Show NO HARM TO 11 BUTTER Jury Decides s Bot Bracic c c Acid Case Contrary t to ta Expert Testimony I WEST CHESTER Pa May 7 J. J. J Morris Jon Jone s a prominent a-prominent creamery man of We Westgrove Who vho was prosecuted by the State Dairy and Food Commissioner Commissioner Commis Commis- for or us using ng aci acid in the preparation pre preparation pre gre- of butter was aas as acquitted of the charge in court Here ii ere re While the defend defendant nt acknowledged the use of six ounces to seventy five pounds of butter he contended contended con con- tended tended that that the am amount nt was so small as to be e perfectly h harmless to the human human human hu hu- hu- hu man system and he was borne out in inthis inthis inthis this contention by bythe the testimony of a number of loc I physicians ians The rhe he commonwealth commonwealth com corn produced several expert wit- wit ne ses to prove the contrary but the Jury appeared to give more noore weight t to the defences defence's testimony sU ony |