Show Obituaries Statistics Court Records From S. S S L L. and Intermountain Area rea Lucy Maria R. R Clark Mrs r. r Luc Lucy Marts Maria Robinson Clark 84 84 54 wife of Joseph Joaeph 8 S. Clark died at 4 am Lm Thursday at her hr home 55 11 North West Vest Temple Tempi street treet of chronic L 1 Long It nj it th church active work In Mrs Clark was wu born born In itt t November No vember m 22 1856 a X laughter of Oliver Lee k and nd Lucy M. M Robin Robin- son During the past 14 years she had lived y t In Salt kit f Lake City y doing do log ing L D S Sp temple pl J work here Prior to that time she h he made mad her home in Farm Farm- Ington Surviving are ar her husband four tour sons ions Joseph 8 Clark J Jr ot of Murray r ra CJ Oliver r rClark R. R Clark of at Salt Salt Lake City LeRoy R. R Clark et of Murray urray a an and d Irvin R Is Clark of Los An An- Seles elu eles two daughters daughter Mrs Irs W. W 0 O. Robinson Robin son lIOn of Salt Lake City Mrs Mr Clark and nd Mrs Parley A. A Young of South Jordan Jor dan 22 grandchildren and 12 great grand children six Ix brothers brother Lorin S. S Oliver LeGrand anti and George Geore A. A Robinson of Salt Lake J nfl V City William James R. R H. H lIR Robinson Robinson y of of Jerome Farm Fann Idaho h Harry S. S Robinson of t Los Angeles and nine ln sisters Mrs i George o e F. F Richards 1 3 and Mrs fr Hyrum Lee of Salt Lake City Mrs fn William Dunn of Georgetown Idaho Mrs Marv R. R Clark I of Farmington I O Mrs William o of Morgan Mrs D David G. G Hyde ot of Rupert Idaho Sirs Mrs Lucy ol Coombs F m m Mrs oila Mamie Mamle r gf Steed Sited residing In California and Mrs Julia Julla Hammer Ham mer met residing In Idaho Funeral services will be conducted Sunday Sun day at 1 p. p m. m at 36 East Seventh South street treet Burial will be b. In tery Friends FrIend may call at the place of funeral until time of services Evalina E. E M. M Jones OGDEN OGDEN OGDEN-A A Christian Science service was wu conducted Friday at 1030 a a. a m. m for Mrs lIr Evalina ElmIra Medina Jones Jone 75 lS widow of James Jmes Clinton Jones at the mortuary chapel Pearl Stick was wu reader Burial was In the family plot In Mountain View cemetery Mrs Jon Jones Jonet died at t her home at 2324 2124 Madison avenue Tuesday rJames James P. P Christensen James P. P ChrIstensen 71 a foreman for the tb Portland Cement Company of Utah Uth tar far r 33 years a died Thursday compy at 1230 a. a m m. t knO O. O In a Salt a Lake k hospital of l e carcinoma He was born April 10 1869 In 10 Denmark Den Den- mark but had lived In Salt Lake City 35 years and d In Utah hav 65 years ar He lie resided re r. ei GIn sided I e at 5 Geneses Genesee avenue u Surviving are his hi widow Mrs Mary Marv Melissa M. M Christensen a son James Jam Oliver Olive Christensen three daughters Mc Mrs Mra A. A V. V HarM Harrison Ion Mrs C C. R. R Slater and nd Mrs Mr A. A E. E Raison Kelson nine grandchildren and anda a great grandchild all of Salt Lake City Funeral services will be b. conducted Sunday Sun SUII- day daT at 2 p. p m. m In 10 the Twenty sixth L D S Sward Sward ward chapel Ninth West and Seventh SO South streets et by Bishop Floyd d Weed I aby byc tg Friends e may a c call at North Main street treet Friday from from 5 15 to I 9 p. p m. m and Saturday Sat 81 from 2 to 6 p p. m. m and Sunday at atthe atthe the family residence from 10 a. a m. m until 1 p. p m. m Burial will be In 10 Salt Lake City I cemetery Lavern avern D. D Brown SLATERVIlLE Weber reber County Count Fu Fu- eral services for Lavern I D. D Brown 52 12 prominent farmer Larmer were conducted con con- dueled ducted Friday at 2 p. p m. m in tn L J. D 0 S 8 ward