Show JOCKEY LUCIEN LUCIE LYNEA LYNE LYNEA A RISING RIDER Coming Weight Light-Weight Makes Agreement Agree- Agree meat ment to Ride Bide for Pugh Next Season Jocke Jockey Lucien Lyne regarded as as one of the coming weight light-weight Jockeys In the tite West will viii ride ride- for tor Joe Pughs Pugh's stable next season says the Cincin nati natt Commercial Tribune Pugh has been negotiating with Lyne for some time and while a contract between the owner and the Jockey has not yet been closed It Is understood that Lyne has given Pugh his word to ride ilde for him It has been reported that Lyne was under contract to J J. J W WY V. V Schorr the Memphis horseman but this this' do does s not seem to be the case Lyne Is the son eon of ot Sandford Lyne the Lexington I Ky y del and has made quite a a. record tec on the turf during the past year past year Ills JUs riding riding- was one of the features of ot local racing last fall Jo Jockey Jokey key L L. Jackson wa a Pughs Pugh's rider last year but Jackson has j-as been se secured secured se- se cured by Henry M 1st Ziegler gl r of ot this city J I for tor next Season |