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Show B Special Bulletin H On Trespassing H Tin! Ball l.:iku Houto Iiiih recently IH Issued a bulletin on trespassing which H Is timely and worthy of serious H thought. The following are extracts IH from H "Tho Salt Lake Houto Is a Bute H rond to rlilu upon. In the last eight B years no pnssongors have been killed IH In train nccldeuta.- It Is a vwy UN Hj SAFE road to WALK upon. During H the samo period ouo hundred and onu H trcspasBcra hnvo been killed. H ' "When tlio railway Is used for the H purpoBci Intended, It Is n good placo H to be; when tho public uses It for H any other purpose, It docs so at Its H "Flvo thousand trespassers are kill IHj v cd In tho tl. S. each year. A MINOR- H ITY are hoboes. Many are respected IH cttlzci.B. A goodly number nro school IH children. Using the track as n"Hhort H cut" to school or work often proven a B w-s "sliort cut" to tho grave." H This Is all very true; and right here IH In. the north end of Utah county the H warning Is ucyded. Too many people M iibo tho track as n highway, heedlens IH of tho danger Incurred. The public B should awaken to tho great risk In H volved In trcspnacliig, or using the track for anything other than the pur- pos for which It was Intended. |