Show ii i J tIIUOIiLINII IIKAT1I ShMEMU J I I 11 1 I It ttan IHctiTCil wit h Uiaracurltlc J I Slulclsmlhc Irl irtnrclullf 4 11 Ian rdcJ u IJ epoela conooodenee ollbo haw r11 Utah Dec 0DI lrlct iii + yU lUBBoLiil I I promptly nt 10 am tot r Illj out oford It t 11i I ft Oy Judge Hart ou the bench Pal tick Coughlln was told la stand up lor I sentence The lodge tentenced him to be hot on Tundoy Bee Be-e y csmberl 6h 1600 the pritoner 1 heard the dread teulence calmly j ana In B voice which betrayed little h 1 emotion pleaded for more time which i j I the ndge refused l The Jail Is strongly l guarded day and night and the chances for escape or II rescue are small Indeed The prisoner i i II r II i lM I gives little or no trouble |