Show MUST CHANGE THE UNIFORM Military Orfaazulcns In Illinois Miiary 11nots Nit AntnoriZd by L1W 1b 11 or An Irowheltin 011 ni fees Coo INcso loisiled hJ it u rr lo I CiiIOAao June 9Tbo American I volutuun Bet logical Booths religious re-ligious organization will be compelled to change their uil orma because ol Ibo enactment ot the military code ol Illinois by the last legislature Policemen Police-men will not ba permitted to wear overoiate Captain Tnomis ForJi famous Chicago ziuivei will Cable ID be the Chicago human will be required re-quired 10 drupthelf milltarYtImplaluale while boys brl < > d i and nemluillllary companies throughout Ibo stale will bo disbanded or the uembori fined tnd Imprisoned All of tbeie things are owing lo the provisions article 11 of tile military mod now a law having folvod loa signature 01 Governor Tanner Now tbat the bPi has became a law I or will ou July 2 there 1 consternation consterna-tion In the rauki of the companies which have awakened to the fact that their very existence la I threatened Borne ot tbeao organizations have gained both fame and alligator by their proficiency In drill TUJ Chicago Roll lor Inetauco have held Ibo championship of inn usage fur years against all other zmvoi ana have accumulated fully 5000 worth of property In uniforms and equipments lInral other comp alied ladle 1001 largei sums of money lu the purchase of rifles and showy uniform IIIy have IUIJ drill halls and otherwise ptepated for the future a considerable exposing to each Individ not member For a long time the illlcers of luo national guard have been trying to secure an enactment which thouU prevent Ibe Iddlmrluilnalo wearing or the uniform and Ibo carrying ol arms by Independent mllltsry urgac Iziilonn Now that the law naa gone luloellectlt I Is I louud that It Is more sweeping lu Us tiled than lw Iramera anticipated Pdmirlly aimed at Independent or gaulzillone It has accomplished Its desire by making such batialioni anJ companies as Ibo Clan Na Qiel gurd Chicago and Aurora zouno and took Chicago huisars uulawful bodies and will render It Impossible for them to Portals again without aa coming the rk of flat and Imprisonment Imprison-ment 1 will also atop Ibo wearing of uniforms uni-forms patterned after those of the army by members ul stereo Boolellat religious bodice und tbe polio This Isoousldere4 by the officers of the national guard as one uf Ibo best features Ibo new law They assert that the uniform bbl has become au epidemic In this city and has epieid so fait that secret loci I wear the overcoats of major generals while 1 la Bomellmes difficult to tell an army lieutenant from n police captain when both are wearing their winter dress Took most striking failure of the volunteers Is the uniform which I modelej closely alter that of too army while tile cfllcsis wear the shoulder straps of tile army In a modified form This modification la only in color boweverthe rank deal < nation being Idertloil |