISIAC M AbofiLt Attorney lor wo flaia tiO STRAY POU P NOTICE BAY MAHtr AllOUr I J I QNB ICUr1 Jb Ia 00 I lohd ou by hr bi ol n 0ul rodu 111 rd I I I 0 I Ih n 1 how b e bt ven 0101 hd Cn 0 1 11 wln mnnth b Ooro o m bu Ie bd look 1 0 11 g OnltScI tl hose about 10 years oldll lell unloa hon on leu tbigli looka hiad tool whlto brod le lll u 1 bay mare ako t 1 jears Idl vttle down face no brands tlslb e One Iron frar mere about yesrsoJ hind l Irmh f I l feel vthue brsnd an Icftthxh loots use h al a I and lak en a wet on prbeiorofebruarr claimed r 11 lvi ihay will t e l at uuy Kslray 1 ound p1 JonNOMA dkcle rUTICt UFTRUSIEES SALt No I r I d I W d to e3 I I Ita odmd hr T I hA1 and l y I alh U o t rf u I I I bo 10t 1 nl aliI I oner for sal r and sell to the highest bMder for f n h nl r 10 Iha Jo cOb a alh P 1 CI Uahh1 o Coonlr l UU Cool 00 Vor dO al U al I oelC noo 0 19 rcl da h rn a hnmr dmr d eod t n d ho tm1 0 ad 1 b ounc 0 ue 10 nron 0 I y hold d Ibldo nd r r 1 Ih ea ad ex o d I 0 aoUo 11 d n hol 1 wi to 1 010 ha 0 1001 uuod In In pmnl 01 mt nrU o ldU ul rulOolu dclbd folow 0 I h r r r Ion I-on ebalu d 0 loulb 21 eot OI hom ertw 00 ot I I 2 In or I n li II II Y d uno h al ho tr 110 eooy rd n rln d p I hr nul scveneen one hundrtuths ailxhnlns nrth dg 01 n hor lan 2 f rhoo h nlb S br nd on 0 hnodh 1 ha oalb d nd h1 hno f I < hm 0 h 1 01 Co U ng 0 0 e WU UM J Jcon lt I I i r d pIuNQUfNT NOTIfJ Crown 1olrt Minim Oorocanr rnnelcal Or i IOI lliAUaslll l tityolllsllLaka niaio ot Ulah Location ot worki l In Ulntsh Mln Llo 1 irk MUy mml uOr ilato of Utah JTOTlCETllErE d AKC J Eon r E-on 01 n 1lnld on ho m day1 Ooto 118h nu monl po h am 01 lb rpcUn h hor It rmloo Iwl conId Jaon 211U 0 10 Nm CnL fh Aml 1b 00 TIloyl 200 J II I 01 J 0 I VhI IIn 15 It J Vhmhoo J 1 I 0 I J LhmbI U 1 0 11 1 0 11 0 Job 110 UO 0 N A t Lo 2 rH l 0 110 I JOIhI Jopb I I 1 O Joh 1 1 lrJ 0 Jvh I mh U 10 100 JOh 11In < Joh 11h 11 001 Joph lI 0 Joseph II Iallh o Jpl I J 06 IIO Jpb IIarb 10 11 0 01 IOO 0 0 Jopllanb II 10 I 3n 0 II 0 100 0 Jopb 110 10 101 0 > JOIb 11h 11 0 Joh Ilah 1 < 10 s 0 Jo 10 0 Job I Iamh 0 I 01 0 Joseph H Parish 1 10 m o Jopb I 11h u 1 0 O Joah I Imh 1 Mo I OJ 1 0 O Joh I Iar 1 10 0 alh 0 1 10 Jovl IN 10 Joph IImh 00 e O I rIh 110 3 00 Joeh I Hroh I 10 I Iarlb 1 10 J O Jop I rh 1 10 0 c Joh 1 1 0 11I1 0 01 Jph 100 I 11rh 00 0 rro 10 00 SUn Trustee 0 0 e 0 I hyan Tn 0 i 0 M 1 10 110 Troe 100 J i IO 0 3hrloo 1 121 1 J Klnckman So a0011 tu u 100 cood wlb I a n ord or the Hoard of Directors made on the I Suth da > U I r o BSUO 1 ll Atlas block la tha City ot o tHII loom itato of Utah i i o o jf h mo r dloqoea a 1 S secretary Crowa Point Mining Company Itoom ilsAUaa Ulock Bal Lake CitJ n iedhihls list dsy of December U9 Ttio b ot delinquent slock 0 above ad nlnd