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Show a tnarr max. llal Jltda-e tlrrsliani Ilea an Laelllnr A.a sasfl pesletice. BB CiHCAUii, Jan. 11 Judge Walter IKB (). Uresham bad an exciting experience I IUH with a crazy mau today, This morn- l,W Ing when hu first entered the cbam- I flM lera a strancu man aptroached the liBM Judge familiarly, asking If aims one, PRH git pg a name this Judfu do. a not re. ;UaiaB memlier, had arrived. Uelug told no, 'n 'CXM tin left. A Itillttl o'clock this all. moon tUM Iheuinii eutertdJudneUreshain'sruoni MH again and told him that tlm marshal IsH had Hint money luckisl up and wouldn't ' !. glveltlohltti. alfl "Not jet realizing that tbe man was -.' , tirtaW out of Lis uilud," said the Judge, "I M ' askud him what money?" Un referred ;W iflH to a memorandum and said that $500) , V, 'laBH that Jay Oould aid him for him. I 1 ; aH then observed thu wild exiretilou 011 m tM hit couutenanoa aud told lilm tu go m; $HI with uie to the marshal, but he ue- iVv W cliued, saying that the anarclilils were Si, ijBH after lilm and wanted to kill lilm. m 'gU I theu told hlni lo take a seat, ! 'lH and went lo tho marshal's rlllco 'iBH and told tlm dtputles to Inform tho H f- IsflH fror autliorlllra ot tbo condition 'H "!H of thu lour man, so that liu might ( j9B be cared for. DefUty Hsyea returned c9 with me, aud when wu entered Ihu ! S TM ciurlioui the 1 mince of the dejuty iU Jj' m excited Ihu man, and he declined to , fl Jgl ROWlth llayrs. I directed thu deputy WT?iSl filiate for atlmo, whlclibudld. Thu 9 Lf'S uau (ban closed the door and went to JV A, ijsl tho door lending Irom tho chambers to IL'i I K Hie court room and locked It. I told W vil lilnitosltdown. He did so, and l.o t'lfin sgalnsaldhe waslu danger Irom Ihu I J 111 anarchists. Hu raletrud to his J-'OO) , JHsj T arid claimed my protection., I assured Bmi 111 hint that ho should not bu hurt. After ffF: ,; !' a little he at,alu brcami. quirt, but In :tit 1 li the NirautluiPSOllieof the deputies bad 1 SB(?P " sent lor tlie lolln, and they were out. 1 'T Sife side. The man In soma way learned dl iiltcjaj of their meseucu aad again became 1 I rllHH exotled. I had lilm taxu bis seat ngalu, till VlfiJB aud told him 1 must go suou, Hu re- -tfe 'f3'tH quitted that I protect lilm until the 'Ay liiiiss military arrived. I told hloi ho bad 11 , jJiwE better go under thu prolertlou of tbu 1 1 I'm fP marshal until the arrival of tbu , K Rfg XK soldlurs, wlilch ho said he would do. 'A' m ft I weul out aud requested Marshal ' ST. W tVf& Hitchcock to go tu the room. Hu 1 ATI (I S3 could notgoLutseut bis ton, and X saaTf bbb!'"1 told the mau that young llitchccok Ti : Jtj would alTord htui protictlun, wbeu Hj fl ' Jtn' I left and luiuied lately quilled thu ! ;)ij iwo policemen and two ether men, V jlfifu afler a ttrugglv, tucceeded lu over- Bi' L4!L(CR lowering thu lunatic. With thu caue Kf 9t'Mt ho was earning hu attempted to nvold Ml " ',"'' McCouany. lie Is of powerful build m l'!,i" and about llfty yenre ot age. Nothing jflT Hi '( lurtlmr bat yet tieeu learned about AT H lha auutliwesi.ru 1'aclUe abort M ! ( 1 1 Ht. 1JtUn, Jan. 11 A special to the Hf M) 'i.fe A'rjiuido from Hloux City, la , tayt WVS t t.eutlouiau wliohaalieell Invrstlgatlus BlL?al')'j 4 the iiiattrrsajatliuWInonaaudHoulh. Hlfjl. 