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Show TUVHPaONKAILHOAIMJ. THCY GET OVEIt GPEAT DISTANCES ON SCHEDULE TIMC. Tlbrn ll.ff Can't ll Insula T17 Hate I a Ileal thai Ilia rslrltyrAOTutil, mil matlmaa Tlial Is tar Uood, llinufli Trllla llaaaroiiv V I tic trainmen are of ODd mind In re-g re-g to the announce which truupa cai - thu ri nutl louipaiilet tin) ills- r. ' nln ii Ilia iiieiliadi of these Indl-vi Indl-vi ! a! i iu 'dt'lnj' the cnatitry. In ij; ,1 inn tiiit rulo of til railroads m n n., tt-iuipt, tin lo professional ti t ! ii.itt'rr the road aomehotvur c - li natnnldilng rapidity. They J ml now utocune from Ban Trail-t, Trail-t, 1 1 Sow Y'irli in lint n trifle lougrr In Hun It tor,k Mr Mailie) on tiU r nil liui;lrlp It la b) nonteaua ' c mm ii i i nu f theio iiouinda didn't I an iu) any Mr. JIacley part of lbs wty a, t a tiio continent on Iho fait molt train. Trai ps nro partial tu Lull trains. The trmks nro rucmler limn those of the ordinary coich or freight rar Whalerer doubt there Masalautt Mr Mackey'a beallni; Iho nonl thiro c ti ilnly vc"n t any doubt Unit Mr. Tr imp brat the railroad ciilnpaliy. Tin re are trauiis an 1 traiuis. Many a poor fellow who has snt hit hit unit ' au t is out at iheilbuwt ttantt lo try hie Hi u lc in am hf r I"-'! of the connlry( but W he Ii it no inevw of Retting tlirrn cioe) t H Lis 1 1- Theae will not rnrry him for IB without hmuiirtlaiinghliu lu the fare. I lie tluilii nU.ut some frcljjhtyard, and hu A train la jiulllui out beg n train-B train-B rn in to carry him nlung a lilt. Ha nil-m nil-m nitu that ha Isa tramp, but ho Isn't; he'a 9 a iKjrgar and u UuderfooL Iheronro fl others whohiiojllstsot their hind In, ,'l travi.lin; from town to town, ami whu jl a luminaii catches them ttowed nwny 'I In a lioxcnr they whlno plteonaly nml ' m lit their pullerlng". or thomi of a ,1 il, k family miles nnay which they nto M ansi iua to get to. M HOW I Lit. Tit HUH ACT. "There &re no tramiM," taid n broke-tlfi broke-tlfi tuau 'bro nothing luUresllnj aH ftlnut thrrtl and they ard a nuisance. ( lunifoi mlontl trump is n iharacter, IH anJ auini-tlniea ou meet with nno so (H ih klhi.tlieilerii to U-at, bla waj. U Then-il trunp maLes no eictiao when M ho Is iIi'com re.1. in tlmea out of ten SM l iimkes n threat, nml na n gool ninny flf at thrm tt Htuieil It Is il inerous to H ineilillo with them, for It tWo U a H liiilnati buns who mlttht bo exiectnl to IV lalau bis lifo cheaijlylt isn tramp rather Il than a burglar. How many llinealiavo j I ha.1 a tiauip snarl nt me with n atrlug fl of oatliH nu 1 wind up by threatening to H jntlllKlothtoushme" H "1'ri i i !., tratnpa will bans on to H moit ui jrthlntr, ftoin Iho IrakcaliM to H the wheel box,"anirceatl the reorter. j ".;,," mi In tr.iUMian of the Central IlillroiicfFW Jirry "Many iieoplo H hil err leousfb isalHiitt thohnbltaot S t'Rinpi I'craonally I ueMraaienlramp B ou a truck, but others cay the) haw. ifl 1 rami a 1.-iiorally pull for an empl) Lot II car, It tUre Is ono open. It Is turious H to tieo them search the 3 anl oier, linmlr? BM 11 - ut Hi urpirUtro of trains nn 1 PB tbilrileiitinatlunaril the stoiia they mnko fjt 1 1 1 1 llm way, hy, balurday night, wm j"-i 1 foro ItaTin; fir !'httllrbnrp;, 1 QB Win 1 -ttich my train for tramps, nml I KJ fnuiij an empty fall Drouk car full of HII thi iu, lijbtrixt to tho train tbl. They IW knew tumehoer that Iho car wis oln IB 1 in, and that It went tutheciilot tho IB j 1111 y. TlnyIwa)aoem to want to ll f,o as lar an poislbli . "Tli to ftllows nt upAwhlnluirnnl II xSk lino to lit them Konlonj. Ibey IB all ha I sick famlllea, or romethlng just H m b id, to ko fu-, an 1 ono of them tnl 1 w horutod toRo to r!ili;iiliiri to attend 9 Hi funeral of his brother. I ilroo them a I nut .SurjMii ihemwasnprofnuloual, OL j lildn't know one nnollter, and they all Kuiured Iu itilTerent lllrecllon I LVK.OE rott IU, TItEAIHENT. "Uf C"ur they will pit Into any nt Ih if Is Irlt pen, and If there lsnn)lhliit 1 uallo tin y al jj h. lp tlirmaohos. It tl 1 Isut nn.oiien car liny wllltry lo I fii. a cur of 1 iiiibtr Tint U mom ex. & 1. d, but thtro nro nlwararonuMiic nit 1 n , betwun IliajiHgtct boards, uul tu i make very pxl buuks. Wbm I w i r toning on a lonj; Tlraueli train wo b I an i xpirletioo with trntuii nt Matn-wan. Matn-wan. So (leked up n car of Inmlier Ih' A sang of tramp bail learned of In time of il. pnrlure and that It was n tl 1 n Ii car, width Ja.t sultrnl them Tu y nli.ujs try to Kit n 'throuuli alotjf cr,'lll.c , 1 oiira who pay their way. One of tn ui, w 110 bud 11 w 00.U 11 leg, they I ut on top f the lumber lit plain tight, and tl 11 tu y opiwarcl to go away. Of cuue the trainmen wouldn't put n deform de-form d man ctf, and apparently ho was the only onn w ho w as going along, lint no wmiicr did tho locomotive signal to start tlmn the gang lit upon the lumber rarllkonananuot bies. WewcntbnUf and pulled Hum all out from lhoi.ri.v-it lhoi.ri.v-it s, and w got cum In return. The next night wlnn a fnlglit tnln came along the au.Hi h nt Mnluwan wna (Ih n, an 1 tbo train mnhed n lot of cam en n siding Tho tramps wero around hterloseo tho results, an 1 liny naked tlni iigcut whithir that was l'orter'a train J.'o,ialdthoafcnt,nnd theywero I'ery sorry that they had made 11 mil-lake. mil-lake. ' An empty box car or caret InuiUr IwKlng, tiny I0.1U for u car villi 11 good 'ill nt tho end. Hut not man) una are built th it way now V1 ero n car has ladders within reath of tho buinprra trmrij swill tuml 1111 tho bumirsonl in ike n long iouruey aometlmn In that Isttloii, lint geuerall) tl ero Is nothing to cling tn at the end, and man) apro-f apro-f - lonal will ataud Utweca two enra with n fuoton ono bumpcrntid tho oilier foot on the othi r liumper. Of toumo this Ii rerkli s, fur trains often break In Wo, ard down goes Iho tramp an 1 one aec-lion aec-lion goct over him I'robally moro trunps arolillli-1 iu this wo) luaauuy |