Show ADMIRAL SAMPSON lAS HAS PASSE AWAY SCHILEY ON SAMPSON t v f. f v v H H t J t lit WASHINGTON May 7 Ad Ad- Ad L H tit miral Schley today made the fol- fol V. V 8 lowing bowing statement regarding the tf death of Admiral S Sampson I 5 95 I r. r regret gret very much th the death H Ht t of Admiral Sampson and I sym- sym H t t t with his family No one It t if has ever heard hearl me utter one unIt unkind un- un V it kind word ab about ut him On account V V t of his death I have requested my my t ti i frien friends In Baltimore to postpone 8 H Ht l t the delivery to me which was in- in inQ Q I to harP taken talen t tnt tot to- to tf t night of the Cristobal Colon serVice service ser- ser serI I H vice of silver and they have acIf act ac- ac It If t ceded to my request H IP 5 tf V. V i I V. V bi l t t ft ft ft Washington May 6 Rear Admiral William T. T Sampson retired d died ded ed at athis athis athis his home oine in nun Uw city at a o o lOCK this afternoon The immediate cause of death was a severe cerebral hemor hemor- He had been in a semiconscious semiconscious semi con on- on state for several days At the bedside when the Admiral breathed his last were Mrs Sampson Mrs Cluverius the Admirals Admiral's married daughter Admiral Sampsons Sampson's two young sons Ralph and Harold Sampson Sampson Samp Samp- son Dr Dixon the attending physician physician physician cian and nurses and attendants Mrs Sampson has broken down lown under the severe ere strain and was quite ill Ili all during the lay day She suffered a slight accident four days ago while attending to the wishes of the Admiral and has been In bed nearly all time since She probably will not b bd able to attend the funeral services ARRANGING FOR FUNERAL The arr arrangements ts for for for- fortl tl the funeral of Admiral Sampson will not be completed until morning It has been suggested to Mrs Sampson that the naval academy at Annapolis would be the proper place for the last last- resting last resting place While other others friends frends have hav represented sent serit d to her that he should be buried in Arlington cemetery near this city ity Admiral l Sampson ampson resided resided re re- sided in Annapolis eight Y years yar ar during four of which he was superintendent of the academy there Mrs Sampson prefers prefers prefers pre pre- fers Annapolis but the matter will not be decided until tomorrow y MESSAGES OF CONDOLENCE A number of telegrams telegram and messages of condolence already have been re received received received re- re at the house among them one from Secretary Moody The death of Admiral Sampson oc occurring late in the day there has has- been no opportunity yet for lor any act acton action on by byth bythe bythe th the i Navy department for participation n nin in the funeral services Suitable representation representation representation will wili be made however including in in- in eluding a a. detachment of 01 blue Jackets and marines SKETCH OF HIS CARE CAREER R. R William Villiam Thomas Sampson Rear Ad Rear Ad miral U. U S. S N. N retired was born in Palmyra Palmyra Pal Pal- myra N. N Y February 9 1840 He was the son of James and Hannah Walker Sampson He Me was appointed to the navy September 24 1857 and graduated at the head of his his- class in the United States Naval academy in 1861 In 1899 1859 the Degree of ILL LI D. D was conferred upon n him by Harvard a rd university feri Admiral dm s s K was twice married the first time in 1863 1883 to Margaret Sexton Aldrich the second time in 1882 to Elizabeth SU an WAS ON THE PATAPSCO He was promoted to master in 1861 1561 was commissioned commissioned- Lieutenant in July 1862 Admiral Sampson was executive officer of ol the ironclad Patapsco when It was blown up by the mine in Charleston harbor he was blown into the water but rescued Pe On July 25 1866 he was s alE appointed Lieu Lieu- tenant Commander a on August 9 9 9 1874 1 Commander a Captain In MardI 1889 and s superintendent t of the Naval academy w from o 1886 1888 to 1890 I SERVED IN ALL BRANCHES He lie has seen service in all branches o of the navy was an expert on ordnance and anc torpedoes and with Joseph Imposed Strauss pao turrets devised f l Introduced and r l perfected into tn the the e s superImposed superImposed super super- navy r In 1898 he presided over the board of Inquiry in inquiry inquiry in- in as to the cause of the destruction of the United States Maine in Havana harbor February 15 15 1898 After the declaration of war with Spain he commanded the North Atlantic squadron squad squad- ron with the rank of ot acting Rear Admiral He was promoted to to the rank of Commodore Commodore Commodore Commo Commo- dore in 1898 and R Rear r Admiral In 1899 In Inthe Inthe Inthe the Spanish-American Spanish war warhis his comm command nd numbered vessels vesselS the the strongest ever everi captured organized i d many for yh hostile Spanish s purposes merchant i n h this vessels ers fleet flee n nand and blockade runners and finally defeated the Spanish fleet under under- Cervera COMMISSIONER TO CUBA In InS S September 1898 Sampson Sampson was was was was-ap appointed appointed ap- ap pointed one of the three commissioners to Cuba and arid resumed command of the the- the North North Atlantic squadron in December 1893 1898 On 14 11 1899 was appointed ap ap- ap- ap pointed d comman commandant ani Boston n navy vy yard |