Show 1 IM Y u SOCIAL DIARY 10 t t Po r K K K at sc at r. r K lit s i at K A DAY b tena with Cream ll tops lops Browned Potatoes U IC rn Cake Coffee Cofie r t K DINNER ear lear Consomme t i Corned Beef Beet y ige ge ge New Beets M Ii lB Boiled lt d Potatoes Ze tuce Salad K lad rid Pudding r ackers kers Chee Cheese e Coffee Corree p IP SUPPER SUFFER r B Baked ked Beans Y Cold Cd C d Meat ti tite S SIte Ite te JBrown Brown Bread II M Sice Pudding r Ic Tea iTea III 8 itS ra t at SSI K Ke e ot of Miss Mis Mabel ab l Ferguson Ie was wa l solemnized yeses yes- yes I rIdes rIde's es home on Fifth East dimly after fter the ceremony fO Duple P pe e left for New York I b S will I sail a for Glasgow onh spent m in m visiting Mr w return to make their t Frew jr r City F w where Mr Frew is o a pining man n was as guest of ot honor en yesterday yesterday by by Mrs Mrs l m. m r a ot of the Its annual banquet I sits ton on Thursday Ali w May iTi II a if wi Ibe tie be toastmaster In ln n ad- ad regular lIar members about Ill Ill- guests ts will iH b be Present S r r rl f l K Lev Is Lc is a and Mrs Charles Charlesa j pleasant want card rard part party yester- yester a a. il ile number n of theIr friends e rge iJ decorated with The tallies and score beautifUl rs paInted hand de de- I was won w-on by Mrs Wilbur Flagg tl the e consolation fell tell to Mrs W W. F F. James and ard the he lone lone hand hand prize was I awarded to Mrs S S. S V V. Shelp r r r Sirs Mrs G Gorge orge Silks and her daughter Addle who has beer attending college college- all winter have r returned turned Horn from California S r r Mrs John Lewis entertains at an informal In Inform Informal In- In form formal i l Kensington Kensington n to tomorrow tomorrow orrow afternoon Mrs E E. L L. Dodge e. who has been visiting vIsitIng visiting visit vIsit- ing Mrs Irs E E. S S. S and Mrs l W W. M M. Ferry for tor forthe forthe the past month has Ins left for her home in Michigan I r r r The year fourth-year normal class of ot the University of Utah will give glye a sheet and pillow case party Darty tom tomorrow evening inthe Inthe in inthe the kIndergarten room rooms j. j t l Ml bliss s Virginia Brown of ot Lehl Lehi and Joseph Jo Jo Joseph Joseph seph E E. Keate of ot Salt Lake were married yesterday at the home of ot Judge Morris Sommer The bride is well known In Lehl Lehi and the groom has a wide circle of ot friends s in this city r r r Mr and Mrs E E. L L. Carpenter entertained entertaIned entertained enter enter- informally at dinner last evening complimentary to Mrs R. R E E. Hoag of oP Ogden rr r Mrs Hanchett entertains the Third d Street club today reAt r I eAt bAt At the meeting df t f the tourist section of ot oth the Ladles Ladles' i s Literary a club u this h afternoon I with h Mrs s J. J T W Nelll Neill I Mr lr Woodmansee g e will J play Romance e by Jensen Jense and Suite bv by Brahms a s r r Mrs Mr J J. J H H. Rider is here from l the City of ot Mexico visiting her mother Mrs I Deal S r r Mrs John Montgomery entertaIns entertains entertains- on Thurs Thursday lay evening r The Daughters of ot the American Revolution Revolution tion will meet with Mrs S S. S W W. Morrison 32 Seventh East on Thursday May at 2 30 o clock o'clock S 55 Mrs Irs W G G. Sharp Shan and arid Miss 1 Ora Harkness Harkness Harkness Hark- Hark ness are back from New York a r r Mrs I Is s Edwin F Holmes will be hostess at the Country club Saturday afternoon which win will be visitors vIsitors' day da r Miss le E Thomas has returned from Seattle |