Show NEARING TIII ORE IIODV The 1Iern101 reside nUhllo Oror CnndllluNow In 1 Jorhry Mr W II IrvIne ot the Dank or Commcrce came III from Mercur last eenlll after having visited the Her culee on Lion 1111I and Satisfied himself OR to the actual slot ot olClllrs at that propqrtyl The gentleman reports the 1ttum of the Incline ond face ot the tunnel In porphyry and gives It IlS his pin 1011 that tic n very fltv days the Iira III lie Into the ore body Tile Hercules nllolnR the Chloride Iolnt In It in disVeloprnont tho olncr ton it alltIlCr of 21ilf 47 4h Ihla polnl t icy commend olklllg 011 an Incline And rinwtheir near Ill I rroach 10 the ore hoolls expabed In Ih Chloride Point In I chronicled Mr IIRIII Park the contractor Is I much enthused en-thused over HIP prc enl outlook and predicts Dial within ten dam the Hcr rules will be the scene of an Important strlk I Tim llrallcj Initial Shipment Joe McNealv arrived In tho city last nlghl with l 2rtn1Inidnf ore from the 11 rattle No2 mine I on Centennial Hill This la I the first toad of ore from this mine and It will be stored here until more at the ore Is I hauled In to make n carload and then It will be shipped to the Grant Smelter at Denver It U the Intelillon of Ihe owners of this itrilpIlorshol 1 steadily If circumstances circum-stances will permit This has been their plan for tome lime and as the min Continues 10 Improve they ore grtolly 1 encouraged with the outlook The hn III their tunnel IR now down CO feet giving them a deplh from Ihe surface of M feet deitAbblilorripritho they have Just made n drift of a few feel and the sulphide streak which wa about 6 Inches In the shaft has widened I to 2 feel and Is running Into a beau ful quartz formation This drift wa made ot n convenient eloping point os they have had good ore all the way downLara1 ang Dips And Spur Oliver tc 4 lead 345 I Hon P T Farnsworth hai gone tn Nevada While away he will witness n start of the Nevada companys new mill at lone nnndolph lloundttp Articles of Incorporation In-corporation ot Ihe Uandolph lllnlng Milling and Smelling company were filed with the secretary of male for Wyoming on Monday The company Is Incorporated with a capital stock of 100000 with headquarters at Evanston Evans-ton Wyoming All the Interested parties par-ties are residents of Randolph Tho North Mounllln Mining And Milling company has elected tile following follow-ing officers and directors for the ensuIng ensu-Ing year John llelmrlch president M A Woods vice president W 8 Brown secretary J II Hedges treasurer B 11 Hlgglni nnd John Dern This company will make extensive exten-sive Improvements at Its property on Cherry Creek Nev In the spring Nephl Republic Nearly nil the ground out In the west hills Is I being tramped by prospectors and a large number 01 new locations Me been mode tills week The west hills wll 1 11 show n great deal l of activity this year and present Indications from specimen of rock taken from claims sunk down on the western ridge show the presence of a large body of mineral In that Mcln Ity The parties who have located Ihere have signified their willingness to further develop their several properties prop-erties which they now hold |