I ojona 1 Wedod Fbu b ata ocockp 1 at nom ll Atlss bloo f 11 1 Lako tlty 1 orr1 Ih lord 01 1 C tL rI Cw Iomt 3lnlg Co L Y Uh loo2 Dd J 2 PT RYAN lol nl ASSESSMENT rOI I Tho Bullion nok Tunnel 1 Co Location of PrMlp1 pac or b e L L eon nIOI wrk 1n tloMlnlngll ric Jnah Uo Utah 10 110tog XTOTIOK Ik llPIIKlir GIVXK TIIAT AT DT rnr NO a meeting of tha Hoard of Illroctora AJ lha llulllon Heck tunnel Lo held on lha Srd ay of Joor I A 10 lor 00 b r O c A lf I > ° p ° varabl ljnnaPry1min l 9S to Iho reorefary at tho omen ot tba Comnsny i An II West tuu eon hatred saltUkeuilTUtah rO mains unpaid on Wednesday the loin day ot leirusryHJU will I ho dellniueni I and f bo r m t r ° on f n ndsyirtno llhdsyolsla rjh Kit to pay said aiseisment togelnorwllb costs of delinquent I lh I or or II on ly 10ld K T 1ATIR l Secretary SAII LAIE CIT Utah July Ui i NOTICE Special itockbolditV mevtlnrof tbe corpora Eptt c 01 h Oh n JO lon olL Ih Cb 01 Leday ol rOdla ioartaiblb eo e lmUcal ward ol I tie salt Like tUke ot Zion T OTICE t < jiKitkiiy GITCV THAT A N P al J k h 01 h Ohub 01 rrlo ot I L 1 Ialg In ho Foorlolh ar 0 b 11 L of Zt br rld 0 b hld I tho t mIr hn uVhtCroePtbVtwoentcttfenple 1 and firI cntTtu In falUake Uly ltab > n < ncitlaTi Ihe third day et Fet ru rj IBJ at th a alIo 1 fecretirr ot oiild corporation to etl all the WI r dt f 1 i Jolloflntdeucril ed propertr fb to wltt 01 d Jol hno ul i feat rror 00h uo uod 00 Ov C wo n b Oib D ht xO 1 hn 0 h 01 bot h 1 Ibro hdd qur f1 r Tand 10 h Hh Ward llellel cly oul nd dlvn 01f 00 ald nh Ward 111 Cor tho l fncln C lch oh not may properly rnrne before the ssid meeting l > y orderttf T hr firtJJiimnwUnt 1 Dated this 18th dayot January ISM STOCKHOlLitnt NOTICE I A MEFT1JO OF THE BIOCKHOI4 I13 A EFTIG M VFrr BTOCKIOIlll sa l 1 l i held In 1 the office ot Ur LeOrand oneg4Blt 0 o bauy 2t 1 loec LkOlr oleetlnir dlrecitre am lor Ihe purposo or ot ad omc or ad eorpy hOIUL 01 oh rm ad ro b tooI business properly presented Hy order of ih eloard ot Directors JOIIN n WLXUEU iiistdont January Hud lain SUMMONS I tb DIlrlel r th Tblrd 3dlelal < U1b CU 11 1lk PI LDOary A Wrl 1 rtlr L Ulb d I uui lo ny X jW I r nh blrd t 1 h U 00 0 w orpal a 10 hae w Iu d ot Iho dnr mvlO 11 Ih ato rn1 oluul unod b r d 011 01 I oay 11 onr i l Jyo I I Inl y ocaau to pr 1 d 1h d I rI dd m IS 1 < ot I un ho 1 onl nI ud I ro heot It mo allra d AId u lr 011 1 Oob VUh bl 0 I n1 UI I pe 0 onu htaoaud by a wh ptrl d J rJ hWlo alb a-lb 111 10 u hI a 1m I dad lb I hO t hau h n1 attory a riJH7KirtbioTpa n iffe and tu lila I Iad prf wne mijaijginif j that proceera of aaid aU bn appHetJ m py ° pIfl I vrfioi caL CuV iinil ha biwVisitT111 1 r I I o I a T lrJ r r W Il d I olr rhr 14 r bio < nI Iw 10 11 r 010 ki 8 bio plat A 8iUil IvrcblrtnrTftn e wr n hd m I