Show STOCKS DULL AND HEAVY IN NEWYORK V only a few exceptions today price NEW YORK Feb With Wih H.-Wih downward the opening dealing Colorado 1 fraction in Sut downward a un uniform tracton shares selling wide at 18 18 down to 18 18 I cOlpa was und under r special 1 pressure 1 the weakest weakest-at at the opening which were re The stocks stocks' j jered with ith 18 last night rally w as offset by at new points point T but their oset ered somewhat raIl T and new losses occurred of or two poin- poin list downward again nEW turned the entire e Colorado ft entre Southern first preferred and 1 to 1 In the second preferred Gt Gre Northern preferred Amalgamated Copper and American Smelting Smelling until a demand for Manhattan and featureless 0 Trading T-ading was dull dul and prominent prominent- specialties revived interest slightly In t the t general geneal market market pj Price much from the lowest Manha not riot vary lowest the railroad stocks however did n lowest and Metropolitan Amalgamated Copper c cand advanced d 1 from from the Gu and the Colorado S Southern othern stocks about abut a a. point Renewed selling of ot 68 to the lowest and there tere were I losses under mated Copp Copper at noon put it under to 2 4 4 in Northwestern and Glucose preferred d. d Bends were irregular V on a report repot that the collection 0 of ci The market rallied quite vigorously a coleton tax on call cal loans was to be be further considered Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Southern p in the rally The market became quiet a ax and St. St Paul were were vere conspicuous raly easier Bull x operators bought the stocks offered on the decline and ad bid for t a. a causing Bul an an immediate and substantial rally raly Baltimore Ohio Sugar Sou Sau em ern Railway hallway Halway preferred Rock Island and Southern Pacific were the most wa above yesterdays yesterday's close wiTh wIEH Sugar leading Comp and sold from 1 to 2 a 21 cose recoveries were made by all al of the Colorado Southern stocks and ad the te com comand cen cm net gains Amalgamated became an and second preferred had good fractional gain becee less demand for tor the tractions ti there was ratio on a narrow range and Colorado Southern Southern second preferred ps rose 1 over last lat night Prices g went som somewhat what higher and then reacted The closing was wa dull dun a i f rather heavy Close Atchison 77 Rock Island Pennsylvania Sugar L. L 10 Erie 40 7 B. B 0 O. Union Pacific 10 Reading ea ng 57 Texas Texa R preferred 40 Atchison 42 Western Uni Union n 91 Win Wisconsin Central V f erred 9 98 United d States tates Steel 44 4 United States aes steel preferred 91 M A Ante Je rit V mated r Copper 68 Anaconda 32 South Southern rn Railway 34 Southern Southern Souther Eai Ri preferred 97 Missouri Pacific B. B R. R T. T 62 63 Manhattan mi M Missour C. C G. G W. W 24 T. T C politan polan Peoples People's Gas N. N Y Central I. I r rl l t. t Paul |