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Show Waterfowl Killed By Alkali Fresh Water Said to bo Only Known Remedy for Stranpc Malady Around Salt Lake. Washlnton, D. C, Juno 30 Tho strnngo mn'ndy which hnB been killing kill-ing wild ducks by thousands In the marshes around tlm r.mni Hnii i.ni. each )cnr, seems to bo caused by nn nlknllno polcon, according to a preliminary pre-liminary report or tho U. S. Department Depart-ment or Agriculture's imestlgntors. Fresh water Is beJIcvcd to bo tho only remedy yet discovered tt As tho flnts around Great Salt Lake dry after high water, salts and alkalis crystnlllzo ou the surfaco or the ground. When llsht rains form pools on the flnts, or when a steady wind blows tho wrtir acioss tho dry barrens, bar-rens, the soluble salts aro tnkou up by tho water. Duck and other wntw-Towl wntw-Towl aro eager to reed on tho nowly Hooded lands and Inblblng theso salts and alkalis an poisoned and die. Tim quantity or wnter which has reached the Inko through tho Hear, Weber, nnd Jordan rivers has been gicntly reduced within the, past IB years, and in touscquenco stngnnnt pools havo formed over largo sections of this region In these pools tho nlk-alls nlk-alls end salts le.u.lirt from tlm soil by Irrigation aie fieque'illy deposited. In dry neurons the conditions become much woiso and tho number ot poisoned pois-oned bit ds U enormous. The remedy for tho situation which is klllli'g vast nuinrbis of waterfowl nnd Directing url only the legion aiouud the great Snlt Lake but tho abundance of blids elsewhcie, Is to prevent tho fimnaUon ot stagnant water. At the mouth ot tho Jordan River there are only two points tlu Mallard Holes and tho Duck Puddles whole under normal conditions stagnation chould occur. At the mouth ol the Weber River, howotor, the situation Is more difficult. Tho birds elect to use tho shnllow Il.it along the north channel and It Is probable Hint lops than 10 per cent of thcMj that gather thcie at I'm end of the summer aie :'l!o at tho beg-ginning beg-ginning ot Hie uhootlr.g bo.isoii. October Oc-tober 1 H the noith channel were ditched and tho water thus prevented rrom spi calling on the shallow it, the ducks would bo driven to use better drained south channel and conditions would undoubted!) Impiovc When the Ii ligation dams aio opened In September Septem-ber and there Is an abundance ot wat er. tlm uoitli channel flats could he flooded ncnlii In older lo nUrut tin Idols for tho rail shotlng A still moio soilous problem aie tho extensive flats at the mouth or the. Hear River Tho arcn Is toolnigo to mnko dralnago practicable, and tic only solution appears to bp to In-ci In-ci case the wrier suppl) dining Jul). August and fieptember It has been suggested that It inure, w.V.er weie a llowl.l to i-ias the Ii ligation d.im "", Hear' Rive, rosciiolri. m IgM ,0 eslabllHhed and r supp y or fr kii water oblalmd for the sumnn'r '"TnUthe absence of such mem- l,.i-r II is'li-ennmiell.led tint m-; i'r Htntloeed on the marshes to gs'lr u tlmslok bl.ds and lie;. I .-ui. fresh wetci So man) blids i-ilc! I b re nils would Justify the W,, ',..., .i, Pi,,i, likm..iM , ., moie or less Immune to tl-I. tl-I. older to obtain Inform.' vp r ricli htf '""l,,l,B "",.l"h.. i . v,i fv I he P S llepartliiei't ol ' arleiiU r " Anjono finding o;..- " |