lactofrbfJfBmi titaaula I Bl UkSul and < onnty Utah To liar a reroivfr ap totaled by thin roart lo take charge of laid odl Ih h1 1 rU I Ituy n lc al rla 1 r yn IU I ana n h 10 plol 1 PI rqo < red tho MldVUinilfl i 0 k e c ln forre dodd hcu p nilneia til bonorahM Jndee and Ibe seal etlhs lllilrlel lljurl nf ibeTnirl I e I d rOt Jalr uLI t 01 th hl rd da 01 b In h y ou Id oaR d Ib badd o oy DAMD 0 HUNniB Ctetk 1 M M Llco ooly rI lu LiKiicx Attorner for 1lainiH SUMMONS In tho Diitnrt Court of the Third Judicial Dliirirt of the 10 ot Lab Count of Halt Laka Mat Ion it Bank ot tha KrpuhHc a Corporation Corpora-tion IlaiBiitf Jcitle 11 MUcbell and Ale a tutor Mitchell Uctendanta The State or Utah C aia Greetlnrto Joule M Mitchell and Alexander Mitchell Defend VrOU ABE UKRFnV RTQtTlRFD TO Al1 YOU tn a rloa boorbl alo yOl Iba a plnld h UIOel 1 nm8 Loan ot tha itilrtl Jadlnlal Dutrict of ilia Uor Uh n aOI h cmpla Dod IIr wlhn tl d ooulv 01 h d 01 aletb 110 on yo lh nd lhl Ihl oy r nod uul hl < Ololy bo n lh I wIh WOO du Ihn lony y ue1 I h ao you 10 lb or 0101 IUY 01 ro I to 1 uo I brohl t hv lodOI au ud dodu < rr b 0 ot od lor Ihr 1 ho 0 I < r CO I > or annum from t eb IS Itffl 11 for S 62 si taxea or tb a 11 10 10 alor 0 a4 Ir 0 or oh I t b due 1 a nd h d d ftndanU toplamtitT iarch I3ih 18H5 la Mid am of I lvtL arlDC tntoreit at 8 percent o annnm 1 g b dd r to to property herein after deaeribed cold col-d by attlil iiefenduitii to pliinUffj that ald flrab Jtecclvei lie at once appointed to take po aesiion h of lal 1 t > rornny and lo collect the rol 01 ob ahip and tba balo bo l applied toward the jtif Judgment that may be reoderetj herein 1 n ll o t j I aplhod h al 01 h amnn Con IOntlaeoHnd ep or 11 10 them be barred and 1 forecloieU of Ir right lm o 1 n prm rqny laoa that I lain tilt tiave a deflcloncrjadamont I d lWT d g dor 1t I tftlt ISke UlT hfll Lake of Utah towlf LotaO I dIf If u Olock U 1arklni i Addition to fail lake City Utah 1 In baIIo or 11 0 hi 1110010 JfltoAcra rial A lilt flald Bur lid yon are hereby notllled that It you fall above required tba said plalntltt will apply I to tb Co la bo rl amad4 110 tb booubl jd d lb 1 IIa of tba lilRtrlot Uonrtof tbe Third Judicial lilstrlrt in and for tho nil Male ot Utah Ihla inn day of Do camber In tha yenr of our Lord Iuud Bh baa n 00 nOal livviua nONllAIt Clerk ny MM LIOOAH Deputy Clan IIOOTU LFK ah Onar Lawyers Hooms IWk Mi Auerbseb Mnin8 ball Laka CilyUtah AUoinejilorrislatlll NOTICE OF SAlE UNDER TRUST DEED TOTICE IS HLHICUT GIVltX HT THE J I Tlrl J > undanlKUfd Jamea T tlliloe arnaiee named In a Letlain Deed ot Tnut wherein LetW mrharcU and 1 UUteene JllcbirJc hU wife ot tbe City and Coot ot fait 1 Lat and btato of tab are flrit parlle Jamea T Little of Salt Lake Uitv Uiah U ae onit party