Show What Readers R ad Think ink University Coeds Need Lessons in Good Manners Editor Telegram About About- a week ago a writer to the Telegram Telegram Tele Tele- gram What Readers Think column complained about the bad manners of U of U coeds at atthe atthe atthe the lecture of H. H R. R Knicl Knicker er- er bocker I attended the lecture and it was quite true that these girls tittered at the most serious part of the lecture I also attended the Ann Jamison concert on Monday and the behavior of some of the girls in the balcony was dis dis- dis- dis graceful Evidently I wasn't the only one who noticed It as you will see by enclosed clipping clipping clip clip- ping from the Deseret News Now I am quite prepared to tomake tomake make snake every allowance for youthful exuberance but these girls are attending an institute of so-called so higher learning and If 11 they haven't enough sense to conduct themselves properly it is high time that someone in authority at the U of U should give them a few lessons on good manners I have always enjoyed the editorials in The T Tel Telegram e I e g gram ram straight from the shoulder when you think it is necessary so perhaps you could give these young ladies a few pointers yourself Reader I Course Lindbergh Is For Adolf lf Hitler I Editor Telegram Everything Mrs Hall Hail said about Lindbergh is right only she he hasn't said enough One time Lindbergh came to the airport here in his his' plane People met him there with a car They put a few bunches of roses here and there in the car They thought that would please him He jerked the flowers down and threw them on the ground like they were poison polson ivy And was he mad That showed right there the kind of a man he was Of course he Is for Hitler A blind man could see that with his cane O. O F. F Vogel thinks Lindbergh Is a wonderful man I want him to buy a magazine called Tru- Tru Crime Detective for March 1941 and read it and hell he'll get a astory astory astory story of his wonderful Lind Lind- bergh I hope Mrs Hall reads it too so she will know how true the things she said about him are Corinne Rose |