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Show ' A WHITE H00SK 0CAHD. CAPTAtH DEN9MORC9 PCCUUR CHARGE AT THE CAPITOL. II U-r04 lh rrtl1ral-The Man Wli Unti lHtwftn 111 ri.lrf 1 irr.lli nit th Uritpon ( Imf KlMl r.nMcl trh- Hit ltlXnty, Of tho thoinwnds who weekly rtnltthe txetutiro maniQii n t one tU to ask 1 who the tall, heavily built iuaii is stand Ing either clwe by the prmklent l leor hovering npsr lilin.and few forget, when once told, that "bo's Captain PfMtnorV It Is a Mnfeachntetts citizen that 1ms In Ms keeping the infttv of President Har ilson and of the Wblto Ilonw famll). HH Dnemore, the "captain, (whe Is oftener calleil, in an Important rsob Age In the White lloiisv economy The clinrgo committwl to him I no light ono. Thelifoof the president of tho Unitrl htates, while not n thorny ns that of the Rueklan ctar, woul lnt bo worth a roif t-f frost bitten peach trees If one or two cf the people who think they have grnlges Agdnt him could gt wiihla rango of the f resident, HrtrdlynwwV jawes but threatening letters mo received re-ceived fhui cranks and person who Lrefltho out intimidations nnl promise swift en$iDOo. ThM aro at once ma le Captain DVnsmor jmierty. If I the crank is from Washington li Ken I erally knows hltni If not, he wmhi mikes i himself ncqnatntetl with tiionwled in fonnatlon Pensmore wmi to know cranks by Instinct, and none gt further than the door cr the restlbnlea. Then he coates and man ig till the crAnk or tho bitter iTeon with a wrong In Ids eye haves, rends In ft carl or write a note, which never reaches th president, who Is thus left with but Httloknowb idgo of the annoyances au 1 dangers at funding him dally. WIIITB HOtB OUAllW. The White IIoumi, during Iliyes ad ministration, found Its guard demoral Ixed. Diium re, who was a markeu man by this time, was snt fur. Jte resigned re-signed fro u the police foroo nnd went to Akslst in gnarding tho lives c f pntUcnts. I'rora that ttumuti ho hai lwi) nt the mansion almoet contlnuilly. During CloVtUnds adiulnistralton hn retlgnel an 1 went to Mawachusetts to look nflet the interests of a fitchburj firm, During Dur-ing that time ho touk up a residence la the LUy Bulo, whtroho is still a vottr. When Ilsrriwn tame toWaehlngton beforn tlm laanuratlon Air, Densmore was sent for and requested to aftume I charge of President llirilsou, justns he hal of ChneUnd at his inaiuuriition. Although ttlll In tho employ of the 1 itchburg hou" , he contented to re main till tho Inauguration t ov r Prior to March 4 tho llfo t( the prcI duiUl.ct Is a tnatttrof lolicitude. and cvtry danger I g'-w" Il R tU None, not even tho hotel sertanln. Is alliwcd to enter tho pr oldent's apirtments until DtiiMuore Iim luokeil him over and pro-nouncod pro-nouncod him hamilees. After tho Inau-(irallonthticAptutn Inau-(irallonthticAptutn remalnolns fiut and guile ft r a few diyi, and later, nt the urgent request of tho family, he assumed as-sumed his old position m chltf guardlaa of the prtshlent'a life aud the rampart between the family and an enviuos pub lie. When tho president leaves his office for npubllo reception In thn East room the tall man Is close At his tldo. He lint looked over all tho people, and satlMleU himself there Is no snsplclous characters lu the house. Then he tills up one pocket with a beautiful pistol, and the crowd files singly elthir bvtwten him nnd the president, to whom he ptrfnrms the In trod uct Ions, or by him first, and then tho president, as they stand side by side. A CONSTANT WATCH. Dcnpinore has his eyo on every onoj on hands for suspicions movements, and on faces for any token of danger, while on tho other aide of the lino Is another guard who keeps hU ej es open also, nnd tlm i resident takes it nil without u wink. Sometimes queer things happen nt re ceptions, and I eople seem to think Cup-tain Cup-tain Dcnsmore mut be some rclattre or ut least a high olUclal. One old man pot out the door after seeing tlmpnM dent, came back, an 1 Insisted on shaking the vice president s hand Immediately after Inauguration, and during the first two years of an adiulnts tr.it Ion, a president's life Is always held to bo in greatfkt danger. Captain Dtnsmore himself Is not on station at night ut the V,oue, but Is lu charge of alt arrangements, uud is particular par-ticular that the most muscular men shall bo ut tho door. Tor the m in who itts that the prtsldout'a sleep is undis-tuibcdlelus undis-tuibcdlelus ticked out the strongest nnd Clint ipeclmi u of mauhood ou the Washington polite force. lu tho grounds thu watchmen are under un-der his eye, an 1 th night men hute luiruud that It doesu'tdo to in gleet duty or run chances by taking a imp, for Captain IVnimoro is ni likely to bo standing under tho shadow of u troont midnight or to wulk into tholittlo guard housti at 3 u luck u, nt , as ho is to bo ou hand promptly nt 0 the nuxt morning i l-jr tho first culler. OuUl le the grounds he is not supposod to attend tlw l resident unluas rtNjueted, Jt h is 1hm)U his cuftom, howew r, to act nseecorts to trains uu 1 be ou hand for the i nident's arrival, blnce dnrfleld's duuth tho captalu has ueer fallal lu this, U-c.iuo ho feels that If, as ha 1 In en his habit previously, hn had only gone to tho station w Uh Uarflel 1 Unltenu 1 coul lnenr hale shot tho pn.sUh.ut. Do ton Ulobo, |