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Show CflAZV HORSE3. ITas lb. lilfklix Male Tlila Mrltee lie. aerltiaa ln..i.. Inannltv atnoiig animals Is not com inonniidwe achloin hear anything twill obuiit U. but hlirre Is not nitieli untibt that thomlndanf animals, like tliamlmla of human beings, bocnino ilemiiged. That the) haieinlmls, aiiilsomuofthem minds suar1or to t)io of muiio men, no pcraou w liubtwifU acquainted with thein will illfimte. I unco bought n tpan cf 3 ycttr-old colts, well matchetl (extept ns tu iHilnr) well broken and lery kind Mid iileosaiit to w ork Tliey wore I ho beet honw team for working In tho woods gtttlug mil logn I over aaw. Up to Ilia ago uf 10 years they had no vlrw, but then one of them (a snrnd mare), when plowing In the spring of the jour, commenced kicking while turuiii, ut the comers, although tho whtflletreeii were not allowed to hit her heals. 81n ill t so without any provocation Wo intungori to use her until tin riuiiig work was done and wo iuui inuncM h lying. As I di 1 all the mow lug myself, I knew ixactl how alio wui IiindUd and lmw alio W luted cu the niHi litne). TheinuMcr wastin easy cut ting mm, the kiihos were slmrii, the i,niM stood nji well ami the meadow wnr-suiuitli. wnr-suiuitli. Inn hurt time alltr tliei who httclxat up sho commenced thrententng to kick yjery tlmo they tunwl at tlie nds. It was not lung Uforo alio would maha otic ii-urot lie!, with both feci and then go on lull cuongh to tho next turn, win nihil lib k would Ihi repented Hho carried hereon Uick all tho time her eves formtl to project farther ont of her head, tin v were kept wide utKti and lheroirns n glnnof flirceuess lu them which I had iieieroleirvedl fotx. At length, wlthont any proiucttlou whntuier, she tointm nual Licking with grm.- fury and kii.t It up without Inur-lilliidou Inur-lilliidou until she nail broken tbo donbb whlllletreu ami uneof the single outs and nnly stopped from cxhuttstlon ut strength. As she luidnovcr kicked cm n wagij wo commenced drawing In liny with her In tho afternoon, and she liehaieil lerywcn for a load or two, nnlil wi tamo mar tho place whnre she hid klclcil cm lho mnchino in the fun noon and then she klckeil with tcrritlnlo-lonco tcrritlnlo-lonco for four nr 111 o mtuntes until she lull VLkeil tho whlfUetree from the wngou, and tho breeching from her harueen, and then, when her strength was exhu tt ted, alio threw herself down ui er tho tongno of tho wngon unit to thonnirtliorso and hid with her fit I f tlckln ; np tn cr It as if dead, I sold her to a man m ho knew her chnracter, and site was taken so far nway that I never heard from lit r lifter ward. I'rom lho great chnngo Hint Hidden))' took llscoiu her dlapoalttui at nil ago when horses piinclplea nud habits nro vupiMMeil to lie lixed, 1 Ium no doubt that sho was lusatio, with lucid interials. The famous Kngllali horso Urusnder which John H Harcy snlkliital, u probably Inaano. Ho ) loldel tu llhrc) sttiierlor knowloilgo anl power, as n mailman ) lelds to his strong keeper, but ho could not lio safely tiandlod by others J. V. Ingham in i'.urul Xow Vorker. CroM two straight sticks four feet lour; at uu anglo cf CO dega. Till fonns the legs end Iwdy. rostcn to the end of the shortir arms of tho cross an other stick U) feet long for tho arms and add a piece 2 feet long for Urn pine Hsnd split rattan Into a circle uiid fasten to ton of srluufor tho head. Tho whole v. Ill bo about four feet high and Is to be col ercd with (Kiper llko an other kite. |