Show Morris Park Results NEW Yh YORK Pacific K M May 7 Old stol ld England la 1 fresh e fr from the coast In the colors of r- r G. G rn n B. B Morris won the T Toboggan at odds d of i 15 5 to 1 a at Morris is park ans Some of the best sprinters in training were engaged engaged engaged en en- in this race Ballyhoo Bey wa was the favorite but performed O badly finishing a away ay back c in Pt the ruck k Results First race six furlongs furlongs Boo Bon Mot won l second Co Col Bill BUI third Time Second race the Withers mile selling selling- Dr Sr- Sr u Riddle ei won won Jack DG Be Mund second Rough Rider Rider- Time I Th Third rd ra race et the Larchmont last sever seven furlongs of Withers mile mile McDowell McDowell won won Grand Jand Opera second V Flying Buttress third Time fifi ir Water Boy wo won but was disqualified for r V Fourth race the Toboggan handicap Eclipse course Old course Old England won Arsenal second Cervera third Time 1 12 Fifth race four and a half furlongs Irish M Lad w won n. n Navasota second Rightful third Time lime seconds V Sixth raGe race the Withers mile handicap handicap- Kilogram won Carbuncle second Francesco Francesco Fran cesco third Time I |