Show KAlril CUIthB NOt SIIIUCLLS A New York pbyslcUu Dr HhraJy hss Inveitliated the tocalled mlracu bus cures of Hchrader tho alleged divine di-vine healer and gives his views to the I nbllo through a new York paper Its I It-s Interesting Inssmuch as itt Is tbe first lime we believe that a scientist has tenon tbe Ircuole of noticing tbe phenomenon phen-omenon seriously Generally these socalled healers are simply Ignored a bid policy In view of the popularity hey eometlmei obtain Dr Hhrady aald tone one 01 Nw York Idlog physIcIans and the editor of B medical ournal of recognized standing sum hIs view are entItled 10 cODldorllloo Ue admits that here are numerous COle of healing by Schrader Uu fetalesacase 01 II miD with rbumol 10m The plIol bid nol wlked 10 four mouths Physicians had labored In vain over him The healer struck the lowe aDd the mo read 01 tie cure 00 mornlog at 1 daybreak thu man crept from his bed and atom unknown to the rest of the firefly darted on the rod 10 Ibe bIr hoot It was two miles but behalf walked and ball crawled It When lu sight of the besltra bouie ho straightened up and ran There was a floe lormlug aDd the ma bd to stsnd wllb other cripples for three bsurs until the healer touched him When the dIvine hands were laid 1 upon him tan sobbed with jay and bad I to be carried culo great was hli emotion Bat when borne back home be was well and though weak Irom long lying Inbed he was bedridden mm longer The doctor arguer however hat close II I Dol properly pOlkIDK soy thing miraculous this cIrcumstance rIce patient was really cured before be saw Bchrader If the doctor says the lullerer had ma < la the came elfort for his fimlly physician had crawled Into the street cod risen to his lest by mor lal effort the muscles and lbs nerves would have begun lo strengthen and tom lea days he would have been well Wnenever the Influence of eicbradsr Ilia doctor thinks Is I beneficial Ill Is I owing to the faith and Ihu ellorls ol the patIent A softhearted penou ysu can make cry by telling him a tad story you coo make him laugh wllb a merry one and cn arouse him banger wl1h a tale of wrong In Ibo same way tuiveptlblo pcrioni can be hfluenced by healer They are told that they are well and they will straighten itt and walk away rejoicing Whether this In I all there Is lo the alleged cures of Bchrader and other slmlltr healers must be left to those Interested In the Investigation II should be pointed out however that there Is antttentlal dlllerence between Ibeo Uoged muscle and lbs work 01 power manifested both 10 11001001 and modno tIme amoolt the people 01 Uod The latter had the gmat oIled In view lo establish the claims of the servants ot the Lord and Ibo truth 01 their menage lo the world and also to ilunetheu tnefsllh of lbs believers Mlrsculcus power Will lbs IIIYIDe seat 1 ou the creiienllsle of the rneiiengcr and a proof of Siilborlly In Ibe ordinances of the Church even lo the I x lent of forgiving sins ou earth ADd Ibolr power 10 rebuk atchora was not ilmllod In casee or rboumolm or nervous lImol bid II todd over dllllb the grave and lscmmmie Here Is a vast dlUereuce Bchrailcr Scblatter and lha others ntvr claIm lo Lo the learns of a dlvluo initiate 10 earth They have no commlislon the genulnois of wblcUimut be eitab lined by accomiaiiylng mlraculou Slit Their power does not go very far The socalled ssoitd water Dr Lourdes or the whitened bones o some Catholic saint are kuowu to haw I exercised a similar power Holeuces Is I awakening to the fact that the belief 01 a patient II a powerful power-ful agent for lIla or for dealt Dr Shrady reers lo thu methods of a popular French physician When Ihlsdocter 1 le called he takes with him a medicine case lie finds lbs patient tick with dlphlherls Now conies tbt wonderful part The doctor places t bottle 01 medicine against the tfleolod rill In Ibis Instance tie patient throat and holds U them quietly for five minutes We are now glvlut medicine by absorption HJB he This medicine permeates the tysteu and acts upon the throat III Is I very powerlol It acts Immediately wbe dmlnlaterod In this way You wl won go to lUuu And lbs fallen does co to sleep III mind lulled by Its feeling Oh lbe > bIllie en Ml throat pseseseway Into tliimberland and the doctor meanwhile loitruoli the nurie bow lo lake can of Ibe silent As ellen ss bo awakes and gitsnstlite Ibo bottle Is I reapplled The cursIng goes on and the patient gradually denver Tile the doctor aiterls has succeeded succeed-ed In every end except one rmtof elebly ebb eop > and Ibelr dlieates ran all Iho way In m gout to foyer rll rn cold 10 0rIDu Inlero1 Iroubl The Inferno Is evident The nl ural lowers with which human beIngs eon endowed ale to wonderful as lo almost resemble tin auperotulIl power omllmo mollI by thoto biddIng the Priesthood ot the lord Tho dIed are sometlnes similar as 10 nearly deceive even lbs elect There are hownver marknj litter cur and U li necessary to be aware of tInes In order not to bo raltltad by nppearanc |