Show Here From Latuda J c 4 vey Z Zt t yF k S sS Mrs Edward Scherer spends much of her time listening to the house of representatives representatives' represent tives' tives sessions at the state capitol She is the wife of Representative Scherer of Latuda Carbon county district No I and state president of the ladies ladies' auxiliary of the C 10 I O. O Mrs Edward Scherer Collects R Recipes cipes for a Hobby By y BETTY WAUGH It I If youre you're in need of a good recipe recipe anything anything from Italian sP Spaghetti to fruit salad salad just just call caU on Mrs Edward Scherer of Latuda wife of Representative Scherer from Carbon county i No 1 1 Mr Scherer is s we for the Liberty FUe t tiel company in Latuda I r I Collect Hect recipes Mrs Scherer la d. d I guess you'd oud call All It iny my tY hobby And Abd I 1 try every everi neW new one that Is One given me l t too S S oi of a The The 1 ers era have three Series children Roxada Roxada Roxada Rox- Rox ada 11 Bonn Bon- Bon n 0 and Edward Jr 5 s. Irs Irs Irs Scherer said that one o of her family rules Is never to dis- dis Cu while at the meal ta table ta- ta ble bleI a aI I r think children take dislikes to various foods because they hear their parents say they dont don't like dike them she said We have havea a rule in our our family that we never discuss discuS our food likes and dislikes around the Children Mrs Scherer who is staying at atthe atthe atthe the Newhouse hotel has been here for the the- week end several times tunes but usually returns to Latuda dung during the week She is state president nt of the ladies' ladies auxiliary auxiliary aux awe of the C CIO I 1 0 and la is one of the civic and social ocial leaders Inthe in inthe inthe the community community Mrs Irs who speaks with witha a pleasing Oklahoma accent cent a spends spends' much of her time at the capitol listening to the the- the house house ses ses- She was employed in the state capitol of ot Oklahoma before before be be- fore tore coming to Utah so I feel right at home up here she said She is fond of blue and buys most of her frocks In shades of ot blue |