Show jllLIll CALUlli Jlulllttle baa been beard of late son crnlne the peace negotiations be ween Turkry and Greece 8m time ago the government ol the latter coun ryhibmllted a memorandum to lbs powers italics tbat Turkey Is I not Call lId to a war Indemnity tile payment 01 whIch beiltler wculd cripple Urceco seriously nleo protesting against the rectification of Ibo Iron ler on the groutil that tbli II wholly nntcCBiary Turkey having sbiwu br ability to defend ber borders bor-ders aa they are at pieeont Ibere li I an impression though bat these proteita are only pro orma and that the people an are more then willing to accept > eaco on whatever condition It can b le obtained through lbs churl of the patents Tbe war eentlmen seems to have cooled od throughout Greece To the calmer view Ibe causes of defeat hove ecomo apparent The people under land Ibat their army wa unaccut omol to m drn warfare TheoOlrers did not ojmpare favorably with the urklsb commanders taught In tIre Go Ulan school But above all Ills 1 unuleod that an Irm1 wiibotItesrs singled at the cost of discipline Ie not cQectlvo In the battleflelil the people Llama She press lor oat loulugln Oilier lbs Ignorant people until She Idea became prevalent that I lbs Greeks wets equal II not superior 10 any action In Europe This drove bcniti demand this war that term natotl i0 disastrously There la I no longer any deilre n pnd to depose the king allhuub hs la being crltlclzaJ for not tahlag a IIrm stand and obecklnr She popular warlrenzy Xli la I though > Ibat a king teed not adhere too strictly lo consll utlonsl ptlnclplta wbia the existence exist-ence 01 the country Is I at slabs Qreece then bsa learnt a whole ome lunou of lbs mlilorluuca that bave iefallen ber II tho bas learnl 10 appreciate the conservatism of her government wblcb formerly shielded ter Irom danger ol an adventurous policy tbe people will be leo J apt again lo fall victims lo agitators There are other countries that need a lmlir leraon |