chapel by ly Bishop Victor J. J Mr Bowns Bown who died Wednesday was wu born In March llarch 24 1888 iSSe a son IOn sonI ot of f Alexander M. M and Sarah ChadwIck Downs Bowns Surviving are his hi widow Mrs Mra Elva Knight Bows Bowns whom he married December Decem- Decem her ber er 24 1913 a son Ion on Duane Dun R. R Bowns of Harvard university a daughter Ruth of ot and the following brother rother and sisters uter Norton Bowns of Mrs Mra Cumorah Crezee of Ogden Olden and nd nd Mrs Florence Yeaman Teaman of L Lorenzo renzo Idaho aho Emma S S. Barker mma WILLARD Funeral VILLARD Funeral services servi es for Mrs Emma mma Stauffer Barker 72 Willard who diet died ed Tuesday at noon at the family home after arter ter a weeks week's illness will be conducted Sunday at t 2 2 p. p m in Willard L D S ward g l lV l ri b by Bishop o J. J Wesley Perry r Burial wilt will ill be in the 1 Willard c. c cemetery tery under di dl diction dl- dl of the th Harold B. B Felt Pelt funeral home of Brigham City at t Mrs Willard Barker kird kir a d- d daughter was hr born of lJ August John t and ancL 18 HI Elizaeth Eliza Eliza- 1868 2868 beth eth Stuffer Stauffer She was wu reared and educated In Willard and was wu married to Byron Barker on August 28 1889 In the Logan Lolan L D S temple Mr Barker died 11 years ears ago go An active member of t th L D 8 church u ht she he served e as a Relief society rely teacher e h ansI and d member ember of the Willard L D S choir for several veral years yearL Surviving are the following tollo IOns sons and daughters Clair R. R Barker and Mrs Verna Eddy of Spark Sparks Nev Mrs Myrtle Stones Stone of Beverly everly Hill Hills tk Cal are and Mrs Carma i Hayden of f Willard 21 grAnd grandchildren and 14 great great- grandchildren and a sister Ister Bertha Stauffer of f Brigham City Friends Friend may call at the Felt Pelt funeral home Friday evening and at the family home Saturday afternoon and evening and arid Sun day until time of services Thomas Dixon Thomas Thomaa Dixon 73 West WIlt Second North street building t custodian 0 11 at the r Bamberger er Investment e and Exploration pI Friday company Vs nr In a l Salt t South Lake hospital Main street sired of te teh a h heart died Aliment Mr A Dixon native tx e wo was of Durham born a August u co county r n 28 England 1867 a ason ason son of Thomas Thorn and Mar Marie Arnold DIxon He came to Utah 48 years ago and waa wu a m member rt of the t. t D S church r Surviving rv Forar are his I widow oThO Mrs Safari Riled Taylor four ou sons ions IO Thomas James T. T Wilford V rd and Frank Dixon Salt a Lake City cily and four f- f daughters Mrs ra Frances rl Bryson Mrs Mr Ruth uth Thomas and Mrs Mr Henry Miller Salt Sait Lake City and Mrs ra V Vern n Bailey Butte BuMe Mont ont Funeral services W will willbe I. I be conducted Sunday Sun Sun- Sunday day at t the Deseret mortuary 36 East Hint Seventh South street Time e of the rites Is I. yet to be determined Rachel G. G Batchelor OGDEN OGDEN Funeral Funeral services for tire Kirs Rachel Ra Ha chel Geneva 31 31 wife of Franklin Walker Batchelor of ot Kiesel avenue will wili I 1 be conducted n Sunday U at 1 p. p m. m In Inthe rg l r the Ogden d Tenth ec L D S w ward cg chapel p by Bishop Arthur G. G Pledger Burial will wUl be beIn beIn In its Ogden City cemetery under direction of LI and 8 Sons mortuary rt ait Friends Friend 1 may call 1 at the home of ot a brother L. L J. J Wilson of 2236 Quincy avenue ave nue Saturday afternoon and evening and Sunda Sunday until time for services Mrs Mr Batchelor who died at her home Wednesday night after a short hort Illness was born In Wilson Weber county couney March 18 