and II t W 1 aiea of Omaha Nebraka la I tkird patty or benficlaiy dated the 13th day of July Id and duly recorded on t et4tU day ot lMf1n tba oUceor the County i rder ot Mil Lake Coanly Territory r MOW tr ot 10 1 book llot UortBatree at paxe 301 reference t > which u hernbr laadu Jamea T LltUeTrufctae laid feecond party all the real eitate hereinafter deaeribed m tru t to ecuro tbe payment of certain promlnitory Thontand Dollara payablu to the order of It W Vatct four yeara from date Mitb mtercnt oa olb nI olb po 011 or annum from date until paid payable quarterly r r d dentered by Ilt flrat partloa for telue ro ceivedU aatd IL W Yatea aatd thtrd party y d d I poTdd ha d 111 o bonld la d I 1 p 01 Ih ul nlr alhol or oo ob mlh e o bon b l H T ° a f lMXM irnitee ° Baii second party Bilthl prnosert to Nt said da scribed property st purllorendua to tbe hinb est biddor tor ossh after elvinc dne notice Ihereol as in said deed required and wberoaa no part of tbe principal sum duo on said noiva has Leen psld and oaly a portion of tbo nureatTiat flMUhasbeonpald andwtiere aa asld prloelpal sum and the remainder of h toa I do d pa I nd 00 oopd 00 Inlg1 owo 01 rmo a40 h ond m of 10 0 py inentof eald prlaclpat aum and interest and have requested ne t sell asld Iteal Kstate la 1 rdaoo wllh b 01 Od dd ol trust to par sid principal sun and tba 10 and ho ootr Ib unouo cpOao Ib 10 O a tha loth Novr Therefore on rhuradsy day ot Ksbrusrr A D 18M at tha hour of is oclock noon of tatd day at tba sonih tront door of noo Coo 0 Court noose City and County llulidmi In fait L ko uuy Utah for tha pnrposea aforesaid and at public venaur 1 shall sell to tbe blithest bidder mHY of tbo right title and loIn IhataaldLeri VV kli hards and UI ureana Ilirhards hie Ir b b 0 of h 0100 or nld deed ol trust or bsie since acquired ol In I and Iu to that certain tract orrealobtato aitaated in ilia Ulty aad < I onnty nt salt Lake and tate of and du 1 Oh ndel 0 lolw lonlt A por1lonot l 1 nnellok nullsix I Illt A halt LiLecllr ur TeycommrneincatapolntMll 11 feelNnrlh hm Ih 10 0 r ho Nr h ° I t 110 H hun Irod lof r flto li lat inonee Houlhonahnnnredllou feetthence Kaslone hundred Coy five 1 nl feet to the place ot bo Kinninf toictberwltn the right ot way to said prorcrty I thronihihfl alley leadlnRfrom tlrst touth htreel to the rear of asld parrel of land on thereat Ur aid Lolona II l eirrpt intr tbe foiloirnpr psrcai which bss bn Iom 1una d de 01 I < Uomot < on hodrod 0 thirty Uo fert west and btxlyiuonnd till 1IlWr tlsorlli from tbe Bouiliean corner ot 11 10 co ronoa Ihn Nh if I WesVtwenty l a 131 felSThenraf w IWov 0 to 1 I 1 lb 00 h J r 10 Eu tTenty Ova U > 10 hOI ot h glaBinc IlnnIYo JVUtS 1 LlriLE Trusec 1110 of Ort publication January Uih ISM PrOfiATE AroD 19 QUAflDUSH S