Show tump POOH r ANn nnivic = = = = = V y o 0 Beware of cheap biking bik-ing powders Alum makes good medicine but bad food Ask your doctor cu amuPDfRQS if I ap t I I I L 0241 NJOYS Both tho method and results wIlen Syrup oC Pigs is taken it is pleasant and refreshing to tho taMe nnJ acts gently yet emptily on the I Kidnt s i i IYcf Liver and Bowels cleanses on UTS tem cITccttiilly dispels cold head aelics and fevers and curt habitual constipation Syrup of Pigs is tho only leinedy of its kind i ever rcJI ZII jiro ilnced pleasing to the taste and acceptable ac-ceptable to tho stomach prompt in its action and truly beneficial f in its effects prepared only from the most 1 hcalthyand agreeable substances i its many excellent l qualities commend it to all and liivo made i it tile most popular remedy known Syrup of Figs is for Falo in 50 cent bottles by all leading druggists drug-gists Any reliable druggist who may not 1mo it on hand Mill procure pro-cure it promptly for anyone vlio ifchea to try iL Do not accept any Substitute CALIFORNIA FIB SYRUP CO SAN FRANCISCO CAL nUlSVILLC Kr fIV YORK NY r ll I T 11 J I h o lfl 04Z 1 1 717 2 I 9 I I C I I I C 1 Aill I I I i 1 11 First Arrivals for spring are the nw I10ls and Caps for Men and Boss and a nobby lot they are every one n gm of the hatters hat-ters art The mcns hats come In all the popular shapes from 100 up to J5000ur new 240 Fedora we think the best value wee ever had at this popular price They come In blacks Vicunas and pearls Ihe latter with light or black ban 1 We ve added a new lot of 1300 Fedoras which wit 1 think qualsmo1 of the 1500 hltt shown elsewhere Thy come III all the new shadesBOYSOAPS BOYS CAPS Jaunty little bits of popular headgear are these caps for the little fellows Ttons and aborts Ec to 7c Majors ia to 75c TomO shan too loc to 100 Leather Tnm Ofhsntrs We 7c 100 ana 160 Leather yachting caps COc lot MENS CAPS The ever popular Golt and Major styles at COr and T5c The newest thing out Is I the llucslan yachting cap with patent leather visor Me and 7tc come ona 860 1110 soling KNOX ONE IUOE I J P GARDNER 136138 Main Street A COMPLETE SET OF Millennial f Stars a a FOR SALE Apply to Donrithlowl D N Nldladl 0 Q U st Deseret National Bank DEPOSITORY SALT LAKC CITY UTAH L F I IluTs President capital 11500000 Mo4LR Tnncnt1l NiceProst Surplus 20000 1 1 DIRECTORS I I P11111Tr 71 John tmo It T flrars Ulllo Joint D l i t 1 LowTdm wll Mrlntrn I > Vmw Ritet Uathl reeks KIt JI We I Ion John 1 Cutler II a otia Cashier I SAI r nrrosiT BOXES FOR UPNT THE State Bank of Utah SALT LAKE CITY UTAH HEDER J GRANT President WM D PRESTON Vice President HEBER M WELLS Cashier CHAS S BURTON Ass Cashier DIRECTORSi Unn J OnT lInn M Wrtm Josymi I 1T1I c vc C A A a I 111 I IT11l 11 1 1 1afthsOuTu vlai II rnTU I AAA 0 lInTU A W Cntsox CoTTimorcIal BarKlrig In ali Its Branches ACCOUNTS SOLICITED SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO COUNTRY TRADE B He Schettler Who does a General Banking Business At No 22 Main Street 0 Opposite Coop And > per cent Interest on depots IlsdIo your accounts HIS II fou o COS BMI B i Salt Lake City Utah Established 1852 Days and sells exchange makes telegraphic transfers oo principal cities of the United States and Erope nd A points on the Pacific Coast I allies