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Show I I Take Our H Advice Swnt that fly! Hotter HT still, keep tho tiles out of AT your houm That's what wo HE do In tills bakery So when WL you order our Hue, tasty F cakes you're suro to get K' something mado In a eleuu, P sanitary, up-to-date bake. Hi sliop Wo carry a wldo ns- J sortmeiit of pastry, and of JLm coursu you have heard of pBpBji our V AM. FORK BAKERY. m Main Street. f V Mb, CARNIVAL OF JOY! BEAUTY! MIRTH! Di "Ss.J.B? RT Half 'ar All Railroad llfeWaShllv DAZZLING.ELECTRICAL PAGEA ' MMK"yl MILES OF GORGEOUS FLOATS K aH ( Thrilling, Banaatlonal Carnival Attrnctiono 4HK"VUL RIOTING, ROLLICKING, SURGING THRONGS OF REVd, BRlMl 8ANDSI BANDSI BANDSI 1 DEATH-DEFVINO M W MtmA SLIDE FORX A btT ibb I travels H A rFX m WK II lr All l-lr-CT . SorttiKANMRB A JkBb w m m l mi ill 3U3PJMDPD ak TT -W i . W. H JK BY HIS TEETH VPTnM " M ' VL W H I II AHRACTIONSAV) - KjUULuIj DAILY JKKBSM WILL SELL 1000 Pacific nt 10c C00O Duy Str.to at 0l'l-2c Bir Dlckorson, Governor ... .07 l-2c 10 Chlpman Mere Co $90.00 I Amorlr.au Fork Co-op $25 no 1250 Sliver Flat nt oic VILL BUY 10,000 Pnclfie (Duyor CO dnyB) nt lOo 4.000 Day Stnto at oto J. WATT STORRS, American Fork, ijtn 7- o Ohoico Out Flowers Ferns ami Floral Deiliru. Bend to the Lehl Floral Co., LehL Telephoue 0.J. ye deliver t'UOMlTLY mi. Fair Exchange A 'ew Hack for an Old One Hon Can It be Done In Utah Conntr. Tho buck aches at times with u dull Indcscrlbnblo fccJIng, making you weary nnd restless; plorolng pulns shoot ncross tho region of tho kidneys and ngnln tho loins nro so lnmo that to stoop Is ngony. No use to rub or to npply ji plaster to the back If tho kidneys arc wenk. You ennnot reach tho cause. Utah County residents would do well to profit by the, following follow-ing exnmplo: John A. Anderson, It. P. U. No. 1, Dox 105, Lehl Junction, snys: "Some, yoars ago I wns Injured ncross my back and occasionally, from this cnuso weakness of tho kidneys showed Itself. I also had lameness nnd pain In my back. When suffering that wny, I used Doan's Kidney Pills and they brought me. prompt relief." Prlco COc nt nil dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills tho same that Mr. Anderson had. Fostcr-Mllburn Co., Props., Duffalo, N. Y. o We Print Hotter Wrappers. ALEX CHRISTENSEN'S Auto Bus TO Saratoga Springs 50 CENTS HOUND TKIP DANCINO EVEItY WEDNESDAY nnd SATURDAY NIGHTS AN ORDINAM Regulating the SpeeJ mobiles and 111 Within tho Corporl of American Foril Providing a Pencil Violation Thereof! i Do It Ordnlncd brtbl City Council of Amcrlcal Section 1 It shall htnal lawful for ntiy person toll tomobllc or motorcycle tifl its of American ForkfijJ rnto of speed than t'n (111 hour. I Section 2 Any pcriogll of driving nu nutomotfta cycle faster than ten H hour within the llmltifl shall bo punished br ill cceding $50.00, or Imprtial city Jail not to cxccMMfl both such flno and InpH Section a- Thl orafl tuko effect upon its Intl Passed Juno 2Sth. A.ftl i:ARLS.Gafl Attest: :M JOSEPH I). F0M1E3-I City ItecorMB Stnto of Utnh, Couatf orlcnn Fork CUVr1.""" I, Jos. 11. Forbes, CKfB Amorllan Fork Clty,l'U of Utnh, hereby certify UH nnd foregoing la a twj copy of nn ordinance U dlnnnco Ilegulatlng tie W tomobllefl nnd MotorcjdiJJj Corpornto Limits of -m City, nnd Providing rf Vlolntlon thereof." Passed this 2SthdirIB 1915. ,.. In witness whertof V to nfTlxcd my nnme.iaij Seal of American t.W dny of June, A. V- "ItM JOSEPH n. FO City Itccorder for AnJ Summer ExcuraJ Yin Siilt I1(B Kxourslon tickets on snlo Jul)' Ml-H follows: From Amcrk von $22.50, Omaha M $40.00, ChlciiRO 35B $51.20. Ask for UcM'W Route. H An Exceptional Oppol Genealogical Societi Personally Conducted Excurl I San Francisco I to attend Three Important Events AT THE M PANAMA-PAOIFIO INTERNATIONAL EXpM UTAH DAY CELEBRATION, Pioneer Day, JWJ Exercises to bo participated in by 0v?rffilB stall, tho officials of tho Utah GenealotficfligM bait Lako City High School Ciuluts, 0tt lD lovers of Utah. nM UTAH GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY 0NVJ INTERNATIONAL GENEALOGICAL ABs0tB July 28th, SUtli a'l ;J0tIVk cM Special Train leaves Salt Lako City via " J in. July 22nd, and loaves Olon, via WM :.:45 p. ,. Pacific time, b'or full P'ir IT t ions, rates, etc., wntortolophono or call on H O.L. McFAUL nrif(jM M, , , District. EroiKht and Piibsc iitfor k,; Tcephono Wasatch (51)00, 410 Walker nfc iake City, Utah. Southern Pacifil |