Show L Deaths EARL J. J BLACKBURN Earl Jefferson Blackburn 40 n a resident of 01 Delta died in ir a 11 local hospital Friday Krida a at p p. p m m. m of ot nephritis He lie entered th Ch hospital on September 20 ZOo Mr Blackburn WAS born In Lou Loll Wayne Warn coty August 19 1893 and spent hit his boyd boyr boyhood boy boy- hood d days there He lie was n a world war r vet vet- oman cran For r trl the last 20 sears r he had lived In Delta where he be engaged in an end And sheep growing Surviving are his widow Mrs Juanita hawley y Blackburn IH n e d u HOPS Hope cL burn two torn tom Jay Paul Faul and Vincent Blackburn Black Black- burn all nU of or Delta Delia his 1115 mother sirs Mrs M. M D D. Blackburn a of f Salt 1 Lake Lake- seven sisters Mr Mrs B. B W. W Black c of ol ir eb Cal Mrs U o orl rl J JJohnson Johnson JOhnon of oX Portland Ore Mn Mrs O. O P. P Pinkerton Pink Pink- erton Mrs Mu J. J H. H Clarke Clare Myrtle lone lona ou and I JessIe Blackburn and OD one brother Jack Jac BI Blackburn all of Salt Lake rII td j Funeral arrangements e not been ben completed com corn Friday THOMAS THOMAS' M. M McLELLAND ND Thomas M. M Mcl 77 27 a former r res rest rest- de dent oo of Salt Lake i died Friday at his I home In Venice Cal according to word nord received receive In Silt Salt Lake Mr Sir was wa born In the Se Seventh I L. L D D. S S. S ward In Salt Lake on June JUDe 7 1356 and 1 had lived here for many years He wu was ec g th the son of Thomas and Elizabeth MeLd MeLd- e land In 1887 1881 h ha hJ wu wai Wa married to KAtherine Taylor In the tue old I D D. S. S endowment o house Surviving I are h Ills widow Id n a son Marshal Marshall g j two daughters Mrs Harry Harr Nicklin and Miss Harriet McLelland of VenIce VenIce Ven yen Ice lee three sisters Sarah M M. McLelland Emee Erne Eme- line M. M Lisle and ona Rachel M K stayner ncr of Salt Sal Lake e and J seven y n. n grandchildren i c ld The Th body wUl will b be brought roush to Salt Lake fo for funeral and burial WILLIAM RUFUS SMITH Sl LOGAN William Rufus Smith 53 52 died dle-d at his hll home In Grace Idaho Friday after a alone lone illness ll lie v was s born In City December r 7 l a II ton eon of Samuel and nd Fr Frances N. N In In- rn ren Smith He Is tr by his widow Mrs Mn May M Smith san and nine e sons and daugh daugh- ten tees 1 Kr Mrs Vera Thomas Thoma Turner Idaho Marion Rufus Hufus Opal AlGa Alda ld Everett AUe fi and Geraldine OI Smith L Grace Idaho a brother and three sisters Everett Smith an and Mrs Mn Beatrice lAnce Smithfield Mrs C C. C W. W Power Fomen and Mrs su Ell BilL Je Jensen en b a f s Funeral services will be ba conducted Sund Sunday Sunday Sun Sun- d day at Bt noon la in the Grace Orace Idaho L S. L. L D. D Sward S G. 3 ward chapel with bur burial al In thi tbt city cemetery under the direction of ot th the 5 li Sons Mortuary company i t SEWELl I S ol C ok m of Samuel Sylvester And Leone Lcou Elizabeth smith Sr of n Bun place died In a 11 local hospital Friday Iday at 11 C GO 0 P P. P m rn An n autopsy will be performed SAturday SAtur- SAtur day clay morning to determine the cause causa o of death deah The child was wan born in Salt Bait Lake Lak t ft September i 5 S. 1033 1633 and is survived y by ne her Iwo brothers Samuel S Jr S an and Leslie Graham S SewelL weil and a grand nand m mother Mrs Bell Smith Graveside Me funeral e services r were wre conducted ion eon ducted Saturday aJ at 3 S p. p m. m In the Tailors Taylora- vOle villa cemetery ROSECRANS' ROSECRANS EFFIE L. L Word rd en here of V roL een Lre rg ela tI th the death of Mrs fa EXile Effle L. L Rosecrans 14 7 a former resident 01 of O Osden Oden den which occurred at Bt her home recently In ill Los Angeles She Sho Shew w wea a 11 resident of and vicinity about 45 years making her hea home most of that time m In and Fl Five o Points PoInt She was waa a member of the Ogden First Baptist church cb L S Surviving are two daughter and and a ion eon Ray Rai Los Angeles Mr Mrs Helen I i u. u Wetzel ze Yerka Cat a and Mrs MK Ruth c Funeral service and Interment took k pl place c cIn In Los Angeles i PhILIP PHILIP HUBER JR 18 I OGDEN PhiliP Slither Huber uber Jr 4 son Ion of Philip KilUp nod Lily Huber ot of Mountain u I Green died Friday at 6 a. a m. m 1 In a local hospital Tho child WM was born here January 24 24 1823 The mother died In August Autus 1932 i Surviving are th the the father r the grandparents Mr i W. W O. O Littleton Little LIttle- ton and Conray Huber of 01 ot Otter r Rock Ore and the great grandmother Lh r. r Mrs Ura Harriet t. t L td Clawson Stoddard e eThe charge of The erd mortuary U ii In funeral arrangements INFANT HESS BRIGHAM CITY CITY CITY-A A daughter barn Toes TUel- day morning moraine to Mr and Mrs DesireR Hew Hess of this city eHy 1 Wed at a local hospital and wes WI Interred In the elt city cemetery Thursday evening The The father fathe of the child chUd Is In Los LOJ Angeles are aro arl tt the e parents and aad nd two brothers Robert and Ind Ralph Ues JE JENNIE IE SOMMERVILLE ERO BROWN yun-ral yun for Mrs Mr Jennine Jennine Jen- Jen nine Brown wife of Charles Charle Brown Drown will be conducted Sunday at P. P m. m In wi lh the I U D. D S 8 Third d dc ward r chapel chanel f Interment t wilt will tl be ln In Od ogden n c city cemetery t r drel r of 0 the te L rk ft h Sons mO moru mor- mor u I 5 he f I |