betters l of credit available In tbs principal cities ol the world Special attention given to the selling el ores sad bullion Advances made on consignments at lowest ratm Particular attention gin te collections throoghou Utah Nevada and adjoining terri = toricaT Accounts solicited J E 1 DOOLY Cashier Walker Bros I I I J t Bankers a Established I Succam to the 1Q50 I 1 Union National Bank A Gonoral Banking Bushioss Transacted I Commercial National Bank Capital Paid In 200000 IHTEKEST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS I I DIRECTORS Dr Taeo Meyer lobo J Daly 0 J Sails bury MorUn C Fox Ttoi M nhil W P ManhanW Noble Geore M Downey John WDomtl Ian l Newell Bcnun Established 1B41 I 160 Offices I = IM 011081 I oM 191091 1 R G Dun < < Coo Co-o Mercantile Agency CCOItaE OSMOND General Manager Utah Idaho and Wyoming Offices In I rojress Bundles Salt Luke CltyVtab T R Jones oz P Co BANKERS 150 Malr Street DrOB I I Hewett ODp f Re INlinU DMISL In the histOfIcatrill V MLW Al Ingal tit to fat d I feet feetoirer00torldistim11 doing swid work t F Tilburan 4 extranito ll without Palo IIf 1 IL THEABEST 6UNPOWDER1 fAt him now hoot who noyor hot before And him who always shot Slow ahoottho MOM AZARD S Kentucky Rifle AZARD Trap Shooting AZARDS Duck Shooting AZARDS Mining and Blasting AZARD brands the most Polls ble In the Market v Manufacturod by THE HAZARD POWDER CO Iliunoviu COM yroioutod la Utah by ialt Laka Hardware Co 4 11 1 A4 gnu m 911D MIN RRIffly l1ally Tim Toblo In rert So tD1 > Ioa 0 Ar Farm Iv 1 rP Arrive Iii 11I Oil lo marten SI I iii tit 4T I it tit A am AOom III I 6 CII It 41 0 III 10 111 rt 21110 a 10 9 01 1 10 3 pm f lO I m 4 40p 10 oil I O 4011 1 1 411p In rln l Ath 1 I it holiday IrIl leo I An L likli 11 A III aud 1 Pa Loa ve L7 I and II rn I Wao Ipl R ecl onroy on 10 rooa Wh for thl new anti alarlllllg features YbltOM On II 1 W ILT V aon Ant OIOY lILnUtlt it = r VNUMUWP E II I P i WTPIMPMEFM 10 ME ll1 111 Railway I Railroad nnd Sloanuhlii Ticket sold to all iwluti I TIME 0 Mill IN Fl 11 J CT 1FII t 1S Trains arrive and depart at Fait I Lake City as follows DEPART lor Chlngo Omaha Hinror Kiln na I itr bt Ixiuls I OkUou and ror2 fr ty 100 am Per San Ivinietwo orhu 1 tucho iVy nIIIIOOI t it sill Ito I tits 8 00 a in ro cat Iin4a J ell y < > I ul I to suixiu I Chicago I Slid urmeill i lato points fi 25 Jim lor mini Hutu llcUualurtlnnd I i eat lSinl ruiLlm SU pro For inur llnllc Pmvo I phl Yi ntlnndliitirmrillatolnliitH T CO a m 1for roro Nrylil Miller rlno all 11ormellt IAnt 6 00 pm lilted rn f > r liirtkia I Ikacb Tow bland ormbill 4 743slu 1 F 1010 ClilenvlI 0milind St Lolli Namial city Dearer Park city Unit 3 10 Ofdo poll Irom Ili min litilte Part I f A i oinlwl at n Ia to r Uid rroI I at plot 005 am rro I rcC I a N Olfdolllllllllnlomdlutlolnts 7 I p m Irom Lithium Omhll 01 111UN liftallasIt IIU nd oIco 3 30 a 11I i J 11eum 11 I I I nllnttrmedlu 1lnu r ell ala firm Merell 11 1 rovo riephl Frhlaml ud 1I110nqllIooln e 20 pm Fr and Car rJ jullTerrahmTwelis 4 00 I in tTralms bouth of Josh jil ly except Sunday Daily except Sunday CITY TICKET OffICE UNDER MASONIC HAlL Cor and 1 South lId Wet Temple 1 1 1111111113 1 IgJ Cca Ilass and Tiellet Allen S w FCvLrs On III TmilloNamairer W 11 BAN CHllrT anti Gen Maor 0 GREAT a 4 4S