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Show John Westphnl or Provo. was Pleasant drove, visitor Thursday. Mr. P. J Johnson was In Salt Lake on legal business Thursday Miss Vervlno llnyen f:aiu down rrom Salt Lake to spent Independence Independ-ence dny with her parents. Mrs. J. W. Halllday. Sr., has-been vexy III with a complication of ailments ail-ments for the past several days. Carpenters this week have been putting u now roor on the J. 1). Thome residence. Mrs. Andiew Thompson entertained ., , r her rrlends last week nl n birthday supper and mi evenllngs program or games nnd inusle. Mrs Carl Johnson Installed the first ..loetrle cooking range, this week that ,lB8 been put In since the local ee was opened by the power 1(,mMlliy. They are said to be chcap-,. chcap-,. ,!, oal with electricity at onl) :t cents per kilowatt hour. W R Frnmpton mid fnmlly( W- -Kruiiiplon and family, "' Frnmpton ,, family. Leonard Ash and family. I. Adams and family. Ouy llobl... hoii iiml family. T'Ll tnmly, James Adams n nnd fn mlb , is. ilardmiiti nnd fiimlly. ' rft0-;,; rft0-;,; and family, were npiong those ';;;;;; HIlM,i Sunday and Monday in Provo eniiyon ,,, . Miss Ruth Harper spent Suudav nnd Monday with friends In Provo A new baby boy arrived at the homo ot Mr. and Mrs. William Adams. Jr.. Inst Monday. Mrs. Ocorge, II. Nolcou or Orem gave birth to n baby July C. It pass-cd pass-cd away th0 day following. The stork visited tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence West Wednesday nnd left n bouncing baby laiy Miss Clcono Pollock and Opal Wad-ley Wad-ley spent July 4th with rrlends In Salt Luke City. Mrs Hurton Musser of Salt Lake Is In I'lensnnt Groe tor u week guesl or Mrs. Mario Smith. Misses Sarah Williamson, 01u Cobblcy and Edna Thomas went to Salt Lako Sunday nnd remained over the Fourth. Ullsha Kirk nnd Ira Cobblcy who hnvo been spending tho past two months In Ulackfoot. Idaho came home this week. Leo A. Ulrd, or Mldgot-Murvcl Con-struct Con-struct lou company ot Salt Lake, was In Pleasant Qrovc Tl.ursdny on business, busi-ness, . " Asci lloultcr, the sou ot Mr. nnd Mrs. W. A. noultcr, who broke bis thigh somo tlmo ago, is beginning to get around again. The experience at tho Johnson lire, should be n warning to sea ir there, aro any more flro hydrants that wont work in cases of emergency. Mrs. W. L. Ilnycs and Mrs. Rose Hayes attended a primary ofTleoiv meeting In American Fork Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Clark came down rrom Salt Lako tor a week's visit with relative. They spent Monday In Provo canyon. Mr. K. L. Jnrvls from Paragoonah, whllo up to Salt Lako on a business trip this wivck, took a day off to visit IiIb fiilber-ln-lnw, Mr. Joseph Hilton. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weeks ol Hurley, Hur-ley, Idaho enmo to Pleasant Grove In iliolr auto and spent tho Fourth with rclnvcs, Jens Nlclson who has boon mirroring mirror-ing for n month with nu Inflnmatlon In ills eyo caused by u burdock seed getting In, Is now Improving. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Thompson and Mr. nnd Mrs. Russell Thompson spent the first three, days this week visiting with Mr. and Mrs, Hurry Steele In Illngliam Canyon. Richard Wndley, sou of Postmaster Wndley camo homo early In the, week from Halt Lako City and has been very III with nn acute nttack or Ilrlght'rf disease. Karl Hanks lett yesterday ror Call-roriiin Call-roriiin where ho and n party or friends from Heber will spend a month visit-lug visit-lug tlio fair and other const attractions. attrac-tions. William Deycraux this week shipped ship-ped a ear load ot iiuahlngasp logs rrom Gorvo Creek canyon to Snlt l.nko City, where they will be used for male lag excelsior shavings, Mr. and Mrs, Lucioiis Laudlo or iLaylnu, spent Independence. Day with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. liallldoy. Miss Orphii Halllday returned with them for n ten days' vslt. Mr. and Mrs. V. M. May of Salt Lake were visitors at tho Culinor Hotel several days this week. They were guests of Dr. O. H. drun on bis launch for several trips on the lake. Mr. David L. Falrwcathor of Salt Lako, Is occupying Arthur Hull's place in tho licdnulst Drug Store while Mr. llnll Is In Provo for a week. Before his vncatlon ends, Mr Hall will also lsll tf.o Panama expo-Hltlnus. expo-Hltlnus. Attention is called to the advertisement advertise-ment of tho special excursion to San I.VanclBCo July 21th to 30th via tho Southern Pncifle, tho occasion being the celebration of Utah Day at tho Panama-Pacific international Exposition Expos-ition nnd iilso tho Utah Genealogical Society Convention nnd the International Interna-tional Genealogical Association. Full particulars may bo obtained from C L. MeFaiil, Walker bank building, Knit Lako. |