OCR Text |
Show Toia alii holiday corals Just arrled; ,V) ere enl. less than Mijhody at Hie Halt I.aku Kqultable Co-op., SO and 1,2 Market How. He sure nud seethe beautiful lino of To; a at the Halt Lake 1 quilahlu Coop, Co-op, before iiurchusfng tUewheic; UU and m MnrUl How, l'u lo Drugs Johnson, l'ratt Co, .ten I (nejlo tlbleei. lealm. The Union l'aulilo lu cmnectlon Willi tho Htago Lino has of nei-l a new i laissenger linn to AH. Ion, Idaho, via MiiilJoko. In doing thla thedlstuicu by tdaite ll loiiuoed la twenty-eight lul'ea between Mlnldokiiniid Alnlonns ur-alnet sixty inllen lo twi en Helton nnd Albion, aul thu iiu-senger fare In reIU(eeltoS12 II Irom Hill Lake und lln.tK) from Og ten, In winter weather, eaiclall) , Ihla Is cry be DC tlclal to tho Iravclliigpulllo. dalStli I low i im i ni The onl) Mlc ui . r, 111,1 n, 1,,,., f r nlait) or ( me, Hi - , ,. ' "la-verelle" OI.Mll) I'.ll,, ,"X gmdually reeluee Ihe wt lKht and mZ, ur; meat No li Jury or Ir 0. nv. 1,1, Umeanownukita act- by nlewi. tloti ' riils euro la rounded upon Ihe most sclinliflo ptlucllea, aul lias i,(t, llaoj Ir ono PI II, ,nt luilie, I I'liyalclana ir r,iron In hl invio pranlce "for ten yiars," wlih Ir o iuilgralir)lngreeulls Mr. Henr) l'erklna. I , Talk, 1! slon, wrlt.el I'riui the is. uf Hm, "I.cvcntle" Obselly I'm, -weight ha, Uen iiMinel tn, ,,,, ' In Ihieo weeks and my kencral hinith In very nun h Impnveii. The 1 nn 1. plee if yeur trealnu 1,1 are fully , ,. dnmvl bv my famll) r(li)., im,. In proof of myKralltndi I here wlih oh you iirmlsslon Ionic my iinuie II u dealleiouoeii." Trleo t;.(li 1 er n,-lae or Ilia ratkan forft.lMby i.lstcred nu I All orders rup lied dim 1 Irom 1 ur edUee. rieLrvinrTrr HMCeio Co, "10 Wnshluriluii Hi., Host, 11, Mali, dillo You want In maan n Lhr'dmas present pres-ent nnd don't know what t lor. Here you nro. flet a gull iniuntel erlvor)-haudle Whip or a ulro warm Huggy Hobe at Htudeiaskerllr w., Main Htlect. All prices Alld cheap. D U Y HOME MA D E Llnsoy Sliootinc, Ulanlcottt, Flnnnols, , Hostory, ate. j JOHN C. CUTLER & DRO., No, 30 Mnln Stroot, L Dll. J.TllOMAe, HURIIKUN I)PXTIT. J No. 10 Main Hlrect, All work guar' A anleed. Aiirrslhetlca adiulnlslerej. II irlenda aud I atrons Invited. .1 ' All Appeepelale Mnlhlar I'tasnil : Would tainneof thosoixcellont Huggy Huge, l'rlces irom $i.no up at HitiniiiAKm linos. 1 lll JUIIIX A io' j Hpcclal Blllcoh Tollit andsiltrnund Hcourlng tioni. A Utah l'rmluctlon. yorpale In prlnclial retail stores. l'u re Drugs Johnson, Pratt k Co , IS Main Ht. ' ' I'uro Druga Johnion, l'ratt Jr. Ca, S2 Main Ht; (I00.I hewa to tho allllcled. Threa who are eurfelted Willi the cost and iifelessiiesaordrues had llter sccurs "Dr. Hall'a Health I'am hleh" rrlcoJIOO. Ocorge (loddard Agent. 3 Dr. Iliirrowe, Oculist, Aurlst anddp. tlclsn. HtAchanttl. Commtrclal Hlock. h.inieltileK Nei." Ituuneta for Hugglea, Carta nr Da. livery Wagons, the tin at elfect tliln yel. Hleltha-Hnail Hody and 1' rt-ell rt-ell I Cutters, ami re Hue line rfllu. glee, at Hu'DKiiti. 1. 11 IIium. If you aie minting ct rnasinc a Christmas I'rrsent, I uy something useful na well aa pretty. I.st ua name a gold mounted Hugey Vhl,crn ileli wnrm Huggy ltnl,e;au eteeanl aa-ort loenlat liw 1 ilitaatHtuilebakcr llroa., fry MalnHtliel. U Miner. H 1 urniTT i.ifv riuTTiir am At. HI lemenri ul 11 -I lli-llers r s ml era O0111 snj-hi 1 l,lJall. r(li , VJJ Ns tlaai 1 -run Mmsi , 1 FsurusrrVI 1S4 1 7 ,1, k, u I , 1 1 slors Ihe 11 nun, " el, I I'l 1 1 1 1 I fait Uletllr.Jaansrr lib 1-2 ' ' 1 .rOufladnccuientsareticUerUiubutf I Wa will assise Itis I XI I Ixll s OKI, If I losaii iee 1 1 hurst irn s i 1 em an. w IIHI'SMII I SMII V Xllltl lis II i ,e )srt el thu Irrril (s eo ,1 HI iHt no oilier. Ie 1 Sett lti 1 - r I Mil ii,Aili'AiJe;ariiiLi.BriUheo ljuj R NOTICE OF STUCKIIULJLRS' MEEIINQ. VTOTKr 11 lliiirur it. to Al 0 ake II lea, e.rrar. II , a I ,1 I rasellla-ol hanin h 1,1a (Ite ll II I ll neai, iTru-IUoi 1 u nun s lluivpsne, llai k es 11 ti-p oe I, aaa IS Kj I I Tee pla Ureal, Sal I its , 111, I'lsh III o'elnek neon, Moe Is,, eoliranrr Ita, 1-t,li lite t unities nt reanslnx Arc la t Ita Atllclws tl In ,ri, mllon It I 0 SI a s unmiiuel Die , is ir metis ilolnrtea 11 1) sb I lor u li 1 ibsr business ss in, 1 1 sa aatlakecil LUti Jauusr Ulh, V1 niiruuii Moiiwu r. I (IsokuR It CAVaoN.Caeller. 014 Baking Powdere I TJ1 in Millions of Homes .;o Years tlic Standard. I A I'uro Cream of To rtnr Tow dor. I Suptrlor to every other known. Delicious Calic ciud Pastry, Liglit Flnlty Biscuit, I Griddle Cakes, Palatable aud Wholesome. M No otlicr baUing pow dcr docs sttcb t ork. Utah Book & Stationery Co., 72 Main St., Salt Lake City. TOYS, OFFICE SUPPLir.S, SCHOOL BOOKS, ETC., Wholcs-ilo and llotall, DUNCAN M, MoALLlSTCR, Manauer. |