Show mitE 511111 MOIIIIU Hat baud thut tmr tlltln ones KIO hu trofeJ mote liy tho pleasant Hytup 01 Flit ween In Bred of tbe laxative illrol ofii Rrntle remedy than by any oilier Duel tat It Is I more acceptable them Cbllilmn nlolll and It bear nil them The true comedy Hytup 01 FIg In ni EUtcluiel by lte CaU lamU Fla ajtuuComuany I only i The highest claim for other I 1 I 7 tit fi tobiccQs n Just as 1 ° goal a t Durham x T cry olds drlokcr e old-s tljerc is none just wi A aSn n ns good asA d we SULL UAM You will find one coupon Inside d eachlnnouncchKanQtnncon m I 11 c 1 n n 4 lu 9 ulc en ch fnr a uuc c Log of BlacLtrcllm lhthan S Ihty n beg oC this cric hrntcd toblctonnd rrml tics t C l coupontheh gincs n Il qufcalunblcprescptsandh0w to get tL cm e r 1 liIS 4f V > 3 Jf r L fr 1JL1tJ tQ > > SUlnptio ER For the last 20 years we have kept Pisos Cure for Consumption sumption in stock and would sooner think a groccryman could get along without sugar in his store than we could without Pisos Cure It is a sure seller RAVEN CO Druggists Ceresco Michigan September 2 J896 lOA FAIR FACE MAY PROVE A FOUL BARGAIN BAR-GAIN MART Y A PLAIN GIRL IF SHE USES SAPOLIO SUPPORT DORIC DUSTRY I I These are the People Who Sell HomeMade Goods Capital I City And norl1AI nOOK PEN school 1ANSiiIP KFEPING 01 and SHORTHAND Business College A day and nipht i school ege No Gt lust Second South Q W Dire F r > lnoli eil Salt Lake City Utah Tills E 1 TAILORING PRICES 30 PER CENT LOWER nhl fa Our prices always have been ns low as the lowest but now uond we have made another big cut of 30 per cent We Five you the l dfc same well r selected I material t and careful workmanship as before lour c0 A T OLIVEK Ac SON 1 > eta 12 West Third South CITY MATTRESS 00 t Mioliitle Mmutuclurtrs al nil Iliad ot MtttrtslM A BpclUy ol all Cotton and Cotton Top and Hair Mattreues also da lenovatlns tad Uphoittrmz on Short Notice 87O SOUTH MAIN STREET American Bisouit Manufacturing Co Inccenors to Crab Crlcier Factory Manufacturers of Fine Crackers and Cakes Cream and Snowflake Sodas In 1 2 and 5 pound boxes 442 South Socond West St HENRY WALLACE Mgr Electric Wiring AND ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES GOOD RELIABLE FIRSTCLASS WORK E G HOLDING 49 Woat First South St Salt Lako City GEORGE F FELT To COMPANY1 mcoitisomi TOTAL TO-TAL BUHXOrsrOAllD3VEIt CO Mann cturero of Combinalloo Fence dealers In Lumber Latb 3tiln1ea etc at the old stand corner of Eighth South and State Telephone No ai Car srt XrOD 81ockings Made ol Spanish yarns warranted to outwear four pairs ot the best imported hose for tale only at the KNITTING FACTORY 25 West First South We make a full line of Union Suits Underwear Skirts Jackets Sweaters Glove Dtittenmfaccy Knit Goods and Hosiery ol aU kinds Our goods are sold on their merits W19 SeloSDXW J1oXaXaOogu RUPTURE 01 men women and chidreo permanently cared llbout pain or tictlrbtet lceololO hI tbo TIDC WTI alCTIlOD ErerT cane alaraateed 1 tlrota need alt ar a Qollnrnotll eomplelelr f1Ji = f tdlEll g cured The trtta ulecardtdfurer OertMlWcaeacured la the lat ayar loneWtatloa tree 1IHF yEACH Joiciib irbrrinD UUbon ot Flu Word I I td N Judd wilh Mumj MeilJt Uve crock CompnT n n LHf ell Coailt Ion Uulldl Abuar k4 4fc uibltc oa 11L Fidelity Rupture Cure Co I I boom l9 snl IW iUll Mock Oil Lat coy Utin tastorp uctara Otatyry 0y The Silver i I ge IlHIsrNAS IS NOT I VERY FAR 1 CIIHISTMAS The perplexing question tt What shall Ighei3 i being pondered pon-dered by many The age of Stalling Sill envttre is at its zenith ot popularity and in this line great opportunities are presented for getting suitable r gifts at small expense Our