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Show OYERTHEWIRES' The Decision In the De Waldeo Divorce Suit. SATOLM'8 VISIT TU SIJBBASK . A ConQtct B:tn:tn Women Cmsadsts and Siloon Kstpirs. Tim i' t. in i Tiuti, run iv. A Call lor n toutenllan f Snnltiirii livimor.-ljin Slaklliislu !(, liONDO.'f, March 11. I.ndy Illnucho conllnucd her teitlnicuy tolay lu thu Howard Do Wa'deti suit. Hho tcstl-floj tcstl-floj that btfure going tu ltournemouth tu ten her child, sho stsyed nt her reildouco In Yorkshire. C'-unt Jean DeMadre was also Iherr, but she dlJ not glvehlm tho nimeof the hotel at which she projwicJ stopplnp. The count hnd, rerliuis. seen herod'on the train at tho Waterloo station. TI u lount Jiau dined with her only ouco at llotirneniouth. Hhe hnd Hot seen him sluru 1601. Duly lllanchu conoluJed her testlruuny and the cuo was cloud, the Jury after only n fiw minutes UilUcrstloH arrived al tho verllit that I.iJy lllanche was not guilty of adultery, and Hut Lord Frcirtlik Howard Du Weldcii wss guilty ol cruelty. Judgo Jeiiue In puisusniu nf this verdict therefore, pronounced his decision granting a Judicial separation sep-aration to l.ady Itlanchn from Inr husband, Iird Fredtrlrd; also granting costs tu her iaJyetilp and ulau awarding her ladjshlp thu custody cus-tody of their sou. |