Show DAMAGE BY t THE FLOODS IN TEXAS Six Lives Reported Lost and an Railroads al roa s Are re Tied Up UpI Worse Than an Ever in Lone one Star State I DALLAS Tex July uly 31 The 31 The only ray of hope which penetrated the gloom of the flood Hood situation came from the weather reports which predicted fair skies rind th the tho fact tact that the Brazos river Is falling again at Waco Raiff Railways says are arc U tied d up worse than ever before In ht the history of ot the State General Pa Passenger A Agent Price of ot the International Great Grent Northern says that the actual damage to the roadbed will reach and th that t road is ls not the worst sufferer Six lives lo lost t was wa the total reported yesterday yesterday five five In the San Marcos valle valley and one at Wylle le t j jAn An accurate estimate of the losses is Js Impossible but with the damage e to railroads the drowning of ot live stock the washing away a of bridges bridge residences and business houses in addition to the dl damage ma mane c to cotton and other crops it Is If safe to say fla that will he be a n conser amount No n news has come from Crom the 00 to wood choppers who were cut oft off b by bythe bythe the flood Hood in Richland creek bottoms but it is not now thought that any lives lI were lost there |