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Show (ilil Intllsii .Nji.tc. If the ml man luvl given as nothing clio thiui cornlireail and hominy ho would buo heatowetl tm lite Auierii an white mnu an incalculable Imuu. Hut he hs ghen iu alto an inexhaustible suppl) of names, mostly iiii.sn.iil noil nlw .i)s illfft cent from thoso in any vtlinr lialt of the world Oil this supply of numes we ahtinld draw on till uciualon jKiajilbhi win n anew tiwn or mouutnin ia to be cbrlati'tied Tho IndUn iiauies have n iioetic or legendary slgniflcntio.., Tlir) should be faithfully preaerted, If fornoothtr reason thnu that they constitute con-stitute a source of Information as to the history of n fast tniilshlug )npl. Vit, with nil thtHiouoUo ludinn uatnt4) at hand, there I it ttndeiu to drop them altogether nml giro to American towns borrowed Rngllil. names, nl renily duplicated do.us uf times, and which aro ulasnlnUly meanlnsles In United State history. Tho outrage Is cen ierpetratetl of reheptlilug u town and changing Its beautiful ild lndlau uiiuie to n Ilritish oim. Mniuo has bcin especially guilty lu this respect. Toit-luitd Toit-luitd Itself, tho largest city in tho state, wns t rlglnsll) an Indian Ill.igo calM Cauco. Tho nauiowa it musical and striking one. Then fur sumo rnwun the name of Ihe plnco was changed to Mach-lgouno. Mach-lgouno. jironouucetl Mathlgon, also an India., liauie, not ao minimi as the first one. but sttll au uriginil uppclljtiou. Machigonna it ahuuld li.it e bit n left, but nol A DrltWt word lind to lie tsikul to tbo lieauilful towub) sum. liod) who had exceedingly bml tjj.li., and it was bnptlaed 0.114 more, this ttmo to lu called rnlmoulh. Bnt the )ople ot t he place had become nert ous lu tin lr minds on tho subject of numet by litis time, and ouco moro renamed the clt), this tune onlllug it l'ortlaml It ma) ti n. narked that theie aruut 1 resent thirty Portlands lu tho United Htates. Worse still, a few 11.110 out ot rortlnnd was n tillago called Saccit-raia, Saccit-raia, whero is a fine wattr uer. The S..U10 lminla for lno inlnrtlem ilritlth Lames has chaugid bacciani.t into Wolliroo!t. bitch thnugc nro outrage on the urtiitlo seme Kuplho fiuotill Inll.ui names. Tlioy haye a history uud u.can something |