ALT LAKE ROUTE STANDARD GAUGE IMf TAm IffIVIVE HEIRIJARY 5TH 189g Leave Salt Ik City Xo CFor Plot o Ora1 Junction and all tHjlnu East D CO a m No 41 I or I ran ii f i r-an it 7 40 pm to 01 o il Jr l i tir hit leasant1dantl 110k na > Hlcljlk fd acid all Imiter atflaol nii M ito points B 00 a m No 81 or ltJ ret u Iayson Irovo an it 1 all Intrrnioill h Ut < j ilntj B 00 p I m No3lor < > irdtnaml Ilia Wist II tOil In No 11 or Uirdi n said tile M I it 14 JO p mill Not 41or lurk City and inter modlHtoliolntii 600p m trrlvB Salt lj10 City X01rrom IIIn hamlrooOad llIntlIIIInd 100 Ilist I 20 p m Ko3rrom Iroo ord 2 a Hltbol 003p 1 anN an-N cFrm IloI1bqrhmru k a lUciilloM llclknap Man 1 II Slid inlt rtne late 1 points S 23 p m i I W i z r No 2From thrilen unit the Vpst h no at tit No 41 1miliflinlen and the M rat 7iopm 1 > o 71 JIti ureka 1 arann 1rovo and nil Intermediate polntl I 10 W 11 m No 411 rom aril City and Intermediate Inter-mediate points 0 43 a an Only line rimnlmr IhroiiKliliillmnn Palace Sim pW cars f Lake illy lo > Han I 1 el co and I nrtlandi I Halt Lake city lo lien KT via 1 Ur ind Junction aud Salt Iwiko City to lCnas City led ChllllO I u Colorado polnla hrouffh tourist or family sleepers without Change to 1nlL City Chloax Inlltoc I fL reclining chair cars Salt Lake III Un vor Xhno eloustenneatkiml rely speed and Owlur Tlckel olllce 103 West Second soum slreel Posomflacocornor 110 11011GI1 General MoInor I 11 BABCOCK Trafllo Ma 11 A WAlIiiUll Can Passenger Agent TO THE EAST a Chicago noel Island Pacific Kailway Tit Rock Island Is I Ioremo In aaoplltt any 110 1 c4quiA4 1 0 Imparove sliced d 611 that faxoq tll slid comfort tbA1 the popular p trona ell demands Its equipment U thoroughly complete Wall ymtibuled trains Bost Dining Car Sorvico In tho World Pullman Sleeps Chair Cars alt the mail elegant 1 and ot recently improved Patients Its peclalll ar rest Tim Courteous Employes e First Class Equlp1 01 first Coes Si Given rot full particulars al toTlekets Maps Rates pply to any Coupon Ticket Agent In all United 5 g nei I address Jn led Stales Canada or Mexico or JOHN SEBAWH IGPJ P A i Chlctg T J CLAm Traveling Patilicnifer Arcnt WwI DIY Blindly City X A DXTOi Local Arei t itilV Callwaj I I I I 1Hf k J Ah I 14 V It Iq J lrliU I I I R 0 IiI Ii I I 11 rOrlfS I t Il 1 f 0 ell 4 t O J V fAVORIH I IIN 19 PIC10 It I jralns leavoand ftrrIvoSAIL1koCuyps t it i j < Ia affect March Ill 1m I f a LzAls A TbeOverland Llmlt for Thlca I ro FI 1ill r > U Ixrals Omaha I i 0110 Aly Ucuve and Ik Iii I I Ih Cut at I Mall 1 for Lhlonco M700 I I Ixiul Oinaha leaniaa F and 11 Uouvtr = latlll > > I I 4 I rboa Overland Limited annv from Chi 0 2 TIluy elto JSL Louis and Oianlo 1k City lioness a 10 p m I I i TIlu Ilist Mall from I t jf St Wal0mah 1 iBilai city 001 Voarr 3 > Ism I I ciiifii 1111 OIlCe Koifii O as sircef 1 I Telephone So Ki I t nlehts y 0 Cities I ft and on l tile St road bouls to Omaha Other lines live r om iilirht additional Tho Ullion Itacill Is I the nl y line thrr1 loabovoiolntsistlbo ad y r Jo a I I uIL s an I hb r Ili yv I 1 I I n f Ill I Jj I ar time to ulourl i Ulcer and Chi ago respectively 11 It CLAY General Aat I I m COlORADO MIDlAND RED D I P 11 I Two Through Trtn Dally ll l It netvreen bait Lake Uty Orilen arid read I vlllo Cripple