Show fourth District Couit Yisterday morning tIle petit 1 Jurors drown Monday tbe toO h 11 come tlilf tirm apptaied lu Ibi F urth district part col1 John Q Bl no of Bilem who had teen txcu > r and after ex IUIDallao 010 tbl qu1100oIl0a by County Alluroy lIltog wr woro The firat fury care to be tried was tho Stile va Joe Pueblo who am changed will aeaault wlln IDloDC 10 commit rape ou the person of Anna Ulnn 01 Salem on June 1st County Attorney Bam A King proatc ted aDd 1 homnu John doucd I lie complaining witness lettlfltd that he entered her bouae utouC 4 cKck In the morning while sbu waa 10 bell sod mJ a n improper pro posal lu her aId allerwardi tiled lo compel Ler to ubstilt to bli de In i and lu tin 1Impi threw bit to the Ii oar ollokln her elc and that aba dullyeuooooded Ii efaplng to Ike llElghbore The deecdaut admitted goltg to the h ace lor one pucose of OIklult alley cue 01 Me Olaooa boy whom hoe Relied 10 bile to uerd bp but dollld dol g nlblog wrooll or OVlbl any wroDgIDtcoloOI keleebla lied that IB be entVird tie house IhrcUKh the back door Mrs Olieu ran out Ihrti gh lie iron dour The vouo 10 Ibo urpho ot everyone every-one woo and ol guilty ol ilmplo at null Bonlence w aset lor tomorrow Heily Jo yemen LocuatQroveojm real hear O0 00 uomurror oh lor July Sod Stole 01 Ulah vi Henry Davis sei for Hearing Juy 20110 |