I v. v r ra nl 1909 2909 a daughter of James B. B a and Rachel 1 Teaman Yeaman Wilson She Site was wu married to Mr Batchelor elo at Brigham City January r 29 r 1929 1029 She l tw was a member m tl of 01 the Tenth e L D S 8 ward and and- had lived In Ogden most mOil o of Besides her life her hu husband band she Is survived by bya by bya a son on Franklin Walker Batchelor Jr 1 a daughter daughter- Beverly Rae Batchelor and the following brothers and sisters Horace B. B Wilson of ot Brigham City Lester J. J and Elwood W. W Wilson of Ogden Mrs Mra M Myrtle o of Albany N. N Y T. Mrs n Evona Eyona King ot of fOb West t Point ti and Orville II Y 1 Wilson of 11 Compton Cal CI I David W. W Grattan LOS ANGELES Feb 13 AP AP David David W. W Grattan 74 74 who retired In 1932 as superintendent of the Union Pacific railroad rail road shop hp here after fler 50 years In the service erv ice Ire died Wednesday night He had b been en Iii a month Born Boris In Ireland Grattan went to Canada Canda at 14 14 began work for a railroad and later Iter Journeyed to Montana where he be entered service of the Union Un Pacific He came here In 1923 from Pocatello Idaho Idabo Survivors Include his hi widow Mrs Mra Battle Hattle Grattan and a daughter Mrs Sylvia G. G Newton both of f Los Angeles e and t two other daughters t rs Mrs I Franklin of Pocatello and Mrs Mr Irene Conrady of Salt Lake City Funeral Funeral and burial services will be conducted conducted con con- ducted here Saturday David Spencer Lind 1 LYNN LY Box Elder County Funeral County Funeral services ices Ic for David Spencer Lind Llad three month old son 1011 of Vance Vanc O. O and Vida Hansen lInsen Lind Lindof I of 01 Lynn who died late Monday Mondy at the family home after a days day's Illness w were conducted hU Thursday iT at 2 p. p m. m in In n the Harold B. B Felt funeral home in ham City Burial was waa in Brigham City cem ter The child was wu born October 20 1940 fn In Brigham CIt City Surviving besides ll the parents a aRichard are three brt brothers and a sister pacI Gerald rd Gordon o Richard and Marilyn Lind of ot Lynn Lyon Joseph oseph J. J Chapple Chappie OGDEN Funeral Funeral services for tor Joseph Joaeph Harold arold Cha 49 49 formerly of Ogden will Ill be conducted Saturday at 3 p. p m. m In Larkin r and Sons m mortuary mry ry ha Bishop Blah Blah- re op p Lawrence wr H. H t Evans n of Ogden Sixth n L D 13 S 8 ward Burial will be In Ogden city cemetery J where military honors honor will be extended Friends Friend may call can at the home of his hit mother Mrs Mr Sarah J. J Chapple Chappie at 2359 Monroe lonroe avenue Friday evening and Satur Satur- day ay until p. p m. m Mr Br J Chapple P died d In the veterans veterans' te hospital I In n Seattle Wash Tuesday J. J He had been tJ ill I several everal years year I Walter I. I Adams TOOELE Funeral TOOELE-Funeral Funeral services Cervices for tor Walter Waltr I. I dams Adams 64 lifelong resident of Tooele who died led Wednesday will be conducted Sunday Sundy at t 1 p. p m m. In the Tooele First L D 13 8 ward hapel chapel by Bishop Sterling R. R Harris Harrl BurIal Bural Bur Bur- lai Ial al will be In the Tooele cemetery Friends may call Sunday from 10 a. a m m. to o time of services at the home of Mrs Mr Sarah arah A. A LIndholm of North First West Tooele Mr MI Adams Adami who was wu unmarried Is f. sur sur- by two utter sisters Mrs Mr Alex R R. Gillespie Gil- Gil lespie and Mrs Mr Lindholm and a brother Thomas homas E E. Adams all of Tooele Clara H. H J. J Oleen 1 MURRAY Mrs Clara A a. Johnson Oleen 59 19 Benbow avenue died Friday Fri I d. d day In a Salt Sait Lake hospital after arter an ill ill- nest ne