Show i iI KINDLY WORDS I t FROM NEIGHBORS comIng cOming com com- latest paper Is the The Telegram dally daily Ing ng to this office It Is an evening by The Telegram Publishing published Itis Is a neat attractive attractive attractive at at- of Salt Lake It company and the newsy paper the people of Salt sau generous support of success Lake We Ve wish The Telegram Mal Malad ad City Ida Enterprise Telegram Is anew a 0 anew Lake Evening The Salt which made Its appearance appearance appear appear- dally daily new paper and sheet ance last week It Is a newsy patronage patronage- In this ought to receive good with news section as it reaches here morning pa pa- than the later tu twelve elve hours pers Moab Moab Times The Telegram Salt Lakes Lake's LakeS Lake'S new evenIng even even- well with news Ing paper Is snappy Y written mitten and well edited It Is certainly and is descrYIng deserving deserving descrY descrY- filling a long felt want with which it is meetIng meet meet- ing of the success Ing Tintic Tintic Miner evening The Salt Lake Lako Telegram an published at Salt Lake I dally daily newspaper Publishing company company com corn City by The Telegram received at this office offic been pany has newspaper newspaper newSpaper newS newS- news news- an evening The Telegram being ten hours later news paper it brings than any other Salt S lt Lake newspaper AssocIated Associated Asso Asso- except the News It has a good elated Press news service and Is A very attractive an and neat Journal It is the same size of the other other Salt Lake City Cit The Telegram is In Independent Independent in- in papers In politics dependent We wish the new venture plenty of success and a long life life life-Chal- Challis Challis Chal- Chal lis Ida Messenger The Salt Lake Telegram a a 3 new ness evening even even- evening ing journal published at Salt Lake City has been oen received hv by by the Sentinel The Inc LU has been oen received hv by by the Sentinel Inc LU new journal pr presents a neat appearance Is original In make up Independent nt politically po po- 11 tI cally and Is filled tilled with good news matter William M. M Butler formerly of pf the Cincinnati Gazette is the publisher pub pub- Usher lisher and Dr Goldsmith Bernard West late of the Washington D. D C. C Times is editor It is a cent 3 paper and promises promises promises prom prom- to be a leading factor In Salt Lake journalism Eureka Nev Sentinel We heartily welcome The Salt Lake T Telegram legram to our exchange table table as be beIng being being be- be ing among the very best dailies dallies published published published pub pub- East or West Its editorials are brief briet timely and on subjects of ot current issue The selection of Its news and the up make of the paper en entitles it to a welcome elcome with the reading Rex Rexburg Rex Rex- burg Ida Current A new dally daily paper has been launched in Salt Lake and promises to fill till the field in In a thorough and satisfactory manner Since the change In management management manage manage- management ment of the Tribune that paper has been controlled In its policy from Washington Wash Wasl- ington which was resented by the bythe the party party party par par- ty leaders of Utah hence the birth of the new paper In editorial news and appearance The Telegram is much I ahead of the Tribune and indications are that the new new paper will have a hearty support Caldwell Ida News Salt Lake has a new daily dally paper ItIs It Itis Itis is The Salt Lake T Telegram legram the first number of which was wa issued on February February Feb Feb- eb- eb 1st The Telegram issues every afternoon except Sunday it is understood understood understood under under- stood stood from from the Tribune building although al al- though the management disclaims dis any tny ny co connection with that paper Tle subscription subscription subscription sub sub- price is seven dollars per year or three cents per copy It is a little on i ith the th sensational order but appears bright and newsy It has the best wishes of the Advocate St. St St. George Ad Ad- |