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Show lM &111 uu. Dr. 'I " ''' 'll,,r,ll',l,' ' cliiro on Hint MilJ '' ni tin' Mtiilrnw' Mice j l.'l Me lit. Atllio Minimis' Hncletjr lst oven-log, oven-log, Dr. Krl O. Mer delivered a blklily iniltuetUe lecture which in Uncurl to with wrstt attention. Ilia aullact w "Lxce'ilor," which ihi urJ Mi father k'b hlw, lio nli), wlitiilm o trey, una tula hliulj Uto It l" ' moll". I rt-TH u la tlio Itctutv, banuTrr. Urotttrr i-t" Uobluaoii locltuxl An luio'ibiiKdiKttho funeral of Jullu U.'ir,auil WAiwormlj at laudtel at M i Olcmlolln Ijtwla favonil tho uJltu a vltl inualiai ultcttun hlcli wot much b recinltcl. I),, llaeirr continue I 111 nilOrcit lir lillnK tlinljlliu we-M oxculalor nan tint la loUiu lueaiil it. tun I Ulcatiiinir, trutli. mluf, lionor, iutriirity, oer, ,.iij ImowluJtoaiiJ Intiillicencv, nun 10 attaint ,,lllB i"Ik in tiiulr unty I .Dll (uliiiuatliiulil tu our aim null I tlcct. VVuniity not caniiUtrly urnvn .iiuoJullbl mil lu thla worlJ, Imt U wf3 irotfrtaaauct continue In that H innhtr.otur, lu an ouwarJ march to V intcttui Ho mi nil met llieee II lOiDR'i l" ,fllJ Itcauiu ho whlieil I ) rDCiuraga tin' JWIIK Nlu M iudJid n they err, lunuy U it thruii uikm tlm llirtaliul J of lift ana H lONuuiluility, to Unvo lor thu kcoJ H auu bruuliful and nil thai n to make H up a it vi tt wrll fntuririit!ii lllr. H llawl.liecl to lmfit iiihiii tliu lunula H 01 all tho Ittilwrtauce ol doing uvi ry. H IlilUjWtll. iatr l aauruli. What H liaxtul? Oue that cuuuta lor nothluK H Urauie li cannot bo eifiivtiu'e I on, jH wli io courau la downward and cot -M uivard. Ho knowa not wlmt tlm H mrd cxeelaior mmiia. You will find H lilm on the atrnt tmoklner, or In tho B taluoii drinking, carcutlhK aud wulln H away bla lid, nn J ln licea neutrally H vbeie only scrubs lolttr nua tonifra H (!K,and uch aro tliry who uaually H break thu Bitbballi an I calcetu lignily H I oljr and aacreU thlux Do not ba n LH icrul; avoid reading traaliy lunula atij B literaium. Stiver end iour tlino In H tpluulug filth) yarn and ttorlea, tlila H it whatacrub, do tH Ilia lecturer (aid lio might go on H rocullonlOK mauy thlu&a cf thlt M aaiuie bot tbo tutjtot waa not M a iluaaint ono to lontemplatv. lio JM w ulJ turn to tho ojcjite. ((nlii lie a iiiahtvr wotkmaii lu wtiaivviryou H uo JSevvr bo content to taka tho ruar H rauk lu what Vuiatlou ycu huvu H cu cu, forito ahead and Jeavo liiltr H luilty Uhludyou Nomnttir wliethtr j jjuare a lariuor, u ineilmnlc, or a H rultaiUuil m in, or v. hutoTuryod aro H -all rutr uraulta arc uact&aur In H Uo ituai liouaehold ot liuiuuully. Do Hj lolboa acrub lu your lluo ot work. jH oo tanuot nlloid to be. llecomo a H jatteruiii whatoTir jounrr, lo you a H nuibaud or a wlfi,a fit! or or a nioUii r, fM urn or daughter, alater or brothir, Tn cltliin lu an) capaoity you tuy ba n called to nit. lie tho beat B Whatu klorloua work ol an duca flHI tl tal ami iter al tharaoltr wu aro HkI iLKuned In lutbeeolalUrilHil What 1 o(iiuiiuultlta you buve, juuui; (uojlu H that are born nil