Show G Gargan Finds Charity Brings rings No Reward HOLLYWOOD Cal UP UP William William Gargan film leading TOan an and recent recent nominee for an academy academy- award wondered Tuesday if satisfaction from helping o others hers is reward enough Returning to Hollywood from a week end at Pal Palm Springs the actor came upon a family 4 stalled in a broken down automo automo- bile The driver his wife and two I children were drenched by rain and their car needed repairs Gargan towed the car Into Banning Banning Ban Ban- ning the nearest town and took i its iti to a garage The mechanic said saidI I t I. I it would cost 12 to to put it in running running run run- ning order Gargan paid the bill bilI wished the family good luck and started to leave Then he heard the man mutter to the mechanic Damn those actors anyway They think we want their charity |