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Show T11K IiATK WILLIAM LIIANV. I llrlrr lifiirlpllnior Ilia I'.rful l.lfr, II) u Cm ropuurut. tlorrctKniltncaotlLalllca8ar.T Ntwa. Ilruthcr William l.iuny, wliudvart-vtl wliudvart-vtl thla life nt this iliu ago of aoventy. lit, waa thu twin brother to Itino l.iuny, who wai au terribly thotat llauu'aMIII, Mliiourl. Ho wai burn In 1'raiiklln, Hlinpaou County, K'on. tutky, ou December lOtli, 1819. lit, went lu Mlaaourl With thoHnlnta III lllo jtarlSIU, and after tho mobbing, lie among olhera bad to do tho Utt ho could for aupport. lie then went tu Illlnola, ami arrived In Kauvoo lu 1811. 1I workel on the Nauvoo llouro and on thu Temple, aa u carjieii ler. Ho and lilt fimlly were atnoag thnfu who wero driven out In the ytur 18 PI. Thodeceaaedm-irrledtt UatighUr of 1'alhcr Hi arcr, lie mine on to Council Hlulla and wat ready to Join lu tho Mormon llaltallou, which waa then l-vlng ralte.1, but waa allowed to re lllllu Id help lalio tare of Ihu lii'lnliii fanillliB left by thoauirlio did ko. He reinalneil lliero all thu winter, and the Mluwing aprlug went on tu Ihu valley of the Ureal Halt Lake, where lie lalaired fallhrully tt made a lioiun for lilt wile and family. In tho fall til 18SCI In) waa nailed aa one nf the Houllieru pto'nrrrt lo go under the loadeiahii) of Apuitlo Ueorge A, Hmllb an I ulllf at 1'arnwati, where ho nrrlvril on the 11th nl January, Wl i III. hcl-d many Unite tniilell the ' Indiana, nnJ waa nierknou total . when called u)ii to aaaltt In I ilafendlng lila brother! and frlenda , When the HU Ueorge mlaaloll waa formed ho ani'ing Jim ! real, belugnHiiulhern inaa, waacalluil In ralte cotton and tobau o. Ha atttltd it Harrlaburg, Waahlnjlon Counly, I win re he lived until Hie time of hla i tiath, which look place on theSOth ilayofDeceinlier, latil. Ilrollior Itrany lirldthoolllceof High I'lleal and had i.f. lined In all Hie bleaalnga of tho boly rrlealhuo-l given In uur day. Tile funeral lervlce waa htjd III the meellng houae at Harrlaburg, iiniler Hie prealdeticy of lll.li.ip MeMullH. riie a cakera were l.lJera JollllHIeel Oeorge Hpllaluri, llrolher l,eatliaiu and lllaliop MiMiilllii. who riwke of III. deeeaaeil aaa goiel. faithful l.nltel ilavHalnt. JullMriiml 1'iaitiniVM.t r, Waalilugton Cjuiity, U. T., Jauuary 8th, 181.'. |