Show Oook tooIlR iltOAcApL rat Lt 11 At the 0 oroli bank fhll cloy thOu a notice l was pole IboC at a heatIng S the dlroclou bat nght It eaoOetlded I I J lo close tbs Intllutlon ej tbs 111 ult nOI aepolllori wlll gt her P Oar days sga cbs Niagara Oliitd lIsbOn company fatted lfsverat l bsnh Wn bid bit Till wa Iteuerally known and tberx Ins been f ruu on hoe bank Iliu low days pset Sheen tact and the failure of the newly new-ly elected rresltlent to qualify caused I the suet eostoo At tbelait refortibe capital wm 1100000 Individual de pcilli 1118207 iirmand certificates ouKtanuiuit 10 Gill voles and bill redlcounted 9078 WFST BOfEHiuit WIs Dec 11 I Tbo Natlonul Itsutt of Commerce of Duluth failed 10 oien this morning A notice polled dated that owlcc t Inability to make any money the director loud decIded 10 uplId end expected tJ pay the depoiltors at an puny dale Ton bark Is I capitalized at 200000 has 0000 sutplus At the tact rOI ort the capital was 200000 deposits de-posits 62000 |