Show Members rs of Bridal Party Are Honored With Tea Saturday Miss Hostess to Group 1 I Miss Mary entertained at a tea Saturday afternoon at nt her home in Federal Heights in anticipation of the marriage marrage of ot Miss Mis Juliet Julet Browne and Ch Charles rles A. A A Boynton Byton which will wi take place November 22 in the St St. Marks Mark's cathedral cathedral St Fifty Fity members of the younger social so so- so cial cal set sc were received between 4 and 6 p. p m. m by Miss Mica Ml- Ml Miss Mis Browne Mrs E E. M. M and Miss Mis Mary Catherine Catherne McGurrin of San Francisco Fran Fra- Fra Fracisco cisco who has ha arrived to be an at attendant at the nuptials Presiding at the tea table were Miss Hildegarde Thompson Tompson Miss Mis' Mis Florence Mi Story Miss Genevieve Bird and Mrs Rufus A. A Tracy Trac Jr Jl Miss Mi Dorothy Lynch was wa in charge of the dining room room I The tea table was covered with a alace alace wa wIh lace cloth and centered with an old fashioned brides bride's bouquet of white roses Debutante blue satin ribbons tied tie with lovers' lovers knots extended from the center bouquet to t blue princess prncess tapers in silver sIver holders at the four corners of the table Miss Mi Lynch will wi be hostess hostes at t a 1 dinner dinner din din- ner ncr party party- Saturday evening at the Alta AIm Alt club cub for the members of the bridal brda party including besides beide the bride and bridegroom Miss Mis Hilde Hide Hildegarde garde Thompson Miss Mi Florence Story Miss Lynch and Miss Mary Catherine Catherne McGurrin Kuno Doerr Jr will wl be best man man |