I ralnJU hero H anions Iho advaulnjrta that ur MB round ul Hero tho arcaWr kV eiumcraled thi many ndnntaea for ft nlTameniontuud duTrlopeuienl to bt kw ubtaluid 111 tho varloualuiiruTcrueiit WM aawciatlonf, Huu lay acnoola, day Hfl Kliools, LliUtrli imoola, etc. 1 lit) fjH uuj ioilo and othna that could Miroalvlrod to roakblho tet of tueie optoriuulllaa If they allowed rlvl. le4ei that t oy could make uis ol to alio ly inreltialy and uuliteduJ, auoner or later lu tlielr llvoa they would niilet It. fdirni wailed 0 jKir-luulllfl jKir-luulllfl would beoouie coala of tire on tlalr utnda and their iltep I urna lu old ago would OiUao much i aln and Butlor-luK. Butlor-luK. lako thu u.oit o( every chance that you havt. riiuijtnitr remembered chanctahu had aliowtil lo alli by In lili uitly da) i, lio leit that nad hu maju uto ol tl em they woulJ Imvu been ot Kltul advaulai,u to lilm nuny limn In hit life alnco, but they weroKoue forevei, i o inatler liow hard hu longed foi them, they weioLunelorever Lojk or uu 1 j ou, to id the hlitiry of the pan; profli uy itssjiu buforo jjii Wo read ol berota, marlyra to Menu, art, rtllgloii and to thu hiKhtr iuulltlea that men pot-ins. pot-ins. Miu aid women wbo lmvu ii i n u u tianuardui nitra ol truth and rlgtiteouiueaj. fheao aru bifuru you t'ir tub their ivumi loand lalxira lio an aitlatlu jour work, lljvoan Ideal aa the urtlil doei), and a goodoue. Iho n an who has no Idial dotauol know whit exrelalor l ) viij nun and nounn ihould, llko thu unlit, hme In thilr mill I'a iju n ttaulllul Utalli work lo, lint your rourae may letowardalho hljhcaiuxcililor motto ui lluually, (iud hie revinlod liwi that II wo will Hvolu accordance wliu thorn will In tino to ua heillh, lonkuvltj at d ilrenttli that our bodltainay boa 111 ali de for the Uudllko and oitrnal spirit Ibitdwill) In them How al out those Hint corrur t tliclr I "din by amoklugiilrlnklugaud liuv. Ins In an atmoilure that la (olluted morally aud physically; What la their IjuiiT ou lauuot teu It lor to-tacco to-tacco tun k Ur Mntur ipoku of tho Israilltu lw they tut tried Irooi their JKlptlau londaiju by Iho iower ul U d through thu Imlrumeutullly of Moia tho iirvaut of Uod, how Uod foldel, fed mil luiliuciiu lltaiuoilu "r many jeara that HomlKhtcou. tlouo with them, but they were not Muttlij ol Kill (.nut and glorioua I'l'llegr, aid when thoy enmo to flountrJiualand tho Iiord told them lo loino up to thu mount that He night sptak to thim, thoy were '"aid um aall Moios will go up an I will make a femuurouudiliu mount odwhooever shall to Imideol that, J It tun or beaat aivu It bo thee, u lll ila,"tut tl iro Is no liucunnuiid Jlouot Hliml now. u i, Uou removed re-moved and wu iu climb to thu ton ol ' mouutalii Ifwu will and there jommuiia with Jihob. Ihla Is our J illoy as tho peoplo of UoJ. Dr. er hopid that wu would llvo up cHX I""" i Kl tho word ex. it . wi ntuiiily luMiw aa a motto lec oied by Invoking thobluailu.s of uod upon tl oio present ihobtnidlctlou waa pronounced by .l .,'"' u,lor wUhti nieetlogad. journodforonowiel |