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Show CATTIiLMKN'S COSUUKSS. htcikmcn of tho Mist (Jrratlr Inter-ottd Inter-ottd lu tlm Coming (.'unit (.'un-it mice. Tho cattlemen of Halt I.akr, of the Territory nnd the intlro West ore manifesting a good deal ot Interest In Ihe c -ruing usttleuieu's tougtcss to convene nt Ogden ou April iM-Mod. A copy of Iho following circular has been sent broadcast throughout llio Wtsl by Secretary Armitrougi Tliosocond arnual meeting of tho ln lor-iuoiiutalil riloek llriMven' ii4noiatinii will bo hold ut Ogden, Ulah, .ill Iho JDth, il.l illld yj.1 of April, 1PU.I, This orgunl. tulon lucliiilos In lu uienlbi mlilp Illo arm k gruwi,rs nod lumdlors und loml lliu Mock uisorUlioni. IlaterrltoryromprluM all tho ai'ito nnd territories won of tho MliuhMlppI und MIoiirl rlutib. 1 nli-Juts nli-Juts aru lucouceuinitii tlio Ktrougth aud UlllUilllO of ill! tlio llvo Htutlt Inioroits loi inllliial aid and protection, and sikIj miilii rs as markois, iniutportailon, tango regulations a general regis or of brands, with moans uf Intor-ioui. mimical!. mi for tlio roonrory ot stray took, uud dotectlug and preeutlug llu Main a pari f Its ik i i I lit". Iho iIlev nf Hi,- . n ujiiioii la broad nnil liberal. It nut onii ,' II doors tn all iiersons, but In ntl mm lulosor asMiolstlons who are In any way connected with any branrti of tho urnwlngunil liAlidllng of llvealo-k Wfl not only make It KMibl,, bin wn Impo io msku It rtitt6ery and profttabln fur each and all to Join us and share In ttin benefits of our work. Our rirt meeting wan at Oden lau A rll SH-30tli, and m well nllvnileil by reprtasntallios from nil recllon from the Missouri rhir lo iho 1'aeino ooatt. Wo are aiiured by many wuiuitinloa' tlons that tbo corning seeslou will tie much larger In numbers and mnro Important Im-portant In Ihe practical work, a llioio are many linpnrlnut malters to be mini Jernd nnd regitlsltkl. 'llieaitialt stock grower and lb, Inierots nro to lie as carefully considered aud protected as Iho larger one. 'Iho meeting of tho lrsniMlssl-a1ppl congroM nt Ogden on ttin Jl h io tho SOih of April adds vi ry milch In Ihe luimrl-anco luimrl-anco nnd oppnrtiinliy nr our session which will cln-o lis work on llintard, leninglts ineuiliers fr tn alien 1 Hut congrms. It has been decided by Ihe fxtcutlvft rninmltiio (hat each and nil Iriomliors of this nasuclH Inn, as wr 11 as all delegatos shall lo admitted and entitled en-titled io u voice In thu iiexlacsnlou to be helilasabovo stated. You aro tkurnforo Invited lo attend. |