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Show DISCA8E IN POULTRY. A Siiccl-MMl Inollry Woman's Suseet llunM fur lu I revcnlluu 1'nnny l'lcl 1, who has nindo n succosi of imnltry, has rlso w rltten n book on tho mibjoct, in wlildi slio pajsi If )our fowls nro to "winUjllko" thutjoutnmt bo nlwajsbraeliithcm up Willi clilckiu po ilcrs, jmstes jiilli illxlra and tonics of nil torts, bettor lit Hum dlo or kill them at onco nn I lm o dono wilh It. Lone oxperlenco in tho rro of poultry lias coiivlucid aio that I ro) r fo,,l di Ink nt Par t -"111 i wltlistiiu attention to tho nam nti eon ditlonof tho htmio mid surrounding will almost if not quito bnnlslt discmo from the poultry )nl Ikrosroeomonf theproventlioiiieas- ' un-i snjrosUlt (Ijiunl nal t ilaniptiiHtt' If tlu pi ico k lectwl for n licmltry bousu bo tut will drained naturally, ilralu it lyortlflcl.il luethyls nnd nlwn) s lrco tho cooiM for littlo ohliks on the driest tpotof gnmn Int )ouriiimti an 1 In nil mw poiiltr) houjw, nnd especially those that nro Irailt Into lu tho fall there Is n cood ileal of iiioUturo which ooun s fnnii tho ground, mid whlrh, when the ltorso Is cltne.1, ns it must bo 111 ml kwonth-r shows Itself In frost or dam nes on tin ceiling anil nil's I)r), Mtitllito tLU natural moisture out of tho house befuto tho fowls nn put in Beo thnt your poultry houses nnd chicken eoops nro will letilllalcxl ith out oxioslnu the occupants to the d mki r of slwi Int; In drafts of nlr Kelp tho jionltr) house, the ard, tho chicken coops mid orcrythinp; nlmtit them clem flury inornliiK t)riuk!u souio nbsorbint, Or) earth, land btsti r or coal nf.li muoiir trxicsl ni-lies) oiei tho droptini(i iimler tho rooit; nnd ns of ti n ns once n week reinoro the drop plntts from tho hotise Every ejiriiuj and fnll, nn 1 ouco ftt lenst in inidsutnmcr (ofteni r If tome i-ontngloan ponltry ills i-aso Is provident In your immediate iie!ghlorliood), n litlewwh tho inside of tho isjnltry lionso thoroughly Whin Loutitglous poultry dlwtna it in-isint nuiDiiiC )our tlix-k or ainonj: those of near iiilglibors aso wmio disinfectant d illy about tho lioutos, ) nnht mid tdl 1 Ian is lunch fntiiitil by tho fowls until nil dangi r is lst. Olio of the best llsinfi-rtniita Is prepnrr-1 by nddlng two oniumif carbolic nom to tkrea ipinrts if watur. Anothirftoorl disinfectant I. initio b) ills A ing tlirsrd inunds of cop turns In lUo gall lis if water, nnd Hi n uddlii lulf it (Int of crude csrlsilla mid Bprinkle tho disinfectant nlxjut li) means of u common watering Jut wltliu llnenoxsle hen tho fuwls nro confined to yards njortlonof tlio)ard thoulj boipadul or ploweil up every neck during warm weather Chicken coops slioul I bo cleaned and whituMiished whuiterer n no7 fnuiil) of i hicks is moved In, mil tlie) must b; Inoveil nnd tlio droppiugn tcrunod awn) often enough to jroiont foul od in A fur end i cleansing t ninklethe ground with n hiudiulof ulrtlackeiUliuonnl then throw nn n tliuiclful rf sand, gravel or dryeaitli before tho iix,pls luoveil Kick Keep fowls nnd chicks free from lice Avoid orowdina rood only fresh wholosomo feel mid keep purolwatir w lu ro tho fon U can hnvn it nt nlH lines Keep n supi 1) of f ruvil cliircohl un I cnialieil o)tter thells or limo in sino eliipewhcrolheviiiu help tlienjuihes Kenr breeil fioiu unluallh) fowls ilavo n building or room Apart from tlio general quirtim where suk fowls can i bo confined and treated nwn) from tin rest of tho llock lion strauiro fowls aro brought uiioti tho premiees, no uiai ter If thoy coino from tlio )arls of the 'best breeders," kicp thorn oiirt from tlio rest of the flue k until )ou aro euro they nro free from disease. tiro lluaslati. Galvanized Iron ought not to bo ued In making entols for Horlun hone) V. hat inaltcs this melal rcuiain bright I i becauto it is g-adunlly being cateu nwa). Tho zlni laten otvnj niton tho homy Of courso inn largo ilxscl thu imintlty that inters tho homy is to nunll In i rutiortlon to tho mnoitut cl lioney tiuii il is not icrceptlble. lint it is objeetionablo i nly lu u listened ile gree, occoul rig to'llio Iiockiciiers Iti liow, from whiih tho following Iteun monlso(leaTudi relf hiiersilace.1 in front of tho oil hito 1 1 such a manner that the woikiug boos pass through tie Idler while on their wa) to and frou tho h(o Rive primlseof cutchitu full twarnis. 'Hie troublo Willi the old kind Is that mm y , of tho I cea letum to the old cutranr, I rriinto nllon-ed u swarm to raise no brooil furn peticsl of tilucl) six ihns. At tho ou 1 of this tlmo (Aug. SI) tin I bets wiro nllowol to renr mid hntili brootl Contrary to his expectntlous they wlntired well nnd on May Su ero n fair colon) . Narrow bottom bars (one halt o-threo-cli,htbs inch) cauio tlio li to bulll lliilr loiubs clear down nnd nt 'och tho comba to the bottom Uirs. II dj,.) 31,11,. Aecordllig to latest information tho ntinrfes of tlii'gjpsy moth, whh.li lmo excllcd such gnat iippreluuslo i amon' eastern agriculturists, ufpeur to nave liten greatl) checked 'Iho moth was intiodtticd into this (omitr) 1 iiuinto-ini iiuinto-ini loglst, wl o pirmlttwl two nr thno to sciii from n few r-iH-clmcnt brou(,ht mcrfrom (Jtrnun). In 3(asachusctta ittprcadoiir twinty tonnshlis, bnt u gOMiiimiut LOiniulsslou nipomted for I tho puriiuHO is sal 1 to h mi nliontlitnluil Ita further progress. Itifisttxl tcrritor) was guarded b) jiollcc and matiyineii nudteania wero cinploje,! It tprajing trots with pirls gre-u, etc, llteje luotlia nro itetrlbiHt as ilcstrti)lug thrubs, lines and inn grats In lito Held Iufettel orch irils ni pear burned as b) lire Iho moths inirenso with i normoiis ra idil) , mi for so enl wiuks andtraiel rnpldl). I rom tho last ro-wrt ro-wrt of Br. Llntmr, of Now York, It np-lieiini np-lieiini that 1 o does not look upon il o moth ns to formidable an enemy as it was nt Unit feared tint It might be. |