Show Merry Go r GT k Willkie's 1 ie s Talk Talk- Pacifies Hostile OOPs GOP's By y Drew Pearson Parson WASHINGTON If ever eve r Wendell Willkie walked into a lions den It was when he addressed OO G GO GOP 0 P congress congress- I men the other night The majority majority majority ma ma- including the 65 G GOP 0 P freshmen who arranged the meeting seethed with hostility Not a few came with the intentions intentions intentions of jeering but almost to toa toa toa a man they stayed to cheer Willkie opened t the h e the off-the- record meeting by tellIn telling his listeners that a roots grass-roots canvass canvass can can- vass yass of the nation had convinced him he could have ha the Republican can nomination again in 1944 if he wanted it He stated this as asa asa asa a fact with no seeming conceit conceit conceit con con- but with a disarming frankness frankness frankness frank frank- ness t that hat h a t charmed the G GOP 0 P instead of antagonizing ing them However I will tell you very frankly he continued unless the party has the kind of platform platform platform plat plat- form that will show we are conscious conscious conscious con con- of the f fa fact a c t that the United States can no longer live as a nation isolated from the rest of the world I will not accept accept accept ac ac- ac- ac the nomination He added that if he is to be bethe bethe bethe the 1944 nominee the platform must clearly call for U U. S. S collaboration collaboration collaboration col col- col- col with other nations to insure the future peace of the world On domestic issues he stated that there will be no re return return return re- re I turn to reactionary policies of former G G GOP 0 P administrations administrations administrations administrations' admin admin- If he is to lead the party I understand t the there h e r e are a aj number of men here who want to ask me some embarrassing questions Willkie declared after after after aft aft- er he had finished his opening statement Well gentlemen the only way you can embarrass me is by failing to ask those questions I know what some of you have on your minds He then proceeded to Inform his slightly baffled audience audien e et t that hat h a t certain members of the G GOP 0 P Missouri delegation who were present had had several questions planted on them by Edgar Queeny St. St Louis munitions munitions munitions muni muni- maker malter and a leading G GOP 0 P fin finA rial lal fal an angel anjel el One of the questions Mr Queasy Queeny ny has requested that I be asked is Will is-Will Will I support whoever whoever whoever who who- ever is nominated by the party if I do not win myself Willkie Willkie Will- Will kie asserted glancing pugna- pugna pugnaciously pugnaciously pugnaciously pugna pugna- from right to left His listeners turned questioning questioning question question- ing eyes on the Missouri congressmen congressmen congressmen con con- gressmen present including the acting chairman of the meetIng meeting meeting meet- meet Ing Representative Wat Arnold of Kirksville By this time th the meeting was wason wason wason on the verge of an uproar but Willkie unruffled turned to Representative Arnold How about you Mr Arnold Weren't you requested to ask me that question Yes Ill I'll have to admit that I was replied Arnold with a sheepish grin There here was a burst of laughter but Willkie Wilkie didn't join in it In Infighting Infighting fi fighting tone he continued Yes and I can n name a m e some others othel's here who were asked to put the same question to me But Ill I'll save you the trouble by answering it My answer is is of of course not Of course I will not support anyone who in my opinion isn't fv tt man to lead the Re r Republican Re- Re publican j party arty I would not sup- sup t jj-t J 1 C lonel McCormick 1 of bf the Chicago Tribune for instance if he was nominated or Representative Representative Ham Fish or anyone el else e like them The GO GOP r P leader was cheered and applauded frequently during during dur- dur ing ng the three-hour three meeting but buthis this his touched off the biggest ovation ovation ovation ova ova- tion of all for an audience which numbered a hefty quota o or iso- iso It was a strange spectacle But Willkie wasn't through He was was equally frank frankin in n replying to other questions including his position on soviet Russia I 1 am opposed to all foreign isms isms' for the reason that they deny liberty to the people living under them I 1 could never be for any ny system that would tolerate tolerate tolerate toler- toler toler toler- ate this However I want t tomake to tomake make this reservation with re regard regard regard re- re gard to soviet Russia and nd I believe believe be- be lieve I know a little about it having laving traveled there and met Josef Stalin No realist who is honest with himself can deny that the Russian system has been effective |