p Consult County Oek or tlineir iiTti ers for further Information UOAL NOTICE la t Ih10 J I a In Ih of U Ile J OI 11 flh rn l rrltT u r h or > 1 mhb o b 10 hUtg b 1 r o l I 1 Coo a e Lak VI 1 La v ak or CO1 wlh I tU J W b I I rrc D vIt n A LEGAL NOTICE In the District Court I rohste niriii TI Judicial J U strict In l and tr r salt Lasi bl County Mate ol Utah In tho matter ot the t slsta ot Uobtrl Osnila NOrll r J 1 Jl dmlolI 01 lb 1 r la cOd h rd f Ht ot dr l frJ i to h W o d I I It r J 1 b 1 M i f IImeo or 0 ICn an or hlo atblont n I p n 01 u my pp nd hw c I ay t hv o ou old nnl 11d nl Plo nd Olal dlbolo u J lb 18 I 1y GEO F 11 1 > p DUIAn Cm A 10 doUI AK IICF 00 10m rslon NOTICE EDIORS rtt or EmmIn ChruU L v NO J Tat n I d I at or olln 0 L rod to tb ordlO 01 f rl i I n t i or hl nolc 0 Ih Ia dmlIIr I oell In tn CU 00 VI LA bgr t 1801 ICUnD I UASJIIN nnATSO i hrlr rOTlCE TO CREDITORS Estate of Samuel II Parker Deceiied JOOTIOE 15 IIE1IEI1T O1V KV DV Tilt UI 01 01 r d I bb hm h lb n t l t > I co o lo the i o II i Ihr doen a b 0 01 aU L Uah Vd V r 1 iwv IAPKFH WtLAIIAnKFn W IAMif iAjiKEit Admlnhlnto keriu 0 01 1 10 or In 10 U WADOII Attorney for rsl fmTC 10 CHDITOPS Ealato of James Uric deceased T JOT1CE IS IIEllKllY I O1VEV Tlb IBt oo rI > tato lie < d Lakocuy in thVcountyor BauLakeuib1 IULK1 KslIULK1 Admlnlitratrli of Iho Ksl NOTICE otice of F lo of H4I1 sbares of tbe flpb Le aCu Miuins suminj Gonuur vroncK n niiimiv GIVEV DY wi J > under lutica 1 V Trouc ihst on ta ilstdar of linonibpr 1 9 > J II niton HI culcd ana debt eritd bin lironiksory note duel iu < o8rlheL ° l0 ° IclJ J ° > ° ° onITon lt > lstJd y a I ark Gold Miter 4 liad Ulnlnr 1 Uillnt tbo blfbest bidder for rain and BiplT Ibl proekeds ibereof to tbe psyment of mtl nes part thereof has been paid I tbe underlined Eait Tstnplo snd Second Comb slreeu tn > ll 1 ake City Utsh at 11 oclock n cl tkil day Fell at publio aactlon to Ibe bffftiest lildi United der for eaih lawful nontr of Ihe etatea sstd shares of atoek or so much lereol Dat > 4 Januarr Mtb IfOT ASSESEMENT OTICr Goto roivr lliMNdlvD Mattso co IS IlKHhlll GIV BV 1111 NOTICE boaril ol Olt0 a rs nlsr rueellng of lb ti rs of the sbovt corporatlou held at Iba fcffl J otlbn secretsry llootn sM CUT ao < l Lou tf Imildlm un Iiecemner list l r an ain i ebal JH mills irs will b < iTellnqnent snd will L sdferllieil asle at run auction and i ld onMsyil l i all oclock p r al JJfYi ° I ° > S M ind J ner wub ihcol n pauses o s JJBN r rAIMmi Seen r Salt Laka Cltr Dtab January Hlb u rvOTICE TO STOOKHOIDEB5 ANNUALstBKTINO W mllE wt Cl y Utah on Tuesday evoninir rebrunry aild mcfll IR9 at 7 iso p n Tho object or eVsi eCHddo inVacsuh elu fiall Lako City January M 13 SHERIFFS EAIC of Salt tale In tko District Court County elate of Utah |