Silver und Cut Glass Department is glistening with artistic beauty and the I public will be mule welcome if they will but p1 come and see us TOILET rl ARTICLES In Cut Glass and Silver are more popular than all Siher pieces The effect is much prettier and they can be produced much cheaper In this line our cases are crowded Make jour selections now Wo will lay aside anything you may wish for Christmas J JI H LEYSON CO jE2VELERS c R Pearsall Mgr 128 Main Street THB DAVID JAMES COI Main 67 St Respectfully announces lo the general public tint they have received A CAR urb DnOFc RANGES COOK STOVES AND bAI HEATERS manufactured by the Great Western Stove Co and are prepared to offer rc rol vowo rl r ti the above at prices cheaper than ever We Invite I an inspection ol the above geode before purchasing elsewhere In all Its branches PLUMBING GAS and STEAM FITTING done by competent Tinning workmen at LOWEST PRICES WAGBNBR BRBWING G COMPANY LAGER BEER Best in the Markettr Tel No 218 ROBERT J DEIGHTON Agent for Receiver ELLISPl1otograpller 64 W SECOND SOUTH STOny We are still making those celebrated h ST-Ony Tff celebrated 00 Per Doz e OZ SATIN FINISH PHOTOS at q > aWe rBl LU 0 a-We do not have to change prices Our Customers talk for us GENTLEMENWhy not buy nice a Home Made Shoes When you can get the Famous Goodyear Welts Stan many styles and fewest possible prices al Solomon Btos Boys and Childrens SCHOOL SHOES a specialty Wholesale and retail 70 couth Main street GOOD FOR THE CHILDREN UraofdlihIior f r Chu1olis r n Panac a BEST WORM MEDICINE Excellent tonic for weak and ailing ohlldren Gives strength and vigor Purely veeotable and perfectly harmless Cures all complaints to which children are subject Makes weak children strong sick children waiL Sold by all Druggists and Country Stores DJL jk J B KEYSOIi DENTAL PARLORS I 2 3 A Lolhn Block 240 Man 5t FIrII Door Nth ot Walhr rnotii 6ktr IVHI tlTI Toah E xtre r fed rrn doUScl if Ttelh 9e i t Illller Lade Go1 eoll0 Iom Amnlq 0 Hrlgge hold Yll m lent of Crown tlllrer Pork klllinge Per r 1 ii µ LIO 01I i110 In bid CROWN and BRIDGE WORK n Nitrclnllj We ctinllenftfl CompctitloD In I tbti Bncclili e lerasto pric or quality ol work pm ay I 7nrf e t 151 n Fltteeq yer von Idaoo prelu 10 Pal 11 LlCnT las nett Jqalppd VtoII lurk I tae WctL Expert DeoUI or meeelnee only No Students or learns All I Wer tuarttee0 Tooth Flllod Without Pain Dr H1 Beckstrom Dentist 16 Slat Street and 69 Second South Galena lIock BR 0 B BE WEPT IDROB T 9 IOiilt n SrltCtALTIES ralnibu on yllllg leg i Oold DrelIIIte l cool 01 eke a glove I cold a sod Crown Work llu heat f work lor the lat money In Hi city 602503 DOOLY BLOCK For tic noel tmproeed wlt0ogl of llBntilry Call e Dr E M Keysor > Vbo tae run equipped and tborousbif modern mod-ern part I Ore IL > Um ttrett Hcoit Aueibucn 11It J apeclnp tk mo o t rrowo o d trfde wort Ibo yuem bIb 00 away wit lb ne0ee or wearteRI e l1Irall e plol e lrle ruoobt lU nuel reom eY0 A Beautiful Car onell 1I1rJ Wllb aacbdoa teblceu on Uny only CW last lte per for J W SHIPLES Jlooprr llldf Going out 1 Of Busines Selling out below cost M Ii > GREAT BARGAINS Iiitluillng a lot of Silk and Silk wrap for laden cud nontlomen six meet peon i low rurlos J tad a lot 1 of new Teas Nlc lot of new Water lilies KTerythlnu heap from now antil Tnn 1 G7 SIIANG IIAI AB CO 277 South MainS Main-S sTEEISTAMPSDIES BADGES SJEttG ME l l S gpoe RBBBfRSlAMPS watt rt0tWCEL 133 W2I StSt SALT LAKE CITY UTAH Tn toleate Open I toy Vllllna lloonu V oril alank European Restaurant No toaeyeoueotnasktati LU 4111 Utaa The 0t7 FIt Clast ltrttrat It the OU7 hive enuue to Ldl I l tloln 1 mom LOVU DltUE1ti banatO 04 |