1.I western l'aclflo Hbortlduo and Pueblo ' liilt '. A Duliilh are, all projects of the Dele. I?atf' -waie, l.ackawauua A Western, liar i HIlSM'i'.. lug lirotheraof London were backing ' If I'M'' ill Ihu Lackawanna lit an Immeuto BV iBlli" schemu lo build a system from l'hlla- Hllft dilphla to fan Francisco, aud tils BJ ' 1 M" rosiis named were all parts of tbo syu- BJ. M i ' !l dlcate. Workprtgrsisud fsyorably on BJ 1 'M all thu Hues until the llatlnga got BJf M tqurtzed III thu Argentlue crash, when ' I j'iirJ It watsutiundi'd. Now arraugsmrntt BJl'l'!l are complettd for resuming work. The BaV j'l" story baa the apisaranre ot truth aud BJ) M I) t' has lautudexcltemeHt here. rV'tX' ui 1 A lleree I'lre nl KoeUe.lsr, V r. .If, Il M" HocllKaiKH, N.Y.,Jau, 11 A Dree 'I 'tijfl, lite was raging heru at noon. Hiram 1 1 .4S:J hlbley'a tutl iiousc, a ten or twelve $Hi story bulldlug covering nearly a wliole it$ , square. Is a mass of fltmrs. The heat JlM from tlie Are nukta It Impossible fur ?aV mXici the firemen to be of much use lu sav. 1 fiiM ing the 11 IJolnliig buildings, and His , I JafJ-'( feired that other fires will lollow. At 11 1 fMSsV J. ll.-V), half an liiiurallrr tha Urn start. I I o, Wi ed, Hip south wall of tho great build. , I I 'J JJI Ing fell, 1 ru-liiug In tbo rear nf Iho 1 ( Cl III , stiroof Howe A llssiett, which is lu I MJJ Ml .' tho Hlbleybliek lunar of the luirulng 1 'IM building. A woman nud baby were V tH'Cl J risiurd by a firrmau from Ihu ' liRJ. third slory of this bull Hug, Later a fiTiS large (wrtion of Hmsouthwislwallfell, -111 setting llm to the Heconil Hiptlst Vf .' tbiircb. Dittctlvp Long was In Ibe , ,,jW'r' back hall nl Ibu top llsur, ulil, t, 01 a, I'lltjji tttrlvuflrimeiiaudiiilzius, heljlug ta 1 111 nM v I J!"9ulrfl fill BBBBBitaWBJEiiSaxiiSi Bfa ' BBM retctte i roplu wltnlri, when tlie walla BBB rateil Id, anJ all were Uriel In the BB rulna. When Isnz unit two llrenian BBB racaiod they hit nothing of the ; . reat of the peolle wlin wero BBB I with Ihein. Lent feel. tertaln iliat BBB I fomo of tliem area till In tho nilna Ae BBB ' toon M It became apparent that the BBB bulMIng In the roar couM not ho aired BBM an I there iu danger ot the frnnt of BBB) I thn bullJlllC, whlrh wn 0CCUlcl hy BBB fifteen flrma will aa l)J mldrtt, BBB, from retching fire, the tenatili In tho BBW Utter betfan nioTlng out. The Art, BBBJ himeTer, iu gotten undir control BBB before the whole fmnt nf thoelrueturr BBBI waa con-umeJ rtiougli aeTernl fire- BBBi nien ha I narrow eec-tir" from ileath, BBB! noohvwea Injured. Howell . i.'-aett BBB nlumberri, loae .hrlrciulreet-ick,viilul BBB i II ttv),lX) The eeed liouao waa valued BBHl nt$75 000 The entlroloia will foot up BH S1W.W0. Innirtd H the Itrlirlna Nra Mailer Hj UTTAA,UnU, Jau U The reporte BBBJ teli graphed from WaaMngtnn ol n BJBB friction Wtween (Inat llrluln and the BJBB , United Hlalei urer the llthrlu; i BJBB matter rauuot I confirmed here. On BJBB I the contrary, It la learned that the BJBB mutt friendly feeling lreralla between BJBB tho too countrloj. A goeirnmu-il BJBB paptr here tare the report of thejdut BBBJ i loinrnlialoli to lnvetlralii theallio 1 BBjJ I' taklnrofacalelaabnlltoualplali'd frol BBB I lovt Intc the corumlulon'e report HI he BBBj theinaklligbf an agreement tcieubmlt BBu the dltlerent nueatlone of lull ruatlonal BBB