f rFo Colorado tprlnB I Denver I Den-ver And I nil in Int east only linflrunuln It IIIUUHII UIMi VAUO IhroiuTU sleep I I W niih tnonl Ir nd oonlllg i raln q f Thl line In l connreOon with the lIIollrd > I I > osler fij rcach I onver 11 tLall any I I other 11110 vi 1 Colorodo File rar Ko chon A 1 k k 01 cam 0 delayd trI Iok the Uol I ratio Mlllanl I I and itavotlme andenloytha 4 I II I or icst full ride Information ami grandest call on kt In w enjoy Hallway lo It 1 I V ° UATlrY O A nttOWN 1 I u 11 A Gon Alrent O Denver Colo Salt Lake City til I i The Scenic Line I 1 ir I of the txp r 1 World t it i I Denver 0 I lit Ill t a e I I Rio Grande I r I Scenic O Line of the 11 Idf i World Railroad l i 1 1 I 4 r I Two Dally Fast Express Trains I to Qlergwood Springs Laadvllle I Pueblo Colorado Springs Denver I and all points Cast I I oi 1 I jhf mlClI E JANUARY ISI 1893 I 0 Train NO 2 leaves I Ogden 810 turn Salt 2 L f Lake U W a m arrlre at Pueblo uW1 moo 1 Col < iado > Pa 7 43 am Dourer 10 W am Train No 4 leaves I Ojrdrn 6 p m Salt i lake 11 it I ta arrUe at 1 uebloC IB p In Colorado HurliiptB 53 p m Denreru m f ConneatlutiH made tm I uoblo Colorado P P Florlutri and nnv rith all lines est 11 le i vast d y coh blr a > and Iullman I euIrTara V oa sll I I trlo I a Tak the D 4 H I 11 A od hOT R omlonable trip od enjoy the i 14 fineat sclsxler y olx tho continent I I k 4 I I I 3 A R IIUallfc3 a K iioorrn I I TritaloIIRager 01 1 A 0 Denver Colo VIIV Colo 4 T I I II 11 hlvllqS 11 101 CU911INo fleneral Salt Lake City 4 Aront bait Lake City Utah I I I I i 1 I it 4 I I 1 BujWton I 11 le r I I TI T 9 It I ir I I 11 I I I I Uimk what it means to be r I able to go right through from k Denver to Omaha Chicago I i Kansas City or St Louis rl sll to t cat when jou wishto I I ll I sleep when you feel like it I i I i IC r to Smoke nhou the notion I il I strikes jouto livo its com iI I II DOt I frotably and faro as sump t Ill id I tuously as if you werp in the I 4 4 F 1 finest hotel on the continent 11I 11 I S I Yet these are just the things I I I t the Burlingtons Ytbtibulcti J I lp 4h I Flyeroirer3 11 Travel Denver at nv p m Tickets at 4 oll1a 01 connecting fill I i I V I W F Mc AtILLAN Goneral Agent All f IL r KI IEri NINLENflats and Freight Ararat 1 91 111 I 14 South M cot TomploSt j 4 1zr I Oregon Short Line Building 1 0 11 AN t We Insure You I i ii q 11 I I th 1 1 I A safe pleasant end comfortable journey on one ol the finest vesti buled trains In America Hie limited lim-ited trains on the Erie between I I CHICAGO AND NEW YORK I are without a peer and ara 01 FREE M Pat PatA Of any Eitn Chare Dont forjet t Al Its the tile leaving Da born station 11 sta-tion Chlrajo City ticket office i 242 Clark Street Going cut or I west yon tire on the train al A I FOR ONE NIGHT I 1 14 l And A day and have all the com il fortsof home t 10 4 V srnPQS t > lIod to re W S HOT torrlbl I i11nn1 = 41 = 1 cd jl i Jlo alo r t h = I I I g Z1 I of diailars1th this J il wrislblIal tovlief rinalto4y SSL I It 1 I aftbilliwl I olblahoUHUb SSS oolouro ore for till terrible dbaialo 1 01 City Scavenger No 5 kyi I 11 CLOSET > AND CJIOOfs CLUNFD I 1 J Snf kldofsS w do prompt 4 att 1 Ott and 4illetie at late 0 = i Lou AL > 1 W t to I itit Nut la Tc Iowa strcoU 4 I I 4 4 Kf j 11 I il I J I = |