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Show Jitiiics of rosltillli's (InncJ The ltoxburg, Idnliu Irtti of March 10th eayt "Tliu following letter hat bieu recultcd! Washluglon, I) C , I eb 29, 1603 Blr I'ho poslmaater geiierul I ua i r. din I n chatt,uof lltuiainis if lhu icstolllces In llinglumc inly, Idaliti, usrollowi ICilntiick to ItexhurgKiid thu relunlloii of Marj M IHunsiOkl. master, la I ir to Lewlsvlllu nnd te tuition uf J nuns M I owdcr, pnslnias. let, llerry to Willord, aud litentiou of Charles A. fJordou, osimaaler ' It has Jon,; be n a source ot great annoyance to Ihu business Interests 1 1 tliu leoplotohavud laluamte, and wu aru gltl thu china" las bueu male Wu uru lean I that lion Hui ator Dubois has taken sj murli lutoreat lu thu matter as lo securu thu cluiiu at tblatlme lhus the last vcitlguol lit rtmaluaof thu old null Mormon iarty Is removed" , |