Show New Border Ultimatum Reported Sent to French by Tokyo TOKYO March 4 tP-Domel tP Japanese news agency indicated Tuesday that Japan for the second time in a week had set a time limit for a reply by France to proposals for settlement of her Indo-China Indo border dispute with Thailand The news agency said Foreign Minister Yosuke Matsuoka was believed believed be be- to have told French Ambassador Ambassador Ambassador Ambas Ambas- Charles Arsene Henry that thata a final answer was expected by Wednesday noon 10 p. p m. m e. e s. s t t. t Tuesday If Frances France's answer answer r Is received the news agency suggested that the fifth conference of delegates to the sponsored Japan-sponsored peace conference would be held Wednesday night to decide final details Matsuoka and the Ambassador met for 40 minutes Tuesday to discuss discuss discuss dis dis- dis- dis cuss a modified plan advanced by Japan for settlement of the dispute but authoritative sources said they failed to reach an agreement It was indicated the Japanese considered the result of ot Tuesdays Tuesday's meeting another setback in their efforts to bring swift settlement of the controversy Japanese sources Indicated that thata a decision must be reached in another another an another an- an other interview between Matsuoka and the French envoy set for Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wed Wed- because of ot the necessity of communicating orders to Thai and Indo-China Indo troops before the armistice armistice armi armi- stice ends Friday Observers believed the French still were attempting to obtain additional additional ad ad- concessions The outcome of the peace negotiations here therefore appeared to depend on whether the Japanese would be willing further to modify their pro pro- Domel Japanese news agency said that Navy Minister Admiral reported to Emperor Emper Emper- or Hirohito on the state of affairs under his jurisdiction Details of his minute 45 interview with the emperor were not disclosed but the meeting possibly was connected with the mediated Japanese-mediated peace negotiations The Japanese press prominently displayed Vichy dispatches indIcating indicating indicating ing that the French government had bowed to Japanese proposals for ending the border conflict Despite the failure of Tuesdays Tuesday's conference to produce a final agreement agreement agreement agree agree- ment Japanese officials were optimistic optimistic optimistic op op- op- op that a settlement would be forthcoming shortly Thailand's agreement to the new Japanese proposal was said to have already been received |