Show t tIn In In the days when automobiles automobiles automobiles automo automo- biles buttoned at the back the theton ton town n of Burns in in Eastern Oregon Oregon Ore Ore- gon can was true frontier Its arc art museum was the desert sunset Coyotes furnished its sym sym- phony And the Burns Garage hard by the blacksmith shop was as as as frontier as its community Now the frontier teaches people people- to be neighborly The string latch is always out Your neighbor helps with ith the round up Your wife helps elps when the neighbors neighbor's wife wile has a baby People get along because they girt cite so many things that money wont ont buy So it was wal perfectly natural that Standard of California an anold anold anold old Western outfit should haul gasoline in S gallon 5 cans over oYer miles of rugged wagon wagon road road to supply the Burns Garage and its few early early- Ford early Ford customers Its It's ts t's doubtful that there was much money in it But this fro frontier neighbor ness held a profit profit profit-in in human relationships Today the Burns Garage would reflect credit on any large city Stride for for stride its town has advanced too too Today To day the Burns Garage Garage and and its community stick community sack by Standard of California They remember that when the going v was vas as tough Standard stuck by them So So you see lee ne we e know from experience this experience this one and many parallels that parallels that its it's a good thing always to look beyond the money involved That's our policy in these days when ar war problems hold for everybody more bumps than any miles of wagon wagon doing our best to help Our work war-work must come came first But more than ever eYer were ere trying tring to do business in the way ay Standard learned as as ass an integral part pare of the earlier West Our guide is the old frontier spirit in in modern dress |