rlehta toll-litlnit eea t a boar I of ar. BBBJ titration, romlatlmtof eeeeu ieraoiia BBBJ It la not jet known whether Ureal BJBB llrltaln and theUnitnl Htatea III hnru BJBB Ino moru rrprteenlaMree, leaving the BJBEj remainder to Ihi nametl ly a foreign BBB power, l ut It la well imdtratool that BJBB cue of the Ilrltlili arbitrator, will lm BBBJ named Jiv the Dominion government. BJBJ1 Thuttatement that Hlr (Jrorgv Helen BJBB I'owtllwllllxioneof the arbltratoia la BJBB moat Improbable. H Ttie ll.lirliitr flelilallr H WiBlllNuTO', Jan. IS rtin llahr BJBB Jug eea question waa beforetliCablnet BJBB ruetrlltig tonight. Hleuuleritool the BBBJ canihaa taken n favorable turn wllhlu BJBJB the i tt few ilaja, an 1 Been lary Hlalne BJBJB uaabtenadl.J lint Lord Hallabury BJBJB wjllagrieto I'll eurfgeatlon a ta the BJBJB method of telectlug lliu three art I BJBJB llalora from rouulrle. which lie'o no BJBJB lulereal wliatevtr In the (utftlon at BJBJB laauo. Whi u thwu threu neutral rh. BJBJB tralora arn asrevl upon there heed bo BJBJB ' nofurlhirdelay In deildlus; upon the BJBJB perxmnel of the trlbuiul, It haeliii; al- BJBJB rtady lieeu arrani(eil that the Uultel BJBJB htatea au I Ureut llrltaln "lull eaoh BJBJB have the a pointing of two niemkera BJBJB Another pol it aeitle.1 la that one ot BJBJB U rent Jlrltatn'e repreaentattvua ehall Im BJBJB reddest of Canada Thn pruapvcla BBBJ are that una of the arkltratora on the BJBB liartof thu United Htatea will be ao. BJBJB lected front tho lleaiblcAn party an 1 BJBJB the other from Iho democratic parly. BJBJBj l.Jward J. Ihelpe, ex mlnlater to BJBJB l.HKlaud, la tuantloneri aa molt likely BBBJ ( to be one of the arhltratora on the I art BJBJBJ t of the United HUU-e. H Tre.IT IIU le liana. Hj 'XI n'Mliltuivv, Jan IS Thu 1'real BJBJBJ ' 'l dent today aent to Ooncreai, with n BJBJBJ i retoniniendatlou uriflnt early and fa. BJBJBJ vorahle conalderatlon, the agreement BBBJ of Meaare. Jlrlsnam. of Uhlo, and Mer IjBJjl rill, ofWaahlaKloii.a majority of thu BJBB Khoahoneaul Arapahoe Indian com BJBB miaaion, made with (he 8hohoue atii BJBB Aratahoe Indiana of Wyoming, for the BBBJ ctaafon of more than half the reeorva BJBB tlon on Wind rlrer, Iu Wjoralm;. The BJBB landa ceded comprlae l,nO,UDO acna BBBJ of lanllnthenortheru part nf the re. BJBB vrTatlon, and the price la JJO,U(X),or BJBB hboutMcvnU tracrt. BJBB A minority report, elifnud by J. I) BJBB Woodrurr, of lender, Wyoming, chair BJBB nian of tho commlaalou, oppiiata tho BJBH treaty, prlncli ally nu the cround that BJBH the India ni would not tell the aouther i BJjpJ tract of the reservation near I.tn ler. H The IMpleinatle erpa necelae.1 by (he BJjBJ H WAaiuioros, Jan. IS Tho 1'reil- BJlBJ demand Mra. Ilarrlaon thla eveuln BJlJJI gave ai reception to the dlplomatlo BBjBJ i-orpa, Vontttv, the army and uavr hBJBJ ami all j rumlnent VVAatiluvtou olll IBBBJ clalabelue: Invited Hwaaoneof the BJBJBJ in Kit hrllllint receptlona held at the BJBJBJ White llouae In yenra. H A liilon laellle B aillMllSLANU, ISeb, Jan. IS A BJBH lAaaeuser train nn the Ord brauch of BJJBJ the Union 1'aclDo waa wri-cka 1 ttile BJJlBJ morning by n broken rail. A uuml rr BBBJn tf laaaenxera werumoreor lta Injur BJJBJ I ed, and J. V. Kelly of thla city la BJJBJ I I thought to he fatally hurt. Only two BJBJB ' I othiri weri-rloualy Injured. |