of several everal weeks A Vu native of e n Sweden e Mr Mrs o Oleen Oln was born June 27 1881 and came to Utah Ulah with her parents parenti when she he was waa 3 years year old she was an active member of the tha South Cottonwood L D 13 B 8 BRe Re Relief Surviving h. h society are are her hr husband huband Axel E. E Oleen four ions Robert Oleen Murray Clarence Clarenee A. A Oleen and E. E San Francisco Cal and SherwIn Oleen aleen Downe Downey Cal four tour daughters Mrs Mr Alice Anderson Long Lone Beach e Cat SIr Mrs Elva Hiva EJ Nellson fl nII Holladay ay ansi and d Mrs mr Helen n Jex and Miss Phyllis Oleen Murray r five sis ala ll Mrs Sylvia t I. I Reid Mrs ot Mabel e Fart Farns- a worth Salt Lake City Cliv Mrs Mra Selma Seima Evans Casper Wyo Sirs Mrs rr Esther Bakersfield Bakers Bakers- a aw field Cal a and Mrs Ebba Larson Murray Murray Mur Mur- ra ray and eight Pat LeRoy Hougaard Funeral Funeral services for tor Pat LeRoy Le to Roy Hougaard 25 who died In the Utah tuberculosis sanatorium after eight years' years Illness were conducted Friday Frida at 1 p. p m. m In Mantl Manti b by Bishop W. W L L. BraithwaIte Mr Hougaard was born In Mantl Manti March 17 1915 a son of Frank and Kate Kat Crawford Craw ford Hougaard Surviving are his hll father of ot Salt Lake City and two brothers brother Garth and Jess Ju Hougaard Gooding Idaho Tilda Hansen Backman MIDVALE ALE Mrs Tilda Hansen Backman Back Back- r pan man 61 wife of oC C Charles ari Ja Backman Barkman n died 1 Thursday at 1230 o a a. a m. m at her home of ofa a cerebral hemorrhage h She was born Oi In Finland fiand March 10 1879 and came camer to the United States Staten when she he was 18 years old She had lived In Midvale Midvale Mid Mid- vale for 15 11 years Surviving are her husband and one son on John Backman of Mary N. N Mavrakis COLUMBIA COLUMBIA MM Mary Nick Mavrakis Mavrak 42 died Thursday at t 5 15 a. a m. m of a heart attack at her home In iii Columbia She wa was born In Va Vamos mo Crete Greece In fn 1899 a daughter of ot Mr and Mr Mrs Ira Petro Pdro Gal Galanis nl In 1915 1015 she he came cam to the United States Statu making her home In Denver Colo Coin She moved to Columbia In its ibIS where she he has haa since Inc resided An active club member she h was wai president dent of the Women Women's Pan Cretan organization organ orlan Arc Arcadi ad I. I of Carbon count county She Is I. survived by her husband Nick NickI Mavrakis Mavrakis' I two sons Mavrakis of ft ftak f Detroit t Mich f and Mike Mavrakis ak of Columbia two daughters daughten Mrs Mr Frank Francis Francl of ot Salt Lake City and nd Liberty Mavrakis of Columbia her mother a its sla ter Mrs Ana Hatzidakis of ot Crete Greece two brothers brothen Gust Gut GalanIs' GalanIs of Detroit Mich l and George GalanIs Trinidad Colo Cob On One hgr grandson also survives t Funeral services will be b. announced by Mitchell funeral home bome Newel Horace Clayton Funeral services for Newel Horace Clayton 94 94 pioneer wagon waJon train driver who died Monday Mondy will be conducted Saturday Sat at 1 p. p m. m at t 2 North North Main Halo street r ahU Burial lar will b be h in Salt Lake e City cemetery Friends Friends ma may call at the family residence ru South Second 0 lt West street tir Friday dU from 7 until 9 p. p m. m and Saturday front from 10 a. a m. m until noon Mary McDonald Mrs Mary McDonald about 6 66 mother of ot R. R D. D McDonald nak Salt Lake ie City jt died J Thursday s In Iii Santa Marie Cat Cal of a aheart aheart heart attack rac It ItS was le learned r lj be here Friday Y Mrs McDonald I Is also allo survived by a daughter Mrs Mn Ed Marksheffel Los Lo Angeles An geles gel Cal |