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Show THE NKW I-. 8. MAItMIAU Jlr. I. A, Urti'on Hill Knlcr Vpon Ills llullra On or About (Ictolirr 1I. roslmMler Irvlnt; A. Itenton, the newlyappolnttd U. B. Marshal for Utah, paid a visit to tho petilltullary tbli luorulnff, nccorapanlod by the retiring ninnhal, Mr. 1'.. II. IVnoni. Ho went over tho entire building, and msdo hliuelf thoroughly ncfjualnted wild the I resent ulllon of alfajra there Upon bis return, at 2 p.m., lie was icon by a Ti'kwh rcpruenta. tlvr, and niked ai to his futuro laus. Mil thla H)lut Mr. Uenton wsa somewhat recrvbd say-loir say-loir that he preferred to cot Into liar-bits liar-bits Ufore uiaklnit known anything apreilnlnlnit to cbaDpeicrclhotwIie In tbo Ue arttnciit. Ilohlnmlf lias not ncelved from Wsflilligton any olllclal nntlflcrdl n of bis npadutmiiit to the Marthslshlp tut a private dispatch dis-patch lias (rallied Mm Informing; III in of tho amo, and In corroboration ol tho tatelilciil prsvlouily male In tho newrlr tirtsa. Mr. Denton thinks It proUlIc that his commmlou from thu l'rtsldcut will arrive about Wednesday next, and as soon after that as ho qualities and fur-nlihra fur-nlihra Ms londs lie Intends to tako holdnf thotifllclal relnr. Ily OctoUr 1st thuliow tosrihal liopts to India-clmritluK India-clmritluK tbo duties of bis port. As to Mr. llentonrucnsor as tho head of the local poetofllco, nuthlut; Is 'of courrv yet known. It Is certain, however, that thero aro sculps or atpllcanlsalriaily III tbu Held. Tho namo 01 Mr. A. H. Nali Is very prominently mentioned. This Kentle-man, Kentle-man, who u been Mr. Ilenton's iliputytn the twetolllcu for tho last two and a half yearn, i fuimerlyTir-rltorlal fuimerlyTir-rltorlal librarian and statistician, upon resigning which io.lllon,to enter upoii iioatal work, ho wns succeeded by Mr. Llprmiau. Mr. Naslils iiillu pulsr lierv, and his poeslble selection for the liodrnaitershlp Is regarded with considerable con-siderable favor by bis many friends. |