Show I ONLY TATTOOED EYE MALIN AMERICA DESCRIBES RIBES REMARKABLE THE t. t OPERA OPERATION N I j Graf Gra ton a o. o i n of or PhiladelphIa stepped In Salt alt Salt Lake Lako ake a n. f hours fe today on his way Lothe to Lo the coast Th re a are arc re many tattooed ed edmen men in various arlous parts of or the country but Mr 1 Grafton Gratton is probably the thc only tattooed man or of his particular grade in all the Western estern hemisphere His is a class of ot tattooing that Is seldom seen and there here are perhaps less Jess than a dozen dozen dozen doz doz- en other persons In the world who are arc marked In Mr 1 Graf Graftons Grafton's tons ton's exclusive style I Several Se years ears ago while inspecting Inspecting- a n foundry near Philadelphia a a- a email fragment of metal was thrown throw rom a 0 apiece apiece piece of work and 10 lodged in Mr 11 Graftons Grafton's Grafton's Graftons Graf Graf- tons ton's left eyeball The metal was as re removed removed re- re moved mo from the eye ee which became badly ulcerated After careful treatment treatment treat treat- ment for several months the ulceration subsided but a marked marled opacity re remained re- re causing the appearance of ot a white spot which covered nearl I nearly one- one half the colored portion or iris of or the eye ec This disfigurement caused Mr oIl Grafton great Erent distress of mind as it I marred the appearance of the eye I lIe He consulted consult d man many of the best optical specialists in America but not one could offer an any suggestion for Cor the removal removal re re- re- re moval of ot the spot or could give him the least encouragement Two years ears ago he took a European tour with his family and while die in Paris consulted specialists there After Arter much search he found that a few similar cases had been successfully treated and the die dis disfigurement removed by a n novel nel el and exceedingly ex ex- cec delicate method of oC tattooing In an almost f futile hope of or relief Mr Grafton placed himself under a n specialists specialIsts specialIst's specialists specialist's special special- treatment and submitted to the operation with operation with the r result sult that at nt present present present pres pres- ent there Is no I e evidence 1 nce o of the blemish except on au the most careful examInation examina examIna- tion Since the operation the sight of th the e eye ee c has radIcal radically Improved The entire opaque area has been nicely charged ed with a tint the thc exact shade hade of oC the uninjured par portion lIon of or the Iris I Mr Grafton was waR the guest of ot a prominent prom prom- I physician yesterday who isho intro intro- du d him to a Co rel ram reporter Speaking of or the operation Mr Ir Grafton said The specialist after preparing for forthe forthe or orthe the the eye with witha a n 1 I 1 per cent solution of at cocaine after arter which he prepared a a. tte of oC mixed India ink and chemically pure lamp black Taking rakIng a small knife with a triangular triangular tri tri- angular point ho ho tIlled filled a grove groe on the side of the point with the coloring matter mat mat- ter He lie then marie made a number of ot In Incisions In- In cJ lons Into th the affected and urea as closel closely lo together as ihle The Tho cye cye- was and I was told to return In a n week At the end of ot the week I the operation was repeated ted I r 1 was tattooed twice and wa was under treatment a month at t the tho end of which time I was discharged as aa cured curel There was a remarkable chan p for tor the better and my eye ce was as good as 08 ever e The sl sight ht began to Improve and now the tattooed eye ee is is- at as good as Its mate |