Show i ARMED MEN ON GUARD CANYON I Up to noon no injunction suit had been commenced against the city to restrain it from using the waters of ot Parleys Parley's creek The dispute between t n the city and the theland theland land Jand owners between Ninth and Twelfth South streets with regard to to the use of the flow Parleys Parley's creek Isa is a assuming more serl serious Ps proportions and seems to be fast Cast coming to a crisis Today armed arc are patrolling the city's Intal Intake e. e Yesterday afternoon the tho farmers made a demonstration In force Between Between Between Be Be- tween twenty five five and thirty of ot them up the c creek ek to th the city's Inkey In- In take ake key They carried boards and planks which they evidently CI meant to hut off otT th the water flowing o Into the city's an and l divert Lt Lx all onto their theft own o ands The They found however that th the th stream was owIng lowIng down Into their Irrigating aUng ditches In the party were ere Martin Oscar Van Van Vant Cott Commissioner John Gabbott ex- ex Sheriff John Ho Howells Oliver er Newell and Cyrus tJ When Then B n H saw sav the crowd as assembling assembling- he c called up Hines 1 Mayor favor Thon Thompson on was advised of oC the situation situation and fn a Ina short time the patrol wagon waon was hAde for Cor the scene carrying Police Captain Bur Bur- bidge Policemen Chase Gillespie Care Carey Ca Ca- Carey re rey and Roberts and Superintendent Hines The invaders were wen ordered to leave the city property and went tent oft off without an any show of oC violence leaving leaving- as guards Howells Ne Ne ell and WhItaker Two-thirds Two of oC the water orthe of or the creek was tas then turned ba back cl into the city conduit so that the tank might have a chance to fill 1111 up during the night When hen early earb yesterday morning it it was seen that th the strong north wind would k keep p the water back In the Jordan ra- ra annl a nal Land and ami VI Water tel Commissioner t. t Fisher took hold hoM of the situation At 5 I o'clock a n third cf ct th the flow of the creek was turned into the irrigating ditches I At 11 n this was increased to one-half one of the flow how and from 2 until 7 o'clock I the thc flow oC gallons was turned down so us os to cool the thc rocks I I and soak the channel In order that a smaller stream tream might b be serviceable I later Inter The City Council took the ma matter lter up UI last night It directed ct d b by n a resolution that the City Engineer remove the weir at the crossing of or Ith the canal Ulal and the canyon creek and ad place it Il nh abOut ut yards ards further do n no sons Mons as to Include the springs Jugs arl arising ln from m the thc s ec ace Th TheLand The TheLand J Land nd and at Water r Commissioner will hereafter measure th the spring w water ter as the property of the allotting water water wa wa- vater va- va ter to the primary primal ners owners Under the e ex exchange exchange ex- ex change contract These o neis will re receive receive re- re from the springs s and the canal sufficient water to meet their demands an any deficiency to b bo be supplied from the canyon canon where the Is taken taleen for forthe forthe forthe the No more water will ill be furnished from the pipe s system stem for Irrl ir Ir- Ir rl n. n The Mayor and all ex executive officers are authorized to take all necessary sary ary action to protect the city's rights and md prevent pre Interference with Its water supply Commissioner Fisher has expressed his lIs willingness to take any on one over oer the district between NInth and Twelfth South streets and show them that there is no distress whatever for lack of Ir Irrigation Ir- Ir atlon water On the contrary he says that thero them Is much waste on some of the lands Land ond eM Water rater Commissioner Fisher Fish Fish- er or talking talking- of ot the this morning i said Bald The city gave the farmers the entire flow of the creek u up to 7 i o'clock last night but this I is not enough for them They demanded complete surrender of ot th the S Superintendent dent Hines decided de- de that the city should have part of l i the water during the night This was done and the farmers were allowed to toute use ute third one-third of the flow all night and andare andare nd are still getting that much Brown telephoned this morning that the head of ot water is about gallons so that the farn farmers eI are arc getting almost the gallons from the springs This ThIs' amounts In all to to gallons They Ther are entitled under their contract to I will have the flow Increased during the da day to the full quantity It If necessary ary I will tili again turn the whole stream Into the irrigation tl canal but the city must have Its two thirds third of the tho water at night I look for or a rise In the Salt Lake and Jordan canal b by tomorrow night It will probably reach the city b by Frida Friday Fri Fri- da day morning The cnn canal l companies have be been n getting the Cooper and West Jordan mills water vater for sixty hours a week and they are arc now negotiating for fOl the purchase of these water rl rights out- out It amounts to 63 53 second feet Ceet or about gallons a Il cIa day to be di divIded dl- dl vided amon among the five fire canals Or It should be as th the eft city is only onh allowed wed two feet Ceet of the eleven Ie en feet It purchased ed from th the Utah Mattrew compares company al although although al- al though the City Attorney will ask asi ask the courts to decide that t it set get the complete eleven en f feet rt t If it the canals acquired these water rights there would then be about gallons a da day to divide between them and the city for Cor LIon tion Orders Weir Removed 1 Mayor Thompson this morning approved approved ap ap- ap- ap proved the resolution adopted by the 4 The City Engineer has had a af f ff f gang of men working all da day on the construction of or the thc new y weir ell ellIn In Parleys Parley's c canyon n. n on The work The work work- f men ha c not been interfered f with In any ny wa way b by an any of or the f complaining complain InS InS' prior appropriators appropriates f ff f of the wa waters of ot the creek I t. t Council last night authorizing the City Engineer to remove the weir In the b bpd bed d dof of oC Parleys Parley's creek near Twelfth South and Eleventh Ele East streets to a point west of ot where the Jordan and Sail Lake canal crosses crosse the creek and and Instruct- Instruct I ling lug ing the Land and Water Commissioner I to measure the waters vaters of the springs In allotting water to the primary owners owners own own- II ers era under the contract of exchange of oC waters I Citizens Enter Protest 1 A meeting o of Indignation and protest was hel held b by Eleventh w ward sard rd citizens at nt atthe atthe I the house meeting last night Bishop J I Robert Morris Mr 11 Beverley Deverle and Dr Ta Jaber hez Taylor laylor were delegated to work with the CIl City Council to se secure the le legal legal le- le gal water rights of the citizens of ot that ward C. C D. D Smith was i elected chairman and H. H Tuckett secretary The committee named above was appointed and a molion mo- mo lion ion was Wl made ade to lay Ul the matter before the City Council This motion was waR amended to the effect that a demand be made on the thc Council for tor a remedy at once In or order cr that the trees and vegI vegetation I elation be saved |