Show a Year Saving FRIDAY FRIDAY a public hearing will be held on the program for eliminating smoke in Salt Lake City Its It's an important meeting and what takes place at the hearing may decide whether within the next few lew years Salt Lake City shall be Virtually free of smoke or not There Is good authority for the statement that smoke can be virtually eliminated in in Salt Lake City if we want to eliminate it and It Itis itIs itis is probable the elimination can be so achieved it will work injury to 10 ro one and will over a ar period r of years more than pay for itself William L. L Butler city smoke abatement engineer has declared that the city's smoke is c caused used 40 per cent by the railroads 36 per percent percent percent cent by industrial and commercial plants and 24 per cent by residences It will be surprising to most Salt Lake City I residents to hear that the cost of eliminating 80 so to 90 per cent of the city's smoke smoke so so much It of it in fact that what little is left will never be noticeable would noticeable would be only about a million l dollars I It is estimated that the cost of eliminating i i all railroad smoke would be about I It is believed the job could be done in a comparatively comparatively com short time and that over a period of not too many years the installation of improved improved im proved fuel burning equipment would pay for itself in lower fuel costs and greater efficiency r It Is estimated that the cost of eliminating almost all of the industrial and commercial I smoke would be not more than that the job could be completed in a year or two and that it likewise would pay for itself over overa I a a. period of years in fuel savings etc It is estimated it would cost about to ellmin eliminate te virtually all residential furnace and heater smoke by means of mechanical firing equipment Already over half of the city's residences have smokeless heat installations installations and new installations are now being made at the rate of a year It is not intended h however wever to compel installation of smokeless heating units immediately in all residences The rate of such installations would be increased increased in in- creased under the elimination program to about a a year for the next two years plus encouragement encouragement en c of the use of smokeless fuel such as petroleum carbon coke or processed coal Under this program it is estimated that in two years half the present residential smoke i would be eliminated and in four lour or five years such smoke would be reduced to only a fraction fraction fraction frac frac- tion of what it is now Thus at a cost of about a million dollars most or all of which would be repaid over a aperio period perio of years through fuel savings or increased increased in creased efficiency Salt Lake City's smoke problem could be solved solved- In a few years we wouldn't have enough smoke to be noticed And then what Well with smoke eliminated ed the people of Salt Lake City would start saving about a year Mr Butler estimates estimates esti estl mates there would be bea a million dollar a year saving in house cleaning and painting bills interior decorating cleaning drapes curtains etc Another million Would be saved in jn soil on wearing apparel merchandise in stores etc Two million dollars a year saving plus aUthe all aU the benefits of healthier and pleasanter living all for the immediate outlay of just a million dollars Why didn't we think of this before |