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Show HI ' m:v.h kiiom ka.nosii. H' How the ItnlliUyi wrn Spint and H Ollirr It mi. H I Corrriiionilrnrn of ttio IlMritrT B I Nrws In Kmio.Ii wo haeo hm, Hi ' ilnnClitlilniM, liK through one BH of,lllO IllOtt lrMllt (fill 0 M-TOIll H iinf known litre. Oalnj tnthe ll Hi ; Ing of Urn liorJ, ahowered iiioii th M jKonle ilurlut Ui eventful iar ol H! l&DI, all hatt lieen well provided with E tint which cheer, the hMit nil M liratlti. Net liomr, but li iiroTklnl with the comfort., nJ iuu eome o( flf the luiurlea of life. No one conl- I rlalnaunlei. It l the Jll-tlce of the BV l'tttr.iu he tiai not even hail ouucwo BH of Inclrity, BH OnChrKmaa ilny there M n wed. BB ding Knoh U noted for Hi beautl- BB. i ful glrla Mr. Ilufua Hncll of Aturrl. Hfl' can Fork, won the heart an 1 luml of BBS one of them In the (moil ( Mix1 BBa J, 11.1 y ItotliiMii, who iiuw leavia u BBS to lorn wllh her Kiamful, wltiwme, BH riiHiitv, thu muro nirlhrrn city of BBm Iter fuliire liime. BBS' Hocialaod ur rlao pulle. have been BBS In conatatit auruialon for the at two BBj weeka, an I It lu Iweil a a iuro of BH IWtlou toriuthe table, uniwlnu un- H der liiiurlotia vlanili, ami c-iuii-v na 19 BBE revert Hleiity.nve )oaraaito, when jBJj uur MClaMee laruel) con.litel of BBM ij hyinua, I read and lllolae, flulinlliff, BBS j I ia variation, wllh molaMeaaiidbre.il BBS J I am toW that IntlJe ol tweutr H daa we haTe taten a watfon loul of ramljr, lleinrrllme our wife callwl ua H Bam, liutuiwaheotlla in dear; than H our chlliJren went barefoot, i ow thejr H wiar artli auil tm cent Jlry. Now H ourUauifhteri make ua ircuu, imd H wo only Hill out the coat when the H llorektriierliaiulaualhoblll. M OnlhnnllnullrothrrI.rl. Iiirrlljr H left ou u million to the Hoiithuru H Btatra. Our kooI wlaheaaniJaawellfd H walltt, the procetrja of two antrrtalll H u tiieuta, went with lilm. Ojr aohml H ft. liouavaare fllloil to overflowlnir, an I H K tho cltlteua have atrmiKtheueJ the H t handaofthetriiileeaby Toting unnnl H Vi m mlrttieaiiouul aaked for, to bull I H It aJJIlloualrsomito the brlok icliiwl H til houe. ' H UueoftheRrrat attraclloDt of the H 1 holljaja hat ooiialltvdbf hone racllltf, H and aome enthuilaita In that aport H mlKlit learn profitable leaon fr im our H boya, aa from obaorvallon here and H elsewhere, I am led to think that the H amount of fun doea not depend upon H the amount of tho atakea, nor theaimel H of the hortra. Our boya catch up a few H cayuiee, put them III a dark rtable. If H they can find one, put a demliva H blanket on their back, feed them auaut H nlneoataaday forK wuek, anJ call H them race liortea. Then the rider H ruuat have a pair of red Urawera on (a H . man'adrawcrawltldofiira ainall bov) H while aocka, all wool, head bare, H lila alilrta lied with colored ribbon, and H 'i u club in the right baud. The owner H I orthevat)Mlaeaiei.ledtodocotialder H if able ahoutluf;, while the Iwiy wenran H wlnnln IraaoMurihy amllo. When H the blanket la drawn off, you obaarve H that IhehorHi'a long hair la moatoflt H pointing toward tho wlnnlmciwat. lx H clteiiieiitnowhuoomea lutenie, bettlnir H In Jack kulvi-., dance ticket) and H adonlre. In thla luatmce about alt H luctuaofnuid had Ueu acra)Mid out H nf the tracka, which la n great hrlpln H keeplnt; the anlmala in the furro . H und now tlieyaro oil at laat. In thu H ' excltetmnl )ou foricet that you are H gradually aetlllni! Into alt Incheaol H muJ, and the alcht la grand to feco the H Utile anlmala ncarlns the three hull- If ilnil ) arda outcome, their telle ahaklnK llkethitt ofMary'allttlulamU Wehad ii . MToratdajiof ihlitlienplun.ltdraAa ' ,1 will, aawe aaw moat of thu olllo of 5, i Jllradowattheracri. V f One of ourcltlzena la noted for the 9 amount of ilder he inakea, moitly for honieonaiimplloii. Home nf the fun aeekera dumjied two of tho barrela Into ivwnou and hauled thcro otr The i rbltr mail got on the trail nextniorn- f lug. Wihii thu hi a from dill'arent m I ill ii itlona rode Into the doiiJ hllla wllh H I ahuvrla, luleiiillng to bury tho barrel., B Ihey dhoiverej their uwiht leiulnz H H;altiat one of tin in mil blinking at H hla Winchester lying ujion thu uther. H Thla cauaed them to wluel and imt oil H the funeral. H Conalderable 1 ropecllng la atlll go. H Ingunln our nniiutalun. Majir le H JCInley ami thai Driiver ayuiltrate hat H not Jit vliHiil the much lalaed of H Millard County tin tiiluiK, andatpna H i lit very little uro la be)ui( ahlpped, H owing In the abiinceuf "till." B Wllh biot wI.Iib. fir Urn nl.l n liable H peojila'a Irlelld, the .N'K8, I all), H A, lit H ICakcuii, Millard Co,